And there he stands, impaled and bound to the platform. She has
been gone for what seems like hours and every time he tries to take the
weight off his arms or shift in place he's prevented by the plug from
moving more than a few inches. His mind races as his legs start to
tremble on the 5 1/2 inch heels. It had taken all of his willpower to
suppress the feeling of panic that washed over him when she had
explained the situation he had gotten himself into, then had abruptly
left. Now he feels it creeping back as his breath quickens and he tries
to find a way to relieve the tension on his arms. He feels as if she'll
never return and begins to moan as he squirms in place.
The sound of the deadbolt being thrown on the front door hits him like
a shot of adrenaline and she sweeps into the room faster than he can
stop struggling. He sees another person behind her and it takes a
moment to realize that it's her friend from the club.
She stops just inside the door and planting her hands on her hips, asks
"Going somewhere?"
With the harness/gag secured to the pole in front of him, he can barely
shake his head no.
She looks to her friend and asks, "Well, what you think?"
Her friend laughs and replies, "We'll have to put her through some
tests, but I'm sure she'll work out."
Her heart races in her chest as she approaches him smiling. Seeing the
look of fear and worry in his eyes she wrinkles her face into a mock
"Poor baby, you're not worried are you? Don't be afraid, things don't
need to be that bad." She looks over her shoulder to her friend and
asks, "Wanna help me get this bitch into her work uniform?"
Her friend claps her hands together with a smile as she nods the
affirmative. He tries to shake his head no but with the gag strapped to
the pole it becomes a mere wiggle. As she moved towards him, he loses
it and begins begging and pleading into the gag, trying to explain that
this is all too much for him.
Hearing his pleas and ignoring them she steps directly in front of him
and slaps his face hard. Smiling as she is rewarded with a moment of
stunned silence. This she uses to grab his balls with a gloved hand and
squeeze. She pulls herself close and he can see the anger in her eyes
as she hisses through clenched teeth.
"Are you trying to embarrass me again goddamit? I thought we had
discussed this before I left. Have you already forgotten that you're no
longer allowed to speak? Maybe I should leave you right where you are
for a couple more hours and give you time to think about it?"
Turning away from him, she motions for her friend to come over.
Removing the pin that holds the plug in place, she lets the post drop-
down into the platform and then unlocks his ankles. She continues to
release him while her friend stands a few feet back and stares. Before
removing the gag she waves a finger in his face as a silent reminder
that he is not to speak. His elbows still tied behind his back she
helps him down off the platform, then immediately pushes him to his
Grabbing a clip she connects his bound hands to his ankle cuffs then
tells him simply, "Head down, eyes on the floor." then exits the room,
her friend in tow.
As he kneels there on the floor he listens intently for a sign that she
may be still in the room. He is thankful to be off the platform, but
now his knees begin to ache. Not to mention the fact that he is just
plain scared, almost terrified, and it is all he can do to maintain his
composure. Lifting his head and looking around the room has eyes stop
on the front door and he wonders if he could make it. But where then?
Shaking his head as he tests his bonds he quickly realizes that he
couldn't even stand if he wanted to. He turns his gaze back to the
floor just in time for there return. He feels the clip being removed at
his ankles but at the same time a leash is clipped to his collar. He
barely has time to react as he's pulled up on his feet. Wearing 5 1/2
inch heels with his arms bound behind him he struggles desperately to
keep up as she pulls him into the guest bedroom.
When the leash runs out of slack on the way there, she jerks him
forward and barks, "Hurry up bitch!"
Yet it's all he can do to stay on his feet. Once there she clips the
leash to an overhead line which she then pulls taut, forcing him to
stare up at the ceiling.
His stomach rolls with nervous fear as he hears them moving about the
room. Then he feels the straps removed from his elbows and his wrist
cuffs released, however his hands are immediately brought in front of
him and the overhead line that was on his collar is moved to his hands.
As his bound hands are pulled up he nervously looks around the room but
sees nothing out of the ordinary. He cranes his head around but is told
to look forward as he hears her approach him from behind. He feels a
hood pulled over his head as he's plunged momentarily into darkness.
Dark that is, until straightened so he can see out eyeholes. He can
remember this hood and he starts to whimper slightly. Then he can feel
her fingers at his ear, pressing a wax plug into it first one than the
other. As she does this her friend has moved around in front of him and
is slipping a thick black collar around his neck and pressing the snaps
from the bottom of the hood into the snaps around the inside of the
He begins to shake slightly, then not being able to take anymore he
says "Please mistress..."
But is interrupted by her voice coming from the plug in his left ear.
"Quiet! Okay, we'll go over this one more time."
The slight echo he hears disappears as she snaps the padded flaps over
his ears and now he was only left with the sound of his breathing. He
then feels the posture collar bite beneath his jaw line as the posture
collar is drawn tight.
Her voice again, "Unless you're asked a direct question which can't be
answered by a simple yes or no, you are not allowed to speak."
His heart sinks as he feels a padlock pushed shut on the collar. He's
told to open his mouth and a relatively small spongy gag is pushed in.
As she pulls the mouth zipper closed she says, "I have much more severe
gags that you could find yourself wearing for days at a time if you
feel the need to speak. Lying bitch slaves should be seen and not
He feels his maid uniform unzipped and slipped down him along with the
petticoat. As his corset is untied he can feel another pair of hands
removing his shoes, then garters and pulling his fishnets off.
He feels a different corset slipped around his waist. It feels like
rubber but he can't quite get a look at it due to the restriction of
the collar.
"Curious are we?" She asks. He nods yes. "We'll go over your new rules
and restrictions once we're finished, but I guess I could explain a few
He feels the lace is drawn tight and gathered at the small of his back.
