He is plunged into darkness as the hood is slipped over his head and quickly realizes the eye openings are covered by a blindfold. He begins to plead with her "please ma'am, you really don't need to do this. I promise I'll be better." Hearing his pleas as she pulls the hood tight, she can't help but smile a bit. Reaching for the gag she brings her mouth close to his ear and speaks loudly so he can hear through the hood. "Looks like we will have to use the gag after all." He tries to think of what he can say to convince her otherwise, but quickly feels the gag press at his lips and accepts it with a whimper. Again the sound of his breath fills his ears. He tests his bonds and quickly learns that although he's not stretched tight, he can barely move an inch due to the extra ropes at his elbows and knees. He holds his breath for a moment, straining to hear if she is still in the room. Time passes, and he's left alone with his thoughts. He thinks about last night and his failed attempt to leave. Alternately chiding himself for trying as well as for not just walking away. He could have just went to a phone booth and called a cab. Sure there might have been some explaining to do, and he would have had to break into his house, but at least he wouldn't be where he is now. 12 hours, 48 strokes he thinks to himself shaking his head. The thought of it fills him with dread and yet spread eagle face down as he is, he feels himself becoming excited from his thoughts as well as the pressure. His mind drifts momentarily but he snaps back when he realizes he has a hard on. His stomach turns as he realizes that she may see, and what she might think. He tries to will himself limp, but thinking about it only seems to make matters worse and he can feel that he is leaving a puddle of precum on her sheets. He tests the bonds again when he is suddenly startled by her breath on his shoulder. He hears her voice in his ear "See, I knew you loved this. Can't wait for it, can you?" Then feels her fingernail run down his sex. He shakes his head and says, "no, no you don't understand," into the gag, but he doubts that she hears him because he can barely understand himself. Moments later as he lays there the calm is broken by a searing pain that streaks from his buttocks to his brain. His body stiffens and seconds later he feels the cane again. He pulls on the ropes as he bites down hard on the gag. He pulls a breath in so that he can scream, but two more quick blows knock the breath out of him. His body tenses up expecting more but they don't come. He struggles to calm himself but finds it impossible to do. Less than a minute passes before the pain streaks through his body again, then silence. He holds his body tense and his mind races, expecting another blow. It takes him at least 15 minutes to relax and again he's left alone with his thoughts. There's a lump in his throat and his stomach churns knowing that another blow may come at any time. He can feel the lingering sting and heat from what were only the first six of 48. These were forceful strokes and combined with not knowing when they were going to come was psychologically torturous and was already affecting him. It had now been two hours since he was first tied, and he wanted out of this situation. His jaw ached from the gag. The last time she had come to him she had given him four quick strokes with the cane and hadn't returned for what seemed like an hour. He could feel the heat rise from his behind and thought she may have split the skin in places. He tried to relax and thought again how the ropes were holding him, and how exposed he was. Although he tried to suppress it he felt himself becoming hard again. Meanwhile she had been standing next to the bed for the past five minutes and took note of his growing member. She doubted he was actually enjoying this. She knew in such situations that this was often beyond their control. Thinking for a moment she figured why not use this as a smile crossed her face. She brought a knee up onto the bed and saw him flinch when he felt her. She ran her hand over the welts on his buttocks as she brought her mouth close to his ear. Slipping her hand between his legs she gently ran her fingers over his sex as she spoke. "Tsk, tsk, such a naughty little girl. And such a good actress too! You see, you had me worried that you didn't want to do this or that I was being a bit too harsh. I can see that isn't the case, is it? Then again, I should have known. You did say how much you craved helplessness and submission and I can see now that the more control I exert and the more power I have over you, the more you like it." His eyes had rolled back into his head at her touch, and although he heard her, he couldn't assemble a coherent thought. All he could do was shake his head half-heartedly and moan weakly into the gag. She slipped her hand from him and rose from the bed. Seeing his headshake side to side she commented mockingly "Oh, I know. Please don't do this mistress, I don't like it!" she chuckled. On hearing this he came to his senses a bit more and started protesting into the gag as he pulled at his bonds. When she saw this she commented "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ruin the fantasy for you. I'll tell you want we'll do, and I think it will fit your needs perfectly. From now on you are not allowed to express your displeasure at your situation. I don't mean the little stuff, but your situation as a whole. For example you can tell me, politely of course, that a pair of shoes are hurting your feet. You cannot tell me that you no longer want to wear heels. And most of all I don't want to hear anything about you no longer wanting to serve. If I even think I hear something like that we will simply start the 180 days over, or add 90 days, whichever is more." He then became even more animated, protesting louder into the gag. She in turn rested then pressed the end of the cane on the backside of his thigh to get his attention. "And that is effective immediately, is there something you'd like to tell me?" Feeling the cane and hearing her words, his protests subsided. Then, feeling the cane lifted, he tensed his entire body for the expected blow. Meanwhile she had rested the cane at her side and watched his anticipation. He quickly tired of bracing himself for the blow. He realized that this was driving him insane and relaxed his body with a sob. She waited a few more moments; just standing there watching him, then raised the cane. She brought it down onto the backside of his thigh in one quick motion, pausing for an instant, then striking again slightly lower. The effect of the cane on his thigh was even more intense and he reacted by clamping down on the gag with the squeal. She watched him squirm as she stepped around to the other side. He had just begun to sob when he was interrupted by two more quick strokes to the opposite thigh. Screwing his eyes shut behind the blindfold, his vision goes white with pain. Twisting, yet going nowhere, he instinctively pulls at his bonds. He pulls short shallow breaths as the pain subsides. She pauses at the door listening until she can no longer hear him, and then exits. Once again he's left alone with his thoughts and he finds it has to physically will himself to reduce the tension from his ankles and wrists. How long has it been, he wonders. How many strokes was that? 10? 