About Me

- The EuroBlack Phoenix, MsMadyson
- Los Angeles, CA, United States
- My Name is MsMadyson yes that is capital M small s and another capital M as you see there is NO SPACE. Thank you for showing respect to Me in the written form as well as in person. I am a Professional Dominatrix and educator. I will tell you now that you will have to earn the right to call Me Mistress. If you are looking for a runway model type or some stick figure type with a whip then keep looking. I am a real woman with curves! I am without question well skilled & trained in the art of BDSM. I have been practicing this art for over 10 years now. I am always looking for new things to learn. I’ve been trained by some of the best Lifestyle Mistresses and Masters as well as other Professional Dominas and Dommes in the country. So My knowledge of most forms of fetish fantasy play is fabulous but I am always and I say ALWAYS looking to improve on everything. I am a Mistress at Sanctuary Studios LAX and look forward to seeing you for live sessions...
I’m a Professional Dominatrix, Infamous Mistress & Educator in who travels to Los Angeles monthly. I will be a resident before DomCon LA 2015 so keep a watchful eye out for Me. When you come to Me, you will feel safe to share your darkest desires with a true life Mistress, a real lady & Domina. I am The EuroBlack Phoenix, MsMadyson ascending as your Exquisitely Sadistic Financial Dominatrix
A deposit is required for all NEW clients. A new clients is someone that has seen Me less than 3 times within a calendar year or for the 1st time. you can make your deposit or pay for your sessions via GreenDot MoneyPak or GoFundMeIf you are interested in private phone & or web sessions sign up & contact Me here on Niteflirt
I also except GiftRocket and Venmo plus you may also use cash to purchase a giftcard with a VISA/MasterCard logo from any grocery store, CVS, Walgreens, etc.
I've got over 10 yrs in with the Dark Art of BDSM under My corset. I am always looking to learn new & exciting things to share with those that desire to submit to Me in session.
I've got over 10 yrs in with the Dark Art of BDSM under My corset. I am always looking to learn new & exciting things to share with those that desire to submit to Me in session.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Story of My Single tail
So I had a love bare back that begged for some abuse, now far be it from Me to not be hospitable. So I got out My trusty single tail and started out nice & slow, soft & easy and after about 45 minutes I found that I was up to a lovely rhythm that we where both dancing to. Each & every lash made its own distinct sound as I kissed the skin on the back repeatedly. Once I felt My subject had enough I laid them down and applied a cool rag to there burning hot skin. I do so love My Single tail!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Coming Soon...
Ok so I am almost done updating My website and can't wait for you all to see what is being done, new photos and everything... I am committed to My plan... I am The Premiere Exotic Black Dominatrix of Phoenix, AZ
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
New Photo Shoot...
Well there are a few HUNDRED new pictures that where taken of Me in My new leather corsets & leather skirt. They will be for sale on my MsMadyson's Image4Sale I will have some sample shoots posted here soon... Did I mention that there is some great latex gloves & anal fisting pictures too along with lovely whip bottom slut toy?
Friday, October 22, 2010
Let Me welcome you
I am moving from yahoo group to hear as I like the layout & want something fresh & new. I will have this linked up with My personal website as well as facebook, twitter & MySpace. I will be using this site to blog about all kinds of thinks I like, what I am doing, where I might be visiting next as well as finding out where in the world would people like Me to visit to do wild & crazy sessions. So I look forward to getting more of Me on here as the days going on...
Spank ya soon
In Her service pt8 by azsub1
As they approached the garage she opened the door with the remote then
closed it behind them. She stripped the coat from him and undid his
hands from the handles, then remarked about what a pleasant walk it had
been. Looking directly at him she added "don't you think so?" He
hesitated a moment, somewhat surprised at her friendly tone, before
answering "yes ma'am."
"Well, you have been fairly well behaved and there's a couple hours
before you have to start dinner. Why don't you take it easy for a
while. just don't misbehave and stay out from underfoot o.k.?" He
nodded as he replied, but gave her a slightly puzzled look. "Straighten
up the guest room or something similar, organise your things or take a
shower if you want. Just don't play with yourself, got it?" she said
over her shoulder as she walked into the house. He followed soon after
and almost felt guilty for ducking into the guest bedroom and flopping
himself down on the bed. It felt good to get off of his feet, but the
relief simply focused his mind on the dull ache between his legs. He
had almost forgotten about the ring above his balls and he had never
really had a chance to examine it up close.
Sitting up, he begins to lift his skirt to examine himself, then stops
and looks to the door, listening. What if she comes in and disapproves.
Or even worse thinks that he is playing with himself? He thinks better
of it and heads to the shower. Standing up, his feet ache worse than
before he sat down. Walking to the toilet he sits and upon reaching
down to undo the ankle strap he remembers that they're padlocked on. He
wonders if he should ask her for the key, after all, out of sight, out
of mind. But that water sure would feel good. He has to make sure it's
ok to shower with this ring on anyways so he checks himself in the
mirror then steps out into the hallway and heads towards the living
room. She is there on the couch and he stands at attention until she
makes eye contact, then dips into a curtsey as she asks him what he
needs. He asks about the padlocks on his shoes and she tosses him the
key, telling him to open the locks and then hand them back. As he
undoes the hasps he asks her whether or not he can shower with this
ring on his scrotum. She pushes around the pile of papers on the coffee
table and hands him a small booklet as he hands her the keys. "Here's
the operating instructions and other info. You might as well read all
about it." He minces back to the bedroom and takes his clothes off then
steps into the bathroom. Running the shower he sits down and opens the
booklet which appears to be several sheets typed and printed off of a
home p.c.