He lets out a gasp as the corset is drawn even tighter around him. She
continues into his earpiece...
"This dear is a latex corset. This one is just for starters, that is
until we order a properly fitted one that will bring you down to where
I want your waist to be."
After she ties off the corset he feels her fumbling with something else
at the back. Then through her microphone he hears the unmistakable
sound of 1 then another padlock closing.
"Of course it padlocks in place, just like your new one will. I decided
to go with latex for your entire uniform because of the length of time
you'll be in them. Remember, unless you're in the shower this is what
you'll be wearing. Which means you'll be wearing this anywhere from 36
to 48 hours a time."
Latex stockings are rolled up his legs and he feels the garters
attached. He flinches a little when he feels something cold press at
his ass. A hand is placed on his shoulder and he hears her say "relax"
into his earpiece. The plug slips into place and he feels a belt
tighten around his waist. His sex is slipped into a latex pouch
connected to the front of the belt, then drawn back by two thin steel
chains. These are threaded through the base of the plug and are locked
in place behind him. He then feels hands at his feet, slipping them
into a pair of very high heels. The hands linger at the ankle straps
and although he tries, the posture collar prevents him from being able
to see. His earpiece clicks to life.
"Those heels are a full six inches without platform. It might take some
time for you to get used to them, but you'll have plenty of time. Of
course the ankle straps padlock. Now, I've got to let your hands free
and I expect you to be on your best behavior."
Once his hands are free she slips a latex maid uniform over his head as
he teeters on the heels. Once the uniform is in place she slips a wide
leather belt around the smallest point of his waist, then runs a strap
from this belt to the back of his collar, pulling his head back. He's
told to put his arms at his sides and soft leather cuffs are placed
just above his elbow and locked, connected by about 2 feet of fine
chain. He's then grabbed by the shoulders and turned so that he's
facing her then told to sit on the end of the bed.
Standing there in front of him, arms crossed and looking as if deep in
thought before turning her attention back to him. He sees her lips move
as his earpiece crackles to life.
"Now then, lets me go over your present situation but before I start
let me say that I am considering another option but there's some things
I need to hash out. Chances are the terms of this option will be
influenced by my opinion of you at the time, so it would be in your
best interest to please me. Also be aware that this option will only be
offered once, if at all.
"Now, about where you stand with me right now. You were warned
repeatedly about being honest and yet you lied in an attempt to avoid
the minimum two months service we had agreed upon. You have been told
that your misdeeds come back to you threefold and as a result you now
needed to serve a minimum of six months. And yet only days later, fully
aware of what was expected of you as well as the consequences, you lied
to me no less than three times. All of these in which could only be an
attempt to avoid what was now six months of service.
"As I see it I'm being lenient by calling it all one lie and only
extending your service out to 18 months. Your employer was gracious
enough to provide you three months of severance pay after which you can
collect six months of unemployment insurance. If unemployment doesn't
pay your bills, we will figure something out. Therefore, we know your
schedule for at least the next nine months.
"You will report here on Monday at noon and you will serve until Friday
noon. If you're ever late you'll serve an extra week for every hour. If
for any reason you need to deviate from this just let me know and it
won't be a problem as long as you have a valid reason. Needless to say,
another lie and you could find yourself in service for many years to
come. The same goes for trying to break our agreement. As a matter of
fact if you even ask about changing our agreement, we'll simply start
the 18 months over again.
"You are not allowed to speak and any excessive noise we'll simply
result in a larger gag. You will be dressed properly and maintain
proper appearance at all times. You will no longer be on a regular
sleep schedule. You will be allowed to sleep an hour or two at a time
when instructed to do so, and you'll sleep in full uniform. Every 36 to
48 hours you'll be given one-hour to relieve yourself, wash yourself,
clean your uniform and get dressed again. Your breaks will be the last
five minutes of every hour. With this you can use the bathroom or just
get off your feet. When not on break you'll be actively working or
standing and waiting instruction. If you're ever late coming off break
or are found on break at any time other than the last five minutes of
the hour, we'll simply go on taking one break every two hours.
"There'll be plenty to keep you busy and your responsibilities will
include all of the laundry that is sorting, washing, drying, and
folding. You will do the dusting, vacuuming, floor scrubbing. You will
cook and serve all of the meals as well as cleanup afterwards. The
slightest mistake will be dealt with harshly. Any hint of disobedience
or frustration will be punished to the extreme."
She then orders him to stand and he balances precariously on the heels,
as much from their height as from his own head spinning. Her voice is
in his ear again.
"If you were allowed to speak I would have you thank my friend here for
what you're wearing, she was kind enough to donate what she had. Now
then, we have a bit of business to discuss so go on and make yourself
busy. If you can't find something that should be done you're not
looking hard enough. You could ask me, but I think you may not like my
And with that he minced out of the room and towards the kitchen. He
felt weirdly disconnected from his body. He was terrified and yet
somehow he maintained his composure, perhaps from the shock of the
whole situation. Even worse was the fact that he was the vaguely
excited at some primal level and even though he would run if he could,
he felt his confined sex stir.
No sooner had he stepped into the kitchen does he hear the speaker in
his ear crackle to life. "You'll need to make us coffee."
Then again the deafening silence. The restriction of how he's dressed
is already starting to get to him as he gets the coffee ready. He
realizes that he doesn't know how her friend takes her coffee, so he
finds a tray so that he can bring cream and sugar to them along with
the coffee. His thoughts race through his head and the coffee is done
before he knows it. He pours 2 cups and sets them on a tray along with
the cream and sugar, then takes as deep of a breath as the corset will
allow and walks into the living room with the tray.