12? He shakes his head wondering how he's going to take the rest of them. God, did his thighs burn. He felt that he was no longer hard, but had left a large wet spot of precum. He holds his breath for a moment and strains to hear if she is in the room. Time passes, he's not sure how long, and then he's startled by a hand on his hood. She sees him jump at her touch and chuckles at his reaction as she unsnaps the flap covering one of his ears. Running her fingers over the welts she has already made, she speaks to him. "As you know, this little exercise is the result of your little excursion last night. Well, as I said, you also need to be shown the error of your ways for lying to me. It looks like what I had in mind for the second half is going to fall in place this afternoon, so we'll need to interrupt this at the halfway point as well as hurry up a bit. But don't worry; we'll get back to it as soon as we can. We're 12 strokes into this and we still have a little time left for now so we'll probably do another 12 strokes, that way we can stop right at the halfway mark, and finish later." She steps away from him and begins flexing the cane in her hands, as she looks him over. "Now, I'm going to need you to be on your best behavior for what I have planned and you will obey absolutely and without question or hesitation, and this I am deadly serious about. I think you know already that I have no qualms about hurting you, nevertheless I want you to keep that in mind for these next 12 strokes and remember that things can always get worse." She leaned forward again and unsnapped the blindfold, as well as the other ear. Stepping back again she let him know that he's welcome to listen to and watch this next part if he can. She slices the cane through the air for effect and a chill runs down his spine and his muscles contract against the bonds. Turning his head sideways he sees her standing next to the bed with the cane raised in the air and her back to him, he can't help but close his eyes as she brings the cane down. He feels the cane bite into him and clamps down on the gag with a growl. The next blow follows immediately and he squeals into the gag as he tries to twist his body away from it. His vision goes white with pain though his eyes are shut as the cane slices the air and him in rapid succession. She pauses to walk around to the other side of the bed her breath heavy with excitement. Turning his head again he can see her approach. He begins screaming into the gag, begging and pleading as he tries to make eye contact with her. She doesn't even acknowledge him as she plants her feet and raises the cane again. Even though he's thrashing quite a bit, she can see that her target moves very little and through his screams she lands six more blows in rapid succession. Flush with excitement she has to steady herself when she finishes. Slipping a hand to her moist sex she thinks to herself that it's a shame he's face down, because if he was face up she would have that gag out of his mouth and would be grinding herself into his face right now. As he regains his composure he finds himself shaking uncontrollably. He opens his eyes to see that she has left. His quick shallow breaths turn to sobs as the worst of the pain ebbs. Exhausted and aching, he relaxes in the bonds as his breath slowly returns to normal. Spent, he drifts into a half asleep state. Meanwhile, she greets her guest at the door. He is a good friend of hers as well as a Dom. She invites him in and after some small talk; they began to discuss what she has asked her friend there for. After a few minutes she excuses herself to go get him ready. She steps into the room, and walks up to him pausing momentarily to watch him at rest as well as to admire the marks she has left. As she grabs the blindfold and moves to reattach it to the hood he's startled and awake. Slightly dazed, he sees the blindfold approach and feels the aching in his jaw and quickly remembers where he is. He tries to ask her why she is blindfolding him again, but it comes out as just a mumble. As she snaps the blindfold in place, she speaks to him. "I have a visitor here, who is probably going to agree to help you out with your situation. I don't want you to try to interrupt, just pay attention and listen. Any questions you may have will be answered later." Grabbing a D ring on his collar she pulls his head up and towards her, and hissing in his ear. "Are we clear on that?" He shook his head yes while at the same time wondered what the hell she was talking about when she says, 'help me with my situation'. Releasing her grip on the collar she lets him down then places a hand on his shoulder. "Now that's a good girl. You know, if you behave you can avoid much of the unpleasantness involved but, if you give me a hard time and choose to be difficult, I can make things most unpleasant." With that she heads for the bedroom door and he is left much like how he started except now he can hear his surroundings. After about 10 minutes she returns, but this time he hears conversation and when they enter the room he can pick out that it's a male voice and his anxiety rises. They're speaking to each other and he tries to relax so he can hear what they're saying. As they come closer he can hear her... "Well, here she is, my newest little maid in training." Then the male replied, "Very nice, nice marks too! May I?" The next thing he feels is a contact on his buttocks and he startled by it. Wincing slightly as he feels this person's hand run across the welts she had left, then stop. "So you say that this little one loves to feel helpless, and at the same time is worried she won't follow through?" "Oh yeah, she's already made excuses to double her time with me." Her friend studies the figure bound on the bed as he speaks, "so, if I have to call her or visit her, just to let her know that you're looking for her, then I'll get her services for eight hours. But if I actually have to escort her here I'll get her services for 48 hours. If she puts up a fight, then I get the equivalent of a week?" She replies "Yeah, that about sums it up. I don't think she'll put up much of a fuss, as she won't want the extra attention." Lying there and listening to them talk; he tries to suppress his panic. Her guest speaks again. "So she knows that if she puts up a fuss and attracts Johnny Law or a concerned citizen, the first thing I'm going to do is let them in on the nature of the relationship. And in the case of Johnny Law, she had better agree with me because if I get arrested then all bets are off, and she could only imagine what I'd do to her then." She beckons her guest to follow her as she speaks. "Well, you know one of her limits is that her service can't be exposed to her family or the public at large, and you know how I feel about honoring limits. That would only happen if she violated my agreement with her, then chose to make matters worse by resisting you. As I see it, that's her call." With that, he hears them leave the room. His mind races. What the hell did she think she was doing? No sooner than he thought this she once again entered the room. She sounded alone and he felt her sit on the bed next to him. He started to mouth into the gag "why are you...." but was shushed by her. She began to remove the hood as she spoke. "I don't want to hear any complaints from you. None of this violates your limits, and he is aware of them also. Besides, it would be your actions that would result in your serving him. I'm going to untie you. I want you to stretch for a moment and head for the bathroom to straighten yourself up and take care of anything else you might need to. When you're done, return here and wait for me." His muscles and his jaw ached from the ropes and the gag and it took him a full 10 minutes to get up and off the bed. Looking at the clock he realizes he had been there a little more than 4 hours. Still dazed, he makes his way to the bathroom and empties his bladder. He studies himself in the mirror for a moment and thinks to himself, "this is too much, just way too much." He then fixes his makeup, straightens his uniform and looks himself up and down, then makes his way back to the bed and sits on the edge of it, and waits. He doesn't have to wait long before she enters again and with one word "up" she has him on his feet. She paces a semicircle around him looking him up and down. He's shaking now, even after she announces that he looks acceptable for now. Stepping behind him she slips the elbow cuffs on him, separated by 12 inches of chain. Followed by ankle cuffs separated by 12 inches of chain. Clipping a short leash that she had wrapped around her wrist she pulled it taut with one hand while wagging a finger with the other. "There are a few more things we need to take care of. Again, you will be on your best behavior. That means you will do what you are told when you are told without complaint or question, and I want to hear nothing from you unless I ask you to speak. If you embarrass me or screw up I have about 100 clothespins, a closet, and about eight hours to burn. Am I clear?" All he could do was nod yes. She led him out