He finds them sitting on the couch with a bunch of legal papers strewn
before them and he begins to wonder what exactly they are doing. Tray
in hand, he carefully sets each cup of coffee down then sets the tray
with the cream and sugar in an open spot on the table. He can see her
watching him closely as he sets each item down and before he can turn
to leave she holds a finger in the air, signaling for him to wait. Her
friend holds a paper in hand and appears to be explaining something to
her; of course all he can hear is the sound of his breath echoing in
his plugged ears. The look on her face as she held her finger up to him
made him nervous. She looks displeased and he looked around for what he
could've done wrong.
She can see him fidget as he stands there out of the corner of her eye
and when her friend is done, she turns to him as she turns her headset
on. Folding her hands in front of her she speaks calmly and evenly into
the microphone.
"Shouldn't you be standing at attention? And by that I mean feet
together, hands folded, and eyes forward."
She watches him struggle to stand still and straight, then takes note
of how the restriction already seems to be affecting him.
She speaks into the microphone, "I want you to take a close look at the
tray you just brought to us. On it you'll see a ring from one of the
cups as well as loose sugar from when you filled the bowl. I want you
to pick the tray up and step over here, clear of the table."
The stomach churns as he bends down and picks the tray up, being
careful not to spill the cream. Holding the tray in front of him he
works his way to the side of the table nearest her but clear of all the
papers and waits, arms outstretched. Again her voice fills his head.
"It's the little mistakes like that that are going to do you in." And
with that she casually pushes the tray out of his hands and onto the
floor where the sugar bowl and the creamer shatter.
"Now I want you to pick the tray up, clean it off and bring us some
fresh cream and sugar. Then when you're done with that you can clean up
this mess, and you can bet that those broken dishes are coming out of
your ass."
Then with the wave of her hand she dismissed him, and turned back to
her friend as if nothing had happened.
He stands there shaking slightly, unsure how to react for a moment.
Then he minces forward to get the tray and quickly realizes that he
can't just bend over and grab it. Between the constriction of corset,
the collar, the height of the heels and the chain connecting his elbows
he finds the only way he can reach it is to bend at the knees while
keeping his back straight. Looking at the clock as he steps into the
kitchen, he realizes that he's been dressed like this for less than an
hour. Already the sound of his breath in his ears is making him
claustrophobic, even though he can't seem to catch his breath through
the corset and it feels like his ribs are being crushed.
He thinks to himself, "I've got to get out of here. I'm not going
anywhere like this, but first chance I get... I've just got to maintain
for now."
Filling a new sugar bowl and creamer, he once again carries the tray
out to them. Upon setting it on the table she announces that her friend
takes her coffee black just like her, and that the tray will only take
up space. Then she motions for him to take it away.
He returns to the kitchen tray in hands and sets it on the counter.
Letting out an audible sigh he grabs a mop and broom and begins working
on the mess that was made. As he does he hears her voice click in his
head again, even toned and businesslike.
"I'll be going to bed soon and it appears we will have an overnight
visitor. So when you're finished with that mess, I want you to prepare
the guestroom and turn down the beds. Let's see, it's 10:00 PM now so
I'm going to allow you a 2 hour sleep break from 1 AM to 3 AM. Don't
worry; I'll probably give you another one sometime after breakfast
tomorrow. Let me remind you that other than that, the only time I
should see you at rest is the last five minutes of every hour. The
kitchen is your first main project and I'm sure you can keep busy.
After all, there's the refrigerator to clean and freezer to defrost,
the oven needs cleaning, the shelves need new shelf paper, the walls
need scrubbing, as does the floor. This is in addition to the everyday
duties like cooking, vacuuming, laundry, ect. We will be waking up at 8
AM and I expect breakfast ready to serve by 8:15. Eggs over easy, hash
browns, coffee and orange juice. Got it?"
He looks over to her and she looks up from the document she's reading
long enough to see him nod. He minces over to where the sugar and cream
combined in a mess on the floor. First sweeping then mopping then
sweeping again he cleans the mess as best he can, occasionally looking
over at her and her friend, yet he is completely ignored. Looking over
at the clock and seeing that it was almost 5 minutes to the hour he
quickly finishes up and hurries to the bathroom to empty his bladder.
On lifting his skirt he quickly realizes that he will have to sit to
urinate but figures he has to get off his feet for a minute anyways.
Sitting there trying to collect his thoughts and trying to grasp the
situation, he decides that he has to get the hell out of here.
"And she expects me to do this for the next 18 months? Unbelievable! No
f--king way!" He mutters under his breath. "I may have agreed to serve,
but this is too much."
Suddenly thinking of the time he realizes there is no clock in here and
he can't be sure how long he's been here. Panicking slightly he stands
to check himself and heads out of the bathroom and into the guest
bedroom. Once there, he turns down the sheets and makes sure all is in
order, then through the connecting door into her bedroom to make sure
all is in order. He then heads back to the kitchen where he busies
himself with the dishes.
"Finished?" She asks in his ear again.
He looks up and over to her waiting for eye contact, then nods when she
looks up. She keeps a straight face, but is quite happy on the inside.
She can see that the situation is beginning to stress him, and she can
hear his heart and breath quicken in her ear. She stands to make her
way to her bedroom but doesn't get 2 feet before she feels and hears
glass crunch beneath her shoe.
Careless bitch she thinks to herself. That's okay though, it gives me
an excuse for making things hard on her and to steer her in the
direction I want her to go. She checks on the guestroom, then her own.
Once finished, she pulls a padded sawhorse from against the wall into
the center of the room, checking that it has the proper restraints Once
satisfied she begins to speak to him as she makes her way back out into
the kitchen.
"I thought I told you to clean that mess from the cream and sugar
earlier? I'll have you know that I just stepped on a piece of glass."