into the living room where he saw her friend sitting, all six feet 220 pounds of him. He had gotten undressed except for a leather vest and a pair of thong underwear. She motioned her friend over to her and he struggled to suppress his inner panic as she ordered him to his knees then handed her friend the leash. She saw the look of panic in his eyes and let it build for a while before announcing, "Don't look so scared. We're just taking a picture, but I need it to look natural so wipe the look of concern off your face and wrap your arms around his leg. Press your cheek up against his leg, look slightly upwards and smile." She then directed her friend to hold the leash taut in his opposite hand in front of him and a crop held in the other, at which point she snapped off a few pictures. Taking the leash back from her friend she led him to the kitchen table and told him to sit. Pushing a pen and paper to him he is told to write a short note. She dictated the contents to him, which addressed it 'to whom it may concern' and stated that he was in several alternative relationships that involved acts of Dominance and Submission, and that chances were that he was a willing participant in whatever it was they might be concerned about, and to please ask about it. Meanwhile she had gone to her printer and printed several copies of the pictures she had just taken and stapled these together with the note he had written. She then handed them to her friend who had already gotten dressed. She asks her friend to wait a moment than steps behind his chair. Grabbing the leash from the collar she reaches under the chair from behind and clips it to the chain connecting his ankles. Then, she guided it back under the chair and onto the chain connecting his elbows. "Now, don't go anywhere" she whispers into his ear. He can see them further discussing things as they head out the door and she walks him to his car. In the meantime, he sat there slightly in a daze and secured to the chair. She sweeps back into the room and heads directly for him. She unclips the leash from his ankle chains and his elbow chains, wrapping the leash in one of her hands. She then drops onto the couch about 10 feet away and lets out a sigh. She turns to him and says, "whew! Glad that's done huh?" She motions for him to come to her and he stands to take a step but is stopped by the wave of her finger. "On your knees now." He apologizes as he drops to his knees and crawls the rest of the way, a task made much more difficult by the chain connecting his elbows. He stopped when his face was a few inches from her feet. "Now then, I want you to show me how good you are at being nice to my feet. Let's start with gentle kisses and while you do that, I will go over our little agreement just to make it clear that you understand the situation." He began to work at gently kissing her feet as she explained the situation to him. "Just so we're clear, you came to serve me -- I did not seek you out. I have given you, on more than one occasion, the opportunity for this to be over with and done. Once when you first arrived, and again after I had caught you in a lie. You chose to stay and because of the lie the length of time you are to serve increased from 60 to 180 days. Now you may think that is harsh, but let me remind you not only is that within your hard limits but also you had been warned beforehand that lying to me was one of the major violations. You will become what you came here to be, a skilled maidservant. And remember that 180 days you are to serve begins once you become a skilled maidservant, so it hasn't even begun. I made you aware when you agreed to this that I decide when it changes from training to service, but don't worry, I'll let you know when you're trained enough that you can start counting the 180 days." "Now then, just in case there is any doubts, let me state this. You will honor your commitment. I think that between legally leasing a room in your house as well as my friend that just left, I have given myself enough leverage to make sure you that do. As I see it, the only option you have left is to go to the police. Of course if you do that, all of this will come out in court, and the best results you could hope for would be a restraining order. If you try to ignore the situation, I might show up with a locksmith and have the locks changed. Then just wait for you to come home. Or, I might show up in the middle of the night when you're sleeping. If not, I will just ask my friend to come and get you. If he gets arrested because you put up a fuss, and you don't come clean right away, that's no different than going to the police and then all of this comes out at trial. Hell, they might even televise that one, after which I'm sure he would come back after you with a vengeance." "Make no mistake, if I have to do anything to come and get you, who knows how long you may end up serving me. A year or two? Regardless, I will make sure that they are miserable. If you try anything after that, well then all limits are out the window. I'm not telling you all of this to scare you and there's no reason that this would have to happen -- and it won't as long as you stick it out and give your best effort. Just do your best and in a little more than 180 days you can leave with a sense of pride for having accomplished something. Screw up and try to get out of this and you may find yourself still in service a few years from now. Try to hurt me and you may find yourself castrated and working in a Mexican whorehouse. Of course, I could be bluffing about all this or I could be dead serious. The question is, do you want to take the chance?" "Remember how it felt this morning when you were right here with my boot on your face pressing you into the floor? Well, that is the kind of response you can associate with lying to me. That's not just speaking untruthfully, but that also includes lies by omission. If there's something you think I should or just might want to know, you are to tell me as soon as possible. That especially includes anything that affects your schedule. Okay, I want you to stand up now and turn around, your back to me." He rose with some difficulty mainly due to the elbow chains not allowing him to balance or push off anything. Combed with the ankle chains, it became quite the ordeal. Turning to face away from her he felt her hands at the elbow cuffs, removing them and then removing the chain connecting his ankle cuffs. "It's about time for you to start on dinner, but before you do let's deal with this issue of when you're expected back. I had asked you to be available at least through Saturday night, but then again I hadn't expected to have so much trouble with you. Now what I want to know is just when do you absolutely have to be back? You told me that your son was with his grandmother this weekend, so what I want you to do is to call her and ask if he can stay with her another night and if she could take him to school Monday morning. Do you think that would be a problem?" He knew that it wouldn't be, but thought that maybe he could fake it. "No ma'am, can I use your phone?" With that, she stood up, but instead of motioning him to the phone, she grabbed the phone herself. Pressing the speaker button, a dial tone fills the air and he sees her hands over the keys. "The number?" She asks. He's startled, but rattles the number off and a moment later it connects. With the conversation out in the open there's not much he can do to fake it and a few minutes later he's saying goodbye. Hanging up the phone with a smile on her face she turns towards him. "Now as I understand it, your ex-wife picks your son up from school on Monday and has him through the week, right?" He replies yes and a feeling of dread sweeps over him as he tries to imagine what she has a store for him. "Good, now I want you to take a minute to go check yourself in the mirror and cleanup, while I grab the recipe card. Then you can start on dinner when you get back." He walks a little unsteadily to the bathroom and shuts the door behind him. Resting his hands of the counter he leans forward and stares at himself in the mirror and ponders the situation. It's Saturday evening, and it looks like he's going to be spending at least another day here. He