She announces as she rounds the corner into the kitchen.
There's a look of shock on his face and she can hear him start to
stutter "But...b-but..."
And she cuts him off angrily. "I can't believe you still don't know the
meaning of silence. But you are going to learn dammit. Now, in the
bedroom, bend yourself over the horse and attach the wrist and ankle
cuffs. Go!"
He fights against the urge to protest as a wave of frustration washes
over him. His frustration grows as he tries to stomp off the bedroom.
Only to find that in the heels and uniform he can't even walk angry.
Stepping into the room he can see the horse sitting there and suddenly
his stomach is in his throat. He looks around the room as his mind
races for a way to avoid this, but has trouble assembling a coherent
Once at the horse he pauses and looks back at the door. Looking at the
clips laying slack on top of the horse he can see they're for his
wrists, but he just can't seem to bring himself to attach them to his
wrist cuffs. Then he thinks he hears something through the dead silence
of the hood. He panics as he reaches for one of the clips and can't
reach it due to his elbows being attached behind him. He has to lean
hard to clip one wrist with the opposite hand then reaching over with
his other hand he realizes there's no way to attach that clip. Instead
he reaches as far as he can then stands there bent slightly forward his
waist pressed against the horse.
He is startled as he feels his other wrist grabbed and that clip
snapped in place. She steps around in front of him. Crouching down she
grabs the end of the ropes that hold his wrists and pulls each of them.
As she does this the chain between his elbows is pulled taut and his
waist is pressed against the horse. She looks up at him and smiles at
her handiwork. Then she rises and slowly walks around him and out of
his vision. He feels her hands at the skirt behind him, rolling it up
to his waist. Then she unlocks and drops the latex and chain harness to
his knees. Then the moment seems to drag on and he starts to shake
slightly. He's tempted to look around when suddenly he hears her voice
in his head again.
"First, these are for the half assed job you did cleaning up the dishes
that I had to break." She says as she walks by in front of him with a
single tail whip cradled in her hands.
Suddenly she stops directly in front of him and brings the whip back in
one hand. She swings it without hesitation allowing it to wraparound
his hip and bite into his ass cheek. With this, he screamed in the gag.
As soon as she recovered the whip in both hands she lashed out again
and again. His whole body stiffened as he protested and begged, yet she
didn't stop until she landed eight blows. Once finished she steps
around behind him.
He had had his eyes screwed shut when she finished and by the time he
opened them she is gone. He panics a bit as he scans what he could see
of the room for her. Suddenly he feels her hands on his balls, followed
by sharp pain as a clip is attached. Again the speaker clicks to life
in his ear.
"And this is for speaking without being spoken to. But don't worry
because I'm not quite done yet. Here's a little weight for you."
With that she attached a large lead sinker weighing one pound. His moan
into the gag turned to a higher pitch, as it did for the next five
weights. When done she walks towards the bed and sits on the edge of
it. He could see her now out of the corner of his eye and he turned his
head slightly towards her. It was almost surreal watching her lips move
as her voice began again in his head.
"I get the feeling that you don't recognize the seriousness of your
situation. And just so you know, I heard your little comment about
having to 'get out of here' earlier in the kitchen. You really
shouldn't talk out loud to yourself. What did you forget that there's
also a mike in your hood? Let me assure you that your best course of
action at this point would be to simply do your best. Do yourself a
favor and accept your position. You have been warned numerous times and
given many second chances. From this point out I don't want to see or
hear any indication that you wish to leave or no longer serve, as you
will regret it.
"Now I want you to remember that your breaks are the last five minutes
of each hour and you have a sleep break from 1 AM to 3 AM. I suggest
you set an alarm."
She then laid back on the bed and watched him squirm for the next 15
minutes. Meanwhile he was sure that his balls were going to be torn off
at any moment. Just when he thought he couldn't take anymore he felt
her began to remove the weights one by one then finally remove the
clip. He screamed into the gag as the blood rushed back to the affected
area. She quickly undid his bonds and announced that he was dismissed
and that it was time for her to go to bed.
He moved stiffly, his shoulders aching from being bound as well as his
feet from sitting idle in the heels. He made his way to the bedroom
door and before he leaves he hears her chide "don't misbehave" in his
He steps out in a daze and looking back can see her close the bedroom
door behind him. He walks around for short time unsure of what to do
and unable to form a coherent thought. He decides to wash the few
dishes that were left while he tries to collect his thoughts. His mind
clears a bit as he finishes the dishes and wipes the counters down.
"This is insane." He thinks to himself and starts to think of ways he
can get out of the situation.
He finds that he has to actively police himself from speaking out loud
which he seems to do just to hear a voice, any voice. He knows that she
will expect a certain amount of work to be done so he begins to work on
cleaning the fridge. Time moves slowly and he's frustrated by how his
movement is limited due to the heels, elbow chains, posture collar etc.
not to mention the pain caused by the heels and the constriction of the
By the time the refrigerator and the freezer are finished he can see
that the time for him to sleep is rapidly approaching. He takes a walk
around the house looking everywhere, but for what he doesn't know. He
sees that they have taken all the papers they were working on and
wonders again just what they were. As he goes to get the alarm he
notices a set of keys on the end table and recognizes them as hers from
the fact that her car key is on them. Looking towards the door he
wonders to himself about whether the keys to the front door are on that
Setting the alarm he lays down on the sofa in an attempt to use what
little sleep time she has given him. He wonders why she has chosen to
disrupt his sleep schedule, but can't even guess. He struggles to relax
but his mind continues to focus on his situation, then back on the keys
he had seen. If the key to the deadbolts for the front door are on it
he could try to leave. Her car keys were on that ring so he could use
her car to jumpstart his, or even take her car for that matter. If he
left now he could take the majority of his things with him, whereas if
he simply waited for her to release him he could just not return but
would have to leave much behind. He also had to consider what she would
do if he got caught and just how serious she was about holding him to
their agreement, and what she was willing to do enforce it. The reality
of serving her was quite different from the fantasy and he wanted out.
Yet as he thought about having to serve her for the next 18 months on a
regular basis, and having no choice in the matter, the fantasy crept in
again. But he knew the reality of the situation. The keys weighed on
his mind. Just one more thing to keep me from sleeping he told himself.
Besides, the keys to the house may not even be on them, in which case
dwelling on it is a moot point. He stood up and made his way to the
keys, then to the front door. Trying the first key it turned the lock
easily. Grabbing the handle he peeked out through the screen door then
quickly closed it again while he looked around nervously. Not being
able to hear made him nervous and the sound of his own breathing
increased as a result. He stood there contemplating what to do. He knew
he had to get out of here and he reasoned that he could at least
negotiate a little better if he wasn't captive at the time. Stepping
quietly back to the spare bedroom where his clothes were, he suddenly
remembers that her friend is staying over.
"Screw it." he says to himself as he decided he would leave without his
things rather than risk getting caught.
Grabbing a blanket off the couch he wraps it around him as he heads to
the front door. Taking a quick look around him he took a deep breath
and opened the door. Turning the handle on the screen door, he pushes
only to find it won't open. Turning the handle back and forth he's
puzzled as it doesn't appear locked. Scanning the door from top to
bottom he can see no other lock, yet when he tries to open it, it
doesn't budge.
Eyeing the door he can see that it's a bit more than a screen door.
It's actually a security gate that was put in with one way screws, yet
he still can't see what is stopping it from opening and he doesn't have
the stomach to continue to look. Closing the door he thinks he hears
something and spins around to look only to see nothing. His heart races
as he closes the door. He pauses to think for a moment then heads for
one of the windows. Drawing the shade back he can see that it also has
a security screen. He doesn't bother to check the other windows and
heads to the door leading to the garage. He fumbles with the keys as he
tries them one by one. His heart sinks as he realizes that none of them
will open the door. He makes his way back out into the living room. By
this time he can hear his heart pounding. Unable to think straight he
sits down and tries to clear his head. Once he calms down a bit he
realizes that he won't be leaving tonight, so he lays back down and
tries to sleep. He wonders what is in store for him and his thoughts
keep him awake. He's still wide awake when his alarm rings at 3 a.m.
signaling that his sleep time is over.
Dejected, he dawdles around the kitchen, biding his time until he has
to start breakfast. Come 7:30 he starts the coffee then starts to cook.
He wracks his brain trying to remember what it was he had to make, and
he believes he remembers. As 8:00 approaches he looks around for
anything that might be out of place and doesn't see anything. He is
standing at the stove when he sees her step through the kitchen and
walk into the living room. Moments later he hears the mike crackle to
life in his ear. It's her voice in a calm even tone asking him to come
into the living room. He walks in and stops a few feet away from where
she stands next to the couch. He struggles to stand at attention as she
steps towards him. One hand reaches for his collar and as soon as she
gets a hold of it he is startled as her other hand comes up to slap him
hard on the face. He is still reeling as she pulls him forward by the
collar then grabs his head from behind forcing him to look down at the
"What the fuck is this?" she shouts into the mike.
All he can see is the blanket and suddenly realizes that is the
problem. He had failed to fold it and put it away. His face still
stings from the vicious slap as he tries to stutter a reply.
She cuts him off as she growls. "Never mind, you know what it is."
And with that she pushes his head back and away from her and he
struggles to keep his balance. She stands there hands on hips looking
from him to the blanket. He nervously steps forward to grab the
blanket. He tries to offer an apology through the gag and hood only to
be greeted with another slap.
"Still can't grasp the concept of not speaking unless asked a direct
question, can you?"
To that he replies, "No Ma'am." Then grabs the blanket off the couch
and folds it as he heads towards the linen closet.
On his exit she steps over to her keys and examines them. She shakes
her head in disbelief as she cracks a wry smile. She can plainly see
the red and blue nondrying ink from the front and back doors on the
She draws a deep breath and the smile widens as she thinks to herself,
"He's going to be a bit of a challenge."
She pauses in contemplation of how to handle this and how to entrap him
further, although he seems to be doing a pretty good job of it himself.
She watches him step back into the kitchen to attend to the stove and
turns the headset mike on.
"Announce breakfast when it is ready." She then walks past him without
giving him a second look as she heads off to wake her friend up.
Meanwhile he is almost finished cooking breakfast. He turns the burners
down and goes to announce that breakfast is served. Peeking into her
open bedroom door he doesn't see her. Walking to the spare bedroom he
notes that the door is closed. Knocking on the door, the earpiece comes
"Is breakfast ready?"
He mumbles a yes through the hood then returns to the kitchen. He
starts to fill one plate when they step into the kitchen and seat
themselves. He walks both plates of food to the table and can already
see her shaking her head. He fills 2 glasses of orange juice and 2 cups
of coffee and sets them on the table in front of them, then steps back
from the table and folds his hands in front of him. He becomes a bit
worried as she is still shaking her head. She looks over to him as she
turns the headset on.
"Go get the black footstool from the living room and set it at the end
of the table here." She says, pointing to the opposite end of the
That nervous fear envelopes him as he retrieves the footstool and
places it at the end of the table. No sooner had he set it there did
her voice chime in "Kneel on it, ass resting on your heels." He was a
bit confused, as he thought he was to serve breakfast, but complied
anyways. Once he was seated she pushed her chair back and stepped into
her bedroom. She returned moments later and stepped behind him.