shakes his head in disbelief and drawing a deep breath stands up straight and checks his makeup. Stepping back he looks his uniform up-and-down and straightens the seams on his stockings. When finished he, steps out and into the kitchen. He is a bit startled to find her standing there and he comes to a dead stop. His mind races as he tries to remember if there's any particular way he's supposed to enter if she's in the room. Whether he's over thinking it or just doesn't remember, he simply stands there unable to move. She sees this look of bewilderment on his face and smiles. She realizes that she has started to get to him and that he's actually afraid to move right now. "You forgot how to enter a room, haven't you?" He looks down at his feet and replies "yes ma'am." She smiles, arms folded "you know, as long as you are polite and respectful you're doing OK. As a general rule if you are expected to be entering the room during the normal course of your duties you don't need to do anything. If you had entered because you are summoned, simply present yourself with a curtsy directly to the one who had summoned you. Now if you weren't expected and you had entered in order to ask a question you'd stop as soon as you enter the room, stand at attention and wait for eye contact to be made before dipping into a curtsy." She grabbed one of the kitchen chairs and sat in it, and then she motioned for him to enter. She watches him as he enters and begins to prepare dinner. She watches him a few more minutes, and then calls him to her. He sets down what he's doing and walks directly up to her. Then tips a quick curtsy and stands up straight asking, "yes ma'am?" To which she replies, "the first thing we should work on his how you carry yourself, in particular how you walk in heels. Just so you know you will be expected to be able to move and serve gracefully while wearing a full 5-inch heel, and when I say graceful I mean graceful. That means no stumbles, no missteps or little jerky movements. I think this should be one of the first things we should focus on. So what I need you to do is to slow down, take smaller steps and focus on careful, smooth movements and steps until they become second nature to you. She lingered for a while to watch him, then returned to the living room and waited for dinner. Dinner was relatively uneventful except for him brushing up against her with his petticoat not once but twice. The first time she had merely cautioned him, but the second time he had to log it in his notebook. The other problem was water spots on the silverware, which he did have to log, but he also received quite the verbal chiding about it. She considered it nothing less than carelessness and not paying attention on his part. After dinner she retired to the living room and he was left to eat his meal, clear the table and do the dinner dishes. When finished he steps into the living room and stands at attention, at which point she beckoned him to the floor at her feet. Sitting there at her feet, she brushed the hair from the side of his face. Then laid her hand on his neck, running her fingers up his cheek, and then tracing his ear. This sent shivers down his spine and she continued as they sat there. The relative peace of the moment was broken when she began to speak to him. "You probably think I'm being too hard on you, don't you? Wait, don't answer that, I'm pretty sure I know the answer but I really don't want to hear it." There is a long pause before she speaks again. "I am the way I am because I want you to succeed and I know what you want, whether you know it or not. You have a great deal of potential and you could be a fantastic maidservant. I also think that once you're there, you'd love it. So believe it or not, I'm doing what's in your best interest. I won't lie and tell you I don't enjoy it, because I do. I wouldn't be here if I didn't. However, you need to give it 100 percent of your effort, and to do that you need to accept your place and your fate, because they're not going to change. The sooner you do, the sooner you can move on." There's another long pause, as if she is searching for words. "You see, something about you has really clicked with me and because of that I'm going to make sure you succeed, and I will do whatever it takes. Just remember that the next time you think I'm being too harsh, I'm doing it for you. Not only is it what you want but it's what you asked for." Chills ran down his spine as he sat there. He tried to think of what to say about how he felt about the situation. Then remembered that he wasn't allowed to discuss it. His thoughts were interrupted by her tapping him on the shoulder. She let him know that it's time to work on something and tells him to grab a coffee cup from the kitchen and fill it halfway with pennies from the jar on the counter. When finished he returns and stands in front of her, cup in hand. Motioning to the corner of the room she tells him to place the cup on the end table there. As he does this she begins to explain why. "We're going to work a little on your movements and how you carry yourself. First of all, you are no longer allowed to display any masculine traits or motions. This includes how you walk, sit, and all other motions. That even includes sitting when you go to the bathroom. Right now we're going to work on your walk. What I want you to do is go to the kitchen and grab another coffee cup and place it on the kitchen table. From there you're going to walk to the opposite corner of the room and grab a penny out of the cup. Then, you will walk back into the kitchen and place the penny in the cup on the table. You're going to do this until you've transferred all the pennies from one cup to the other. While you do this you will focus on how you carry yourself while you walk, avoiding any stumbles, missteps or clumsy movements." She motions to the cup in the corner, letting him know that he can begin. As he grabs the first penny he tries to estimate how many are there and figures there must be at least 100. From her position on the couch she corrects and instructs him to walk properly reminding him to be careful and not to rush. When he looks down to check how he is placing his feet he is immediately corrected and told that isn't allowed. She tells him to return to the cup and bring her the penny he had just placed there, then continue. A few trips later he stumbles on the way to the kitchen. Again he's told to bring the penny to her. This continues until after about 20 roundtrips she begins to see him getting sloppy and warns him about it. By the time he's halfway done, he's had to bring her six pennies for mistakes and again he begins to get sloppy. He's told to bring the penny in hand to her again without being told why then instructed to stand where he is until she returns. She returns with a pair of thumbscrew type nipple clamps. While letting him know that he's gotten sloppy again, she drops his blouse and places the clamps on his chest, tightening each until he lets out a whimper and mentioning to him that perhaps these will keep him focused on the task at hand. He continues with the clamps on his chest constantly reminding him to be careful. After what seemed like an eternity, he drops the final penny into the cup only having to bring her another 2 for a total of 7. He's been told to bring the cup to her and kneel in front of her to count them. He counts quickly, the dull pain in his chest urging him on. When he tells her that there were 103 she tells him to write in his notebook that he failed seven times out of 110. Reaching under the couch she brings out a long leather strap. Handing him one of 7 pennies she tells him to bend over and lift his skirt. Without pause she swings the strap, connecting with a loud crack. He lets out a yelp and struggles to maintain his balance. She then tells him to return the cup to the table and return the penny in his hand to the cup, then return to her. He does and again he's handed a penny and told to bend over and lift his skirt. This time before she swings she warns him that should he fall, he has to start this whole lesson over again. Then she brings the strap down hard. Again he yelps and returns the penny to the cup. By the time they got to the last one, his legs