Speaking into the headset she ordered him to pick up his ass. Undoing
the lock on his waist/crotch harness she slipped the pouch holding his
sex forward, exposing him. Taking the short length of chain in her hand
she looped one end above his scrotum and ordered him back down on his
haunches. Then she looped the other end through an eyebolt that was
recessed into the stool. Both of these were secured with a small brass
padlock. Finished, she stepped back to her place at the table and sat
down. She didn't acknowledge him as they sat across from him eating
breakfast and having what appeared to be a polite conversation.
Once they were finished with breakfast, her friend left the table and
stepped out of the room, while she pushed away from the table and
turned her chair towards him. Turning the headset on, he could hear her
draw a deep breath and sigh heavily.
"Well, there was so much done incorrectly that I don't really know
where to begin. For most of it I'm going to assume that you just didn't
know any better. Things like not having proper place settings, not
properly presenting each item, ect. I may not hold these things against
you but they do illustrate just how much training you require and how
strict it has to be." She leaned back, folding her arms. "However there
was one thing which you have no excuse for and won't be tolerated. The
eggs were supposed to be over easy and yet you scrambled them. That
tells me that either you chose not to listen to me, didn't think it was
important enough to remember, or you heard and remembered it and did
what you wanted anyways. I'm not sure which is worse. Regardless, we'll
address that one later. For now, something new has come up and as a
result, I have a bit more business to discuss with my friend. I expect
you to wait patiently, as I'll get to you soon enough."
She turned off the headset and turned away from him just as her friend
reentered, carrying more papers and laying them out on the table before
them. He saw what appeared to be serious discussion between them but
couldn't hear what was said and was sitting too low and far away to
make out the nature of the papers.
Finally it appeared as if they were done. Her friend leaves again while
she scoots her chair down towards him. She sets several documents on
the edge of the table in front of him. Again her voice is in his head.
"Rest assured that there is nothing here that would violate our agreed
upon limits." She says as she hands him a pen. "I'll point to where I
need your signatures... first here."
She points to a spot on the document, but the document is at arms
length and just above his eye level. He reaches for the documents,
trying to pick them up so that he can read them but is stopped by her
hand on his.
"No, I didn't ask you to read them, just sign."
At this point he balked and set the pen down instead of signing.
"I already told you that none of this violates your limits." She says
holding out the pen again. "I will give you one minute to make up your
mind, after that I'm going to spend several hours making you beg to
sign them and I think you know that I can. It's your choice."
He knew he had little choice but to sign, besides he also knows that
any kind of document involving bdsm is not enforceable, so what harm
can it do?
Once he was finished she scooped up the papers and headed back to the
guestroom and to her friend. A short while later they both return,
except they are both wearing coats and carrying purses as if they were
going somewhere. She looks him over, then announces to him that they
have a few errands to run this morning and should be back in a couple
hours. Then without another word they headed out by way of the garage.
He panicked a bit but quickly settled down when he realized that
although he couldn't leave the stool, he wasn't uncomfortable either.
Meanwhile outside, she steps to the front door and looks for the tape
she had bridged between the doorknob and the base of the doorknob. It
had been clearly broken as if someone had turned the knob and tried to
open it, not knowing that it had been bolted from the outside.
With being left to his own thoughts he began to wonder what else she
had planned for him as well as how she was going to react if he broke
contact and didn't return the next time he was supposed to. He also
felt himself starting to nod off, even as nervous as he was. He caught
himself fading several times until finally he worked his legs out from
beneath him and fell asleep face down sprawled on the stool.
He awoke to someone shaking his shoulder unsure of where he was at
first, then he was reminded by the ache in his ribs and feet from his
corset and shoes. He was no longer chained to the stool, but his hands
were cuffed in front of him. He sat up on the stool and looked around
groggily. He saw her moving about the kitchen and when she saw him she
smiled and spoke into the headset.
"Good morning! Up on your feet."
He stood unsteady on the heels as she walked up to him. Clipping a
leash to his collar, she motioned for him to follow. He struggled to
keep up with her as she led him to the spare bedroom. Grabbing him by
the shoulders she positioned him at the end of the bed. His stomach
leapt into his throat as he remembered the last time he was in this
spot. Lifting his hands she clips the wrist cuffs to a clip hanging
from the ceiling. He fought the urge to ask what was going on as she
stepped to the wall and grabbed the opposite end of the rope.
Pulling his hands up, she could hear him let out a slight whimper as
she tied the end of the rope off. Their little shopping trip had gone
well and she fingered the items laid out on the dresser directly behind
him. She unlocks his collar and slips his hood off. He is ecstatic to
feel air on his face again and sighs heavily. It is short lived as she
orders him to open up. She slips the gag of the new hood in place then
pulls it over his head. This hood seems different, tighter than the
last. Slipping a new 4" posture collar beneath his chin, he lets out a
whimper as she maneuvers it into place then locks it. Looping the strap
at the back of the collar through the belt at his waist, she pulls it
tight, forcing his back straight. Stepping around in front of him she
connects the pump bulb to the front of the hood at the mouth right next
to the breathing tube. Bringing her face about a foot away from his she
pauses to savor the moment, then giving the bulb a squeeze. His eyes
widen as the gag expands in his mouth and she responds with a smile.
She continues to pump until he protests, and then gives it another ½
"It's almost a shame to cover these expressive eyes of yours up but oh
well..." She taunts as she snaps one of the hoods blindfolds in place.