are trembling uncontrollably as he bends over -- partly due to exhaustion and partly due to fear of having to start over again. She pulls no punches but he manages to stay standing and after returning the penny to the cup is told to kneel upright in front of her. Pulling down his blouse she tells him "You did pretty good, and with practice you'll get much better." He squeals and twists as she removes first one of the clamps than the other and the blood flows back. Grateful to be off his feet, he tips forward onto all fours and rests his head on his forearms as the pain in his chest fades to a dull ache. Almost immediately she asks, "aren't going to thank me for that little lesson?" He pulls in a deep breath as he slightly shakes his head. He almost can't believe it. He probably couldn't have stood another minute on those heels the way his feet ached and he knows that she was trying to knock him over with that paddle. Now she wants me to thank her? Lifting his head he sees her position one of her feet close to him. He plants a few kisses on her foot as he says "thank you ma'am." Then rests his head again. She senses a tone in his voice and moves her foot to tap him on the head as she notes out loud "well, that didn't sound very sincere. Is there a problem?" Again he draws a heavy breath and pauses for a moment to resist the urge to complain or tell her off. "No ma'am, I'm just tired. Thank you." He replies, his head still resting on his arms. Moments later he feels the end of a crop slipping beneath his chin and pushing his head up. He tries to hide his emotions from showing on his face as he sits up in the kneeling position and looks across at her. She studies his face for moment, then sets the crop down next her. She leans back and announces, "OK, that's it. We need to talk one-on-one. It's important that we be perfectly clear on what's happening here, so I'm going to explain it from my point of view. And you're welcome to give your opinion." "Now, I had been seeking a subjugated obedient little maid to do my bidding for some time. What's more is I also wanted a maid that would make anyone envious and impressed with how well trained she was. I was looking for a maidservant well before you answered my ad. And then you contacted me saying that you were looking to serve and you wanted to be trained and about how you 'crave helplessness'. I considered and accepted you not just on what you were looking for but also on your look as well as what you are willing to do, what you've done and what your limits are. Since then, not only have I turned away others but I also have time invested in you. So whether you like it or not, you're it because I have no intention of starting over. You're going to be held to some very high standards once you're in-service, and you need to be prepared for that. If you want me to start holding you to them right away, I will. But I think you know that if I did, you would be in so much trouble so fast it would make your head spin." "You had ample opportunity to ask questions when we were discussing all this. You stated your limits and they matched almost perfectly with mine so I didn't ask you to change a thing. You came of your own free will. And if now you have decided that this isn't what you want, I would suggest concentrating 100 percent on your training. That way you can begin serving and can start counting off those 180 days." He had turned his gaze downward when she first started to speak and it had dropped steadily since. By the time she finished his chin rested against his chest. There was a long pause and then she asked, "Am I wrong about any of this? Is there anything you'd like to say?" As he continued to stare at the floor he realized that there was nothing he really could say. He couldn't argue against the truth and he knew that it wouldn't do any good to complain about the situation. That would probably only get him in deeper and she would probably love that. A few moments passed when suddenly she barked "Well?" He jumped, startled at the break in silence then replied a meek "no ma'am", after which she directed him to her feet so that he could thank her properly. As he did this she leaned back on the couch her hands behind her head and began to think out loud. "Maybe I should give you a taste of what will be expected of you. That could be fun watching you struggle to perform. Totally unprepared and racking up the corrective discipline." Hearing this he became more attentive of her feet and she took note of this with a smile. "Who knows, I just may try that tomorrow". A short while later, she motioned for him to sit up and he did, at her feet and resting his back against the couch. She then reached out and brushed the hair from his face. As she did this she explained to him that this doesn't need to be confrontational and to a certain degree it is really up to him how difficult or how easy it ends up being. He nods his head indicating that he understands, suppressing the urge to ask her then why she is making it so hard. A half- hour passes until she announces that it's about time to get ready for bed. She has him present his wrists and ankles and she removes the cuffs as well as his collar then tells him to hit the shower. Again, he studies himself in the mirror as he removes his wig and uniform then washes his face. Shaking his head he almost can't believe he's here. It now seems so surreal. Removing his uniform then stepping into the shower he lingers under the hot water letting it wash away some of his body aches. Moments later he hears the door opened and she enters. Without looking in on him, she announces that she's going to leave something on the counter for him to wear and that she would take care of his uniform for him, which she grabs before she leaves. He washes himself well then lingers under the hot water until he becomes concerned that he may be taking too long. Exiting the shower to towel off, he sees that she has left his collar on the counter along with an open padlock. When finished drying himself, he folds the towel carefully and returns it to the rack. Meanwhile, she takes note that the water has been turned off. She waits for about five minutes then enters the bathroom, one hand behind her back holding a short leash and a pair of handcuffs. He had dried himself already and had just finished placing the collar on his neck. "All cleaned up?" She says with a smile. He nods and replies a simple "yes ma'am." She tells him to rest his hands behind his back and turn away from her and he complies. She deftly slips the cuffs on his wrists and ratchets them in place. Placing one hand on his shoulder she turns him toward her as she speaks to him. "Sorry about the cuffs, but with all that's happened today I figure better safe than sorry." Reaching up, she clips the leash to his collar and leads him out of the bathroom. "Besides, I'm having a bit of difficulty getting a read on you and the last thing I want is any trouble tonight." Leading him into her bedroom he sees that there's a blanket and the pillow laid out on the floor at the foot of the bed. She guides him to the floor then secures the leash to the footrest of the bed with a padlock, leaving about two feet of chain. "So you're going to be sleeping in here tonight." She then removes the handcuffs. She drapes a blanket over him and adds "maybe tomorrow you can put me at ease by your behavior." With that she hops in the bed and turns off lights, leaving him on the floor. He sleeps in fits and starts, drifting in and out of sleep. When he hears the alarm ring in the morning he sits up only to be stopped abruptly by the collar around his neck. It takes a moment to remember where he is, as if waking from a dream. He hears her stir as she turns off the alarm, then silence. A few minutes pass and his fingers nervously trace the collar and padlock around his neck. He thinks he hears her slip off the side of the bed but he can't be sure. Staring up at the ceiling he sees her head pop out above the footboard and quickly he removes his hand from the collar, almost as if guilty of something. She sees his reaction and smirks a bit. Reaching over the end of the bed, key in hand, she unlocks the padlock securing the collar and tells him to stand. She then slips off the bed and walks to the closet as he stands up. She emerges from the closet holding an enema bag, which she hands off to him. "I want you to go clean yourself out, call out to me when you're done" she tells him and she slips back into bed. He stands there a few moments feeling slightly awkward and still shaking off the sleep he had just awoke from. His confusion is broke by the sound of her clearing her throat and he recognizes that he should get moving. In the bathroom he cleans himself out twice, then after making sure that he's completely clean, he steps into the shower to quickly wash himself. While in the shower she slips in and sets his collar, wrists and ankle cuffs on the counter, then leaves without saying a word. He hadn't heard her slip in and so is surprised to see them on the counter. Drying himself off, he hears her call to him telling him not to close the padlocks on the cuffs just yet. He's in the middle of putting the collar on when she steps into the bathroom. He jumps, startled for a moment, and then continues trying to suppress his concern when he sees what is in her hand. She sets a large butt plug with a wide base on the bathroom counter, and turns to face him. "Once you've got that in, I want you to connect the locks for your wrist cuffs to the D-rings on the collar before you close them, then get down on your knees facing away from the bathroom door. When you're done call out to me." With that, she exited as quickly as she had come in. It took him a while but he eventually managed to get the plug to slip past its widest point. He felt uncomfortably full as he got down on his knees and struggled with the padlock's connecting his wrists to his collar. And that's just how he was when she reentered. She couldn't help but smile at the prone figure on the floor, plug and ass in the air. Unfolding the special harness, she then knelt down behind him. The harness appeared deceptively similar to a pair of latex underwear with a pouch inside and in front. She held the pouch open and slid it up onto his sex, guiding it into the pouch. Pulling a drawstring, it closes tight behind his balls. Pulling the harness up around to the small of his back, she pulls another drawstring and he can feel the pouch drawn back and between his legs, up tight against his body. Finally she grabs a strap from the front of the harness and guides it through a loop in the back, bringing it around to the front where it's buckled tight and locked around his waist. As she draws it tight he can feel the plug pushed further inside of him, and reacts with a slight moan. Ordering him to his feet, she unlocks the cuffs at his collar. Once off the collar she closes the locks on the cuffs again. "Start on your makeup, I'll be back with your clothes." He found it a little more difficult to concentrate on his makeup because of the pressure from the plug. On top of that, his eyes kept drifting down to his crotch; amazed at how well the harness hid his sex. As he worked on his face, she stepped in with his clothes and a wig. Setting them down she instructed him to meet her in the living room once he was dressed. He looked over at the black and white maids outfit and replied a simple "yes ma'am." Once finished with his makeup and hair he began to get dressed, but quickly noticed that she left no stockings or shoes. Once he had everything on, he was unsure of what to do next. He wondered if he should call out to her and wait to see if she would bring them, or just meet her where she said. He finally chose to go out there as he was. It was odd how he actually felt undressed stepping out into the living room, then standing at attention as he announced "I'm finished ma'am, but there were no shoes left for me." She looked over at him with a slight smile. "That's because I left none. Come over here then turn around and kneel, facing away from me." She removed his ankle cuffs then told him to place his arms at his sides. As he knelt there she slid another pair of leather cuffs around his arms directly above the elbows and padlocked them in place connected by about 18 inches of fine chain. He remembered these from when she had him in the hood and posture collar and his stomach did a somersault. She then ordered him down onto his hands and knees. Lifting the maids outfit she undid the knot in the corset laces, then straddling him she pulled the laces tight. He reacted with a slight moan as the corset tightened. She then placed a knee in the small of his back and gave the laces a final tug, before tying them off. As she pulled his uniform back down she let him know that he should have left no more than a 1-inch gap and that he should be more careful in the future. She sat down and told him to turn around and kneel facing her. She then placed a new pair of stockings in front of him. "Now then, I thought that I detected a little bit of attitude from you yesterday. This, after I went through all the trouble of helping you walk in the heels better. It seems to me that you felt you didn't need to or didn't want to improve. Now I could be wrong about what I saw, but I doubt it. Besides this will be a good learning experience." She then set a pair of his ankle strap pumps with five and a half-inch heels as well as a tin of shoe polish in front of them. "I know that you're used to fishnets, but I want you to wear these. I expect you to be extremely careful with them because if you snag, run or damage them in any way you will pay dearly. I'll probably inspect them, at least at the end of the day, but you may want to let me know of anything that happens to them as soon as it happens. The shoes I want you to buff and polish before you put them on. Once on, the only marks I expect to see on them would be on the bottom face. That means no scuffmarks from bumping into the furniture or each other. Again, with this I would suggest you be very careful as well as let me know if you have any problems." With that, she stood and placed her hands on her hips "This should give you a small example of the standards you may be held to once in-service, at least as far as your uniform goes. Now hurry and let's get those on so that you can start breakfast." Grabbing the shoes and the shoe polish he buffed the heels until they shined, then when he thought he was done with them, he went over them a second time realizing that he could be blamed for scuff marks already on them. He carefully slid the stockings over his feet, being careful not to snag them. He was focused on not allowing his toenails or the calluses of his feet to catch the delicate fabric. Perhaps a bit too worried as he caught one stocking on one of his fingernails. He panicked a bit and made it worse by pulling, then caught himself. Moving in the opposite direction he carefully unhooked his nail. Inspecting the fabric he was thankful to see that he hadn't started a run, but there was a small snag. It was just a slight bunching of material, noticeable but barely. He finished unrolling it up his leg then started on the other one as he debated whether or not to tell her about the small snag. Would she even notice? As he slipped the shoes on and buckled them into place he thought that the way things have been going, he had better tell her about the snag. Standing on the heels, their height hit home -- five and a half-inch heels and with no platform. These were the highest he could handle walking in yet alone being careful with. Looking to where he had last seen her he walked over to her bedroom door, but was startled by her exiting before he got there. She stopped to size him up nodding her approval. After a moment's pause, he cleared his throat and began, "ma'am, I'm afraid I put a small snag in one of the stockings while putting them on." She instructed him to show her, and she took note of it. She then told him that he didn't have to write it in his notebook. Instead they would just add them all up when the time comes. She even thanked him for telling her and he let out a sigh of relief. Relief that was short-lived however when she informed him that just for reference, a snag like that would cost him about 10 strokes or maybe 10 clothespins for 10 minutes. That was much better than the 25 he could've received for not telling her. 10 strokes? He thought to