He is still mentally and physically struggling with the posture collar
that is biting in beneath his jaw that seems forced open impossibly
wide when his world goes dark. He feels her snap the blindfold in
place, and at first it seems a normal blindfold. Then as his eyes
adjust he can see that there are two small holes in the blindfold, no
bigger than a quarter inch. Inside these holes is some kind of very
dark glass, like a very dark pair of sunglasses. He fights against the
urge to panic as he wonders what brought this on, as well as what she
is going to do next. He then feels her hand at his ass, removing the
plug there. Before he can enjoy its absence he feels another plug
slipped in place, however this one feels a bit smaller. Tucking his sex
back into the pouch of his waist harness, she pulls the harness tight
and locks it again. Using the same pump bulb, she connects it to the
plug and squeezes the bulb until she hears him let out a distant
squeal. She removes the bulb pump and slips it into her pocket, knowing
that the gag and plug cannot be deflated without it. Finally, she
unlocks the ankle straps on the 5 1/2" heels he is wearing and slips
them off. These she replaces with a pair of 6" heels that also padlock
at the ankle straps. Between these she runs a 6 inch length of chain.
She steps back to admire her handiwork before undoing the rope at the
wall anchor. Once again she clips the leash to his collar and leads him
out of the room, this time a bit slower...
He feels the tug at his collar and steps forward gingerly, only to have
the hobble at his ankles stop his step short. He realizes he can only
take very short mincing steps, which is probably all he could do as the
height of the heels try to tip his body forward while the posture
collar and strap pull back at him cruelly, forcing him upright. The
plug forces him to walk slightly bowlegged and swing his hips wider. He
can see her or at least a portion of her, dimly through the blindfold
as she pulls him along smiling. He has to fight the urge to protest for
fear of making matters worse. She leads him out past the kitchen and
into the living room. Stopping just inside she grabs his shoulders to
show him where she wants him to stand. Clipping the leash to an
overhead rope, she pulls it tight and secures it. Stepping up behind
him she pulls his elbows to within a few inches of one another, then
slips a double sided clip through each elbow cuff to hold them there.
After she does this she appears to go on about her business, not even
acknowledging him. He can see her friend is here on the couch, but from
what he can see she doesn't acknowledge him either. He is becoming
increasingly uncomfortable as he stands there. His breathing becomes
labored and he is struck by how mechanical it sounds through the
breathing tube as it echoes in his ears.
After what seems like an eternity, the earpiece crackles to life.
"Sorry about the delay, but these are going to be some pretty important
subjects we're about to discuss, so I thought I should give you a
moment to focus. Can you hear me alright?"
He nodded yes as best he could.
"Okay then. I guess I should start by letting you know that I'm quite
pleased with your actions last night."
He let out a slight sigh. He thought he was in trouble, and was
starting to think that maybe she had somehow found out about his using
her keys and trying to leave.
"What pleased me most was that you were predictable. You see, I know
about you using my keys to open the front door in what I'm quite sure
was an attempt to leave without saying goodbye. I even know that you
tried just about all of them in the door to the garage, so I'm not even
going to ask for an explanation."
His whole body went cold.
"Now, you were trying to leave, weren't you?"
His mind raced for some other explanation, but in his condition he
could hardly think straight, yet alone be creative. He didn't have to
think long as she chimed in.
"Just the fact that you couldn't answer right away tells me what your
intentions were. You know the consequences and still you break the
rules. I can only think that you are doing this on purpose, I mean
after all you did say you 'craved helplessness' and wanted to be 'held
captive'. Well, regardless of your intentions, you landed in the thick
of it."
She pauses as she steps over to the couch. Sitting down she dips below
his field of vision. He's trembling as he balances atop the impossible
heels. He wonders just how he got himself into this. Actually not how,
but why. She had told him that she was dead serious about the concepts
of D/s and yet he can remember that this just excited him more at the
time. Now he's just flat out worried. His thoughts are interrupted by
her voice again.
"Our prior agreement was 18 months of service, and I was being lenient
there with the expectation that there would be no further problems. It
should have been 3 years and you are well aware that violations come
back 3 fold. While I may not have you in service for 9 years, I do
reserve the right to."
She pauses to let it sink in, as well as for effect.
"As far as how you will serve, you now have 2 options thanks to my
friend here. The first and original one is that while you collect your
severance and unemployment you are to spend the next 9 months on a
strict training regimen. Reporting at noon on Monday and training
through noon Friday. Following that you will begin your required
service, which will be a minimum of 32 hours a week until your
commitment is satisfied or I no longer have a use for you. The other
option is that you will begin working for me. You see, my friend here
is looking to retire and has been offering to sell me her night club
for some time now. Only trouble is that my business is doing so well
that I would have no time to devote to it. That is where you would come
Again she leaves a dramatic pause as he stands there trembling. He is
having a hard time assembling a coherent thought as his mind is racing.
"She can't really be serious... Is she screwing with my mind?" is all
he can ask himself.
His jaw aches and his feet are starting to scream from standing in one
place on the heels. Her voice cuts in again.
"There are still a few things we have to work out regarding me taking
over the club and you managing it for me, but here are the basics. You
would be working 32-40 hours a week, your salary would be the average
of your last 3 years earnings, and as this is an unusual position you
would be allowed 20 vacation days a year plus holidays. We had
originally planned this with a 3 year exit plan for you, which was
tight. But now you have given me the opportunity to expand that out as
far 9 years if need be. Make no mistake, if you choose this option you
will serve at least 5 years as this is a position I need an absolute
commitment for, whereas there is always the chance that I may bore with
you prematurely if you choose to serve otherwise.
Now managing the club involves greater responsibilities and commitment,
as well as the potential to make bigger mistakes, which result in
greater punishments. However, things will be a little more relaxed,
protocol won't be quite as strict. You would also be well compensated
and have a guarantee of employment. While you could count on 5 years
minimum it's also very likely that I would consider your service
obligation complete at that time, but I make no promises.