himself. It could barely be seen! What if he had actually put a run in them? She took note of the look of bewilderment on his face and would have smiled, but she didn't want him to see. Instead, she kept a straight face. "We can re-educate you about that later and throughout the day -- which reminds me, in the bedroom there's a rope hanging from a pulley. It's directly above an eyebolt in the floor. I need you to attach a spreader bar to the floor. And while you're at it, grab all three strings of clamps from the closet and lay them on the dresser in that corner. You can take care of that after you start breakfast." She shooed him back into the kitchen as she headed for the couch. Before he could ask she called out "3 eggs, over easy, hash browns and an English muffin with butter and jam. Orange juice with the meal and coffee now." On hearing that he looked out into living room and saw that she already had a coffee cup. He minced out into living room to retrieve it. On his way back to fill it he heard her call out "no need for the tray, but I do want that filled to within quarter inch from the top." He managed to fill the cup and return it to its coaster without incident then started cooking breakfast. As it cooks he walks to her bedroom and he rolls what she said over in his mind. Stepping into the closet he says to himself "spreader bar and three strings". Grabbing the spreader bar he looks for three strings of wood clothespins, then it hits him. Looking up he sees only one row of regular clothespins and he remembers the other two. One is a string of strong but smooth clamped clips, but the third was alligator clips -- serrated teeth and all. He began to shake and had to calm himself for a moment. Swallowing hard, he carried the spreader bar and the clips out into the room. He quickly attached the spreader bar and laid the clips out on the dresser, then rushed back to the kitchen to finish breakfast. His feet were already starting to ache by the time he announced to her that breakfast was served. And while he wasn't sure, he thinks he may have scuffed his shoes several times already. He turned to begin cleaning up as she started to eat, but she stopped him. Offering him a seat if he wished as they had something to discuss. She began by reminding him that today was Sunday and that she knew he had to work on Monday. She also reminded him that this upcoming weekend was the weekend of the ninth and while she knew he didn't have to work on Friday, she also wanted him to turn in a request for the following Monday off. This would give them another four-day weekend she said with a smile. She then had him confirm to her that he lived alone during the week, usually having his son on the weekends. She explained that normally she would just have him return here Thursday night, however with the problems they've had so far she thinks it best that she drive him to work on Monday as well as pick him up. Unless he can show it to be a problem, she will continue to drop him off and pick him up all week. His heart felt heavy in his chest and he began what he thought was going to be a protest. He started with the words "but ma'am...." but was cut off by her. "Now before you start bitching, let me remind you that you yourself said you live alone during the week. Also, you have to be completely honest with me about the time you're available to serve and that a lie by omission is still a lie. And of course being dishonest is one of three things that you're quite aware I simply will not tolerate. If I catch you in a lie, I will make your life miserable and that's a promise. Keeping that in mind, is there still something you want to say?" He knew there was no reason why he couldn't serve through next weekend, but he still didn't think it was fair and was becoming upset. Then suddenly it hit him why it wasn't fair and he spoke up. "But you said I only had to serve 40 hours a month, I've already been here more than 40." On hearing this she stopped eating and pointed at him with her fork. "No, no no, let me remind you the agreement was you must serve a minimum of 40 hours. There's nothing written about a maximum, as long as it doesn't interfere with your job or family." His head spun as he thought to himself, "did it really say that?" The more he thought about it, the more he thought that she was right. All he could do was sit there shaking his head. She finished her breakfast and pushed her plate away from her. Standing up as she looked over at him, she decided to snap him out of it. Bending over and placing both hands of the table, she speaks directly to him. "Listen up, you are the one who decided to be a problem child. Before we started this I gave you three rules that were absolutes, and you broke two of them in the first weekend. One of them twice! Now then, if you're just going to sit there shaking your head, you might as well be ball gagged, hogtied and stuffed in the back of a closet. You have made a very poor first impression, and it would be in your best interest to do everything you can to correct that. Now grab yourself something to eat and get started on the breakfast dishes and cleanup." He found himself torn with emotions. On one hand he honestly thought he was going to cry, and yet when she began speaking so forcefully to him, he felt his restricted sex stir in its confines as he did the dishes and cleanup. She meanwhile kept a close eye on him from the living room, watching for when he would be finished. And as soon as he was she approached him, leash in hand. Looking at him, she announced, "now then, little girl, because of the attitude you gave me about that little training exercise we did, I told you that I was going to give you a taste of being held to a high standard. So, let's have a look." Clipping the leash to his collar she turned and led him to her home office and sat him next to her computer. Stepping behind him, she attached his wrist cuffs to a pair of clips mounted beneath it. She got on one knee and began to examine his shoes. Then she began to count off "1, 2, " she trailed off and he thinks he hears her say 5 total, and she stands and confirms this. "5 scuffs in a mere two hours, but I'm not done. There is another 2 for water spots, one for each shoe, apparently from you dripping on your shoes. So that's 7. Also, you'll find that crooked seams are a major pet peeve of mine so that's another 10, 5 for each for your seams. So that's 17 total. Normally that would be 10 points each, or 170 total but I'm afraid you didn't tell me about any of these or catch them yourself, so I'm afraid that's doubled for 340." His heart sank as she added the totals and he squirmed in the chair. "Plus another 24 for what we didn't finish when I had you spread eagle on the bed." She then leaned over and grabbed his notebook from his apron. "There's more than 100 here, but we'll round it off to an even 450 total." She turned the spreadsheet on the screen for him to see. "Now, I see that look in your eye and yes I'm afraid that each of these equals a single stroke with a cane. But that could be boring so don't fret dear. That could also be 2 strokes with a strap for each point, or 20 clamps for 20 minutes could equal 20 points. Regardless, you will have plenty of time to catch up. And just so you know, you can always volunteer to work some of them off." His stomach was doing back flips and he was starting to shake. He wanted to say something in his defense, or to just tell her he didn't want to do this anymore. But he knew it would do more harm than good. His bottom lip began to quiver and the more he tried to stop it, the worse it got. She could tell what his state of mind was, and when she saw his lip quivering she chose to pause for a few minutes to let it sink in. Leaning back in her chair, she crossed her legs then rested her elbow on the desk, her chin in her hand and stared at him until he looked up at her. She waited a long pause then began again. "You see, this is all about taking responsibility for your actions, which you seem to have difficulty with. But that's O.K. because I have some news that will help you along. You see, I'm basically self-employed, which means that I pretty much set my own hours. What I'm going to do for you is change my work and sleep schedule