"If you instead chose to find a job on your own you wouldn't have such
a large responsibility. And you could be released earlier than 5 years,
or kept for 9 years. However you would be held to the strictest of
protocol and I would expect you to be as perfect a maidservant as is
humanly possible. But then again after 9 months of intense training it
would probably be second nature to you because when I say strict, I do
mean strict. Trust me, not only would you be graceful in those 6 inch
heels you would also tremble in fear if I found a scuff on them."
He can see her stand and approach him in the dim light that the hood
allows. The blindfold is stripped away and the light stabs at his eyes.
She replaces it with a full blindfold and when he reopens them he is in
total darkness. He then feels his legs begin to be drawn together and
realizes that he's being wrapped in something. The wrist cuffs are
undone and his hands are pushed to his sides. Soon the wrap covers
them, holding his arms at his sides. There is a push at the gag in his
mouth and the sounds of his breath take on an odd echo. He panics a bit
but feels hands grasp the sides of his head. Her voice again...
"That's just a tube I attached to your gag, breathe normally..."
She let's go of his head and unclips the leash. He can then feel the
wrap passed around his head. She assists him as he struggles to stay
upright. Then he feels himself lowered sideways as his feet are picked
up and he's laid down on an odd feeling surface, almost spongy.
She steps back from the box and admires her handiwork. She has him
wrapped in cellophane from head to toe with only the breathing tube
hanging out. He is lying on his back in a crate similar in size to a
coffin, lined with 6 inches of sponge like foam. She has to pull back
on the foam and press down on his shoulders for him to fit. Snaking the
breathing tube through a hole in the lid, she turns the headset on.
"I have given you enough information to decide, but I don't need a
decision from you right away, so I'm going to give you some time to
think about it. Keep in mind that I am quite serious about this and you
will be held to whichever position you choose. You did say that you
wanted to be 'forced'. And from your actions it would seem that you
need to be forced. So let me tell you what I've done to ensure your
commitment. With those papers you signed I've taken the liberty of
extending my lease of a room in your house to 10 years, 5 years of
which have been prepaid to the tune of $21,000.00, courtesy of a loan
from my friend here.
"Not only does this give me legal access to your home, but as long as
you have a lease agreement the house cannot be sold. That way you can't
just pull up stakes and move to get away. You and I have used that
$21,000.00 to enter into an agreement with and retain the services of 2
different professional bountyhunters/bailbondsmen. These agreements
place $10,000.00 into an escrow account for the next 10 years that can
only be released to the bondsman with my permission. They both have
written permission from you, that on my request, they should take
custody of you and transport you to the location of my choosing. They
did say that while the legality of this is shaky, just the fact that
the escrow money they would be paid came from your checking account
should be enough to keep them out of trouble and provide reasonable
doubt to any kidnapping charges they may be exposed to and it is a
large enough amount that they would take a little risk.
"Of course it cost $500.00 to initiate these agreements and it will
cost $500.00 yearly to maintain them. After 10 years if unused, the
money is returned to you. This is only fair as you will be responsible
for repaying my friend for the loan over the next couple years."
Rotating the lid closed, it stops a couple inches short due to the 6
inches of foam on the lid itself. She sits on the lid, forcing it
closed and compressing the foam around him. She is rewarded with a moan
that escapes the breathing tube as she closes the latch.
He feels his surroundings as well as her words press in on him and his
breath quickens. He tests his padded prison and finds that he cannot
move even a fraction of an inch. As he struggles to grasp the
predicament in which he's found himself, her voice chimes in...
"Okay I'll leave you alone to your thoughts for a while. Don't worry
though, I'll check up on you in a day or two...
About Me

- The EuroBlack Phoenix, MsMadyson
- Los Angeles, CA, United States
- My Name is MsMadyson yes that is capital M small s and another capital M as you see there is NO SPACE. Thank you for showing respect to Me in the written form as well as in person. I am a Professional Dominatrix and educator. I will tell you now that you will have to earn the right to call Me Mistress. If you are looking for a runway model type or some stick figure type with a whip then keep looking. I am a real woman with curves! I am without question well skilled & trained in the art of BDSM. I have been practicing this art for over 10 years now. I am always looking for new things to learn. I’ve been trained by some of the best Lifestyle Mistresses and Masters as well as other Professional Dominas and Dommes in the country. So My knowledge of most forms of fetish fantasy play is fabulous but I am always and I say ALWAYS looking to improve on everything. I am a Mistress at Sanctuary Studios LAX and look forward to seeing you for live sessions...
I’m a Professional Dominatrix, Infamous Mistress & Educator in who travels to Los Angeles monthly. I will be a resident before DomCon LA 2015 so keep a watchful eye out for Me. When you come to Me, you will feel safe to share your darkest desires with a true life Mistress, a real lady & Domina. I am The EuroBlack Phoenix, MsMadyson ascending as your Exquisitely Sadistic Financial Dominatrix
A deposit is required for all NEW clients. A new clients is someone that has seen Me less than 3 times within a calendar year or for the 1st time. you can make your deposit or pay for your sessions via GreenDot MoneyPak or GoFundMeIf you are interested in private phone & or web sessions sign up & contact Me here on Niteflirt
I also except GiftRocket and Venmo plus you may also use cash to purchase a giftcard with a VISA/MasterCard logo from any grocery store, CVS, Walgreens, etc.
I've got over 10 yrs in with the Dark Art of BDSM under My corset. I am always looking to learn new & exciting things to share with those that desire to submit to Me in session.
I've got over 10 yrs in with the Dark Art of BDSM under My corset. I am always looking to learn new & exciting things to share with those that desire to submit to Me in session.
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