around for at least the next month. That way you can report here late Monday night and serve me during the week, right up until you have to leave for work on Friday. You will still need to keep me informed of any weekend you may be available, of course, but I feel this will help you adjust. We still have some time until you need to start lunch, and I can see you are still having problems with this. I'm sure these 450 demerits are hanging heavy on your mind too, so lets take this opportunity to help you along a bit." She stood up and walked behind him. He swallowed hard to try to keep his stomach down and closed his eyes to brace himself for what may come. He shifted uncomfortably in the chair, the plug he wore making it's presence more and more known the longer he sat. He felt her disconnect the wrist cuffs from the chair, but then felt them attached to one another. She ordered him out of the chair with a stern "UP!" and he struggled to his feet. No sooner had he stood, than they were off and on their way with her leading him to her bedroom by the leash. Once inside she made a beeline for the spreader bar on the floor. Allowing his leash to hang loose as she bent down and secured his ankles. Reaching up to unclip the leash, she then stepped around behind him. He felt the leash clipped to his wrist cuffs then felt a slight tug downward on them as she wrapped the other end around the middle of the spreader bar. Stepping to the closet, she returned with a long leather strap. One end of this she slid beneath one arm, looped it around his back, then back out front beneath the other arm. The whole time he was becoming increasingly worried. She took the two ends of the strap and clipped them to the rope hanging from a pulley on the ceiling. Stepping over to the wall she pulled the opposite end tight and he found himself bound tight, standing with his arms pulled downward behind him. She picked up some type of harness off the dresser, and then paused to admire her handiwork before stepping around behind him. He saw the harness approach his face from over his head and recognized it as a pony bit gag. The low moans he had been unable to control turned to a whine and he bounced in place on the heels in frustration. "Open up!" she commanded. He couldn't help but say "please" and as he did, the bit slipped into place. "Please what? Please change your attitude? Please help me accept my position? Why of course dear," she taunted as she tightened the chin and head straps. Stepping over to the dresser, she twisted the full- length mirror towards him so he could see himself clearly, then picking up the wooden string of clips; she casually strolled up to him. Draping the clips over his shoulder she ponders aloud about how many to use. Pulling the top of his maid's outfit down, she tucks it into the top of his corset. Grabbing several of the wooden clips she begins to apply them across his chest, starting with one on each nipple, then fanning out from there until there is 7 on each breast. He hisses when the first one is applied, and by the last he is moaning as he clenches the bit in his teeth. She runs her hand down the length of them, pushing them down and he writhes in place. Then, almost matter-of-factly, she folds them up against his body and pulls the top of the maid's outfit over them. His eyes go wide and he yelps into the gag. She responds with a smile. He starts to beg through the gag and she shushes him, saying that it's much too early for that. Grabbing another handful of clips, she drops to one knee and lifts his skirt and petticoat. She sees that his legs are trembling and remarks "Gee, I hope you're gonna be okay, after all you're gonna be here for a while!" and she lets out a low chuckle. "You know what? I forgot about your little harness you have on. Well, I can't put these on your balls, guess I'll have to put them on the inside of your thighs" she says, shrugging her shoulders. At this point begins to plead into the gag again. A muffled "please, no" escaped from behind the bit. Pinching the flesh on the inside of his thighs she attaches one pin then another, ignoring his pleas. She comes out from underneath the skirt and looks up at him. For a moment he thought she was done, then he sees her grabbing another handful of clips. He began shaking his head and saying "no, no!" She clucks gently at him and says, "You know, it's OK to cry if you want. No one will think any less if you." Again she disappears beneath the petticoat. As more flesh falls victim to the clips, he pulls more and more on the bonds. Finally she stands, satisfied with her work. His breathing has become rapid and he's biting hard on the bit. Stepping back to admire her work she remarks "oh my, don't you look cute! I'll be back, so don't you go anywhere." She says with a laugh and turns to leave. This time he screams into the gag and she remarks over her shoulder, "It's OK, you can scream. The room is soundproof enough and neighbors are far enough away that you shouldn't disturb anybody." Then he hears the door click shut behind her. The fire from the clips slowly changes to a dull aching pain. He finds it hard to assemble a clear thought other than he can't believe she left him here, like this. After an eternity he hears her enter again. She walks in a wide slow circle around him. Grabbing a chair from the corner she sets it down about 10 feet in front of him. Then she sits down in front of him and crosses her legs, watching him with what seems to be cold indifference. He closes his eyes from the pain only to hear her bark, "Look at me!" And he opens his eyes again in time to see her slide her hand between her legs. Her eyes half close and her head tips back as she asks him "so would you like me to take those clips off?" He nods his head feverishly. She just smiles and says, "Aren't you going to say please?" Clenching his teeth on the bit he moans "please".
About Me

- The EuroBlack Phoenix, MsMadyson
- Los Angeles, CA, United States
- My Name is MsMadyson yes that is capital M small s and another capital M as you see there is NO SPACE. Thank you for showing respect to Me in the written form as well as in person. I am a Professional Dominatrix and educator. I will tell you now that you will have to earn the right to call Me Mistress. If you are looking for a runway model type or some stick figure type with a whip then keep looking. I am a real woman with curves! I am without question well skilled & trained in the art of BDSM. I have been practicing this art for over 10 years now. I am always looking for new things to learn. I’ve been trained by some of the best Lifestyle Mistresses and Masters as well as other Professional Dominas and Dommes in the country. So My knowledge of most forms of fetish fantasy play is fabulous but I am always and I say ALWAYS looking to improve on everything. I am a Mistress at Sanctuary Studios LAX and look forward to seeing you for live sessions...
I’m a Professional Dominatrix, Infamous Mistress & Educator in who travels to Los Angeles monthly. I will be a resident before DomCon LA 2015 so keep a watchful eye out for Me. When you come to Me, you will feel safe to share your darkest desires with a true life Mistress, a real lady & Domina. I am The EuroBlack Phoenix, MsMadyson ascending as your Exquisitely Sadistic Financial Dominatrix
A deposit is required for all NEW clients. A new clients is someone that has seen Me less than 3 times within a calendar year or for the 1st time. you can make your deposit or pay for your sessions via GreenDot MoneyPak or GoFundMeIf you are interested in private phone & or web sessions sign up & contact Me here on Niteflirt
I also except GiftRocket and Venmo plus you may also use cash to purchase a giftcard with a VISA/MasterCard logo from any grocery store, CVS, Walgreens, etc.
I've got over 10 yrs in with the Dark Art of BDSM under My corset. I am always looking to learn new & exciting things to share with those that desire to submit to Me in session.
I've got over 10 yrs in with the Dark Art of BDSM under My corset. I am always looking to learn new & exciting things to share with those that desire to submit to Me in session.
Friday, October 22, 2010
In Her service pt4 by azsub1
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