There's a crude drawing/blueprint of it and he can see that it's
actually two halfs joined together. One half being a semi circle, the
other half the same except for the two steel pins jutting out from the
inside diameter that line up with 2 small holes on the opposite side.
He shudders a bit realising that these are running directly through his
scrotum. He can see that the two halves are held together by alignment
pins and two small machine screws covered by rubber plugs. A third plug
protects a small electric jack. His spirits rise when he see's that all
he has to do is remove the screws to separate the two halves. He
continues to read the device description and specs.
"operates on rechargable 12v lithium battery with a fully charged
battery expected to last appx. 6 months between charges. Effective
range is only limited by the coverage of your chosen pager/cellphone
service. There are 3 basic functions available once the unit is dialed,
each operated by pressing 1-3 followed by a 4 digit code. function 1
disables the unit, 2 enables the unit and 3 activates the unit.
Activating the unit causes a simple short circuit between the 2 halves,
creating extreme heat almost instantly. There is no way to turn the
unit off once activated other than to let the battery run down. A word
of warning, once enabled there is no way to remove the device until
it's again disabled. This is due to a continuity circuit that runs
through the outside ring of the unit. Should this circuit get
interrupted, the unit activates immediately. The assembly screws are a
part of that circuit also and will activate it as soon as either one is
loosened. Once activated it only takes about two seconds for the pins
running through the middle to glow red hot, even at 25% of the
batteries capacity. Although not truly tested yet, my guess is that it
would take less than 6 seconds to castrate the wearer, leaving the
wound cauterized and thus most likely unrepairable."
His hands trembled as he read the last sentence and he could feel his
stomach at the back of his throat. He dropped the instruction book as
he went to his knees. His mouth filled with a rush of salty saliva as
he held his head over the edge of the bath tub. Once his world stopped
spinning he carefully stood up, suddenly much more aware of the device
between his legs, then stepping into the shower and letting the warm
water flow over him and clear his mind. He tried to think of a way to
remove the damned thing. If it really worked the way the book said,
then cutting it off wasn't an option. To keep it from going off until
the very end of the cut he would have to do it from the center out.
Even then he would have to do 2 cuts at the same time so it would be
split in 2 halves, and he just couldn't see how. The screws were just
as difficult because both would have to be backed out dozens of turns
and at the same time.
Maybe he could somehow shield it from recieving any signals, but that
wouldn't stop it from going off if he tried to remove it. Which meant
that he would have to keep it shielded until the battery ran down. Six
months between charges and who knows how much power is left then. there
could still be plenty left for it to do its job. A chill raced down his
spine . Looking down at himself he could see his body hair coming back
so he steps back out of the water stream and grabs the depilitory
cream. Covering himself with a thick coat he then rests on the edge of
the tub. the scent of the cream hangs heavy in the air as he is lost in
thought. What could he do about this? All he really knew was that he
didn't know what he was going to do. He stepped under the shower head.
The warm water felt good on his skin and he relaxed underneath it for a
moment, clearing his mind. He was snapped back to reality by the water
gradually becoming colder. He had been in there long enough to have
emptied the water heater and he realises he should get a move on.
Quickly washing then rinsing himself off, he steps out of the shower
and towels himself off. Wrapping the towel around his waist , he peeks
out into the guest room to make sure that all is well. His eye catches
the uniform he had just removed laying on the floor and he is reminded
of her warning about getting dressed again without delay. He walks over
to the closet, picking up his old uniform along the way.
He then slides the closet door open, and feels the rush of excitement
that anyone with a fetish like his would feel. Looking along the length
of it he see's his other 3 french maids uniforms, all in black satin.
Followed by his 2 english maids uniforms of the same material. The
other of his 2 white petticoats and his black one. Several pairs of
fishnet stockings hang along with several aprons. She had liked the
idea of the locking ankle straps, so many of his shoes weren't here.
All that remained were 4 pairs of black pumps. 2 with 5" heels 1 with 5
1/2" inch heels and 1 pair with an extreme 6" heel. He had thought the
locking straps a good idea at the time, and he loved the look of the 6"
heels. Not so much anymore now that things are for real. Also hanging
here was his other fitted corset, his wigs and other miscellaneous
accessories. Finally at the far end of the closet was the cruel and
restrictive thick rubber uniform with the hobble skirt and deprivation
hood. He hadn't brought this, it was provided by her and the memories
of wearing it made him shiver. He was sure she kept it there as a
reminder and or warning to him. The only thing he didn't see were the
male clothes he had arrived in.
After stripping the stockings from the corset he was wearing, he tosses
them into the hamper along with the old uniform and grabs replacements
for both. Sitting on the edge of the bed he begins to get dressed,
going over her requirements in his head as he does. Corset pulled to
within one inch of closed with the loops and ends of the laces equal
lengths when tied.
Next come the fishnets, back seams straight, pulled to equal heights
and no snags, runs or holes allowed. Eight garters attached and evenly
spaced. Then stepping into the dress, the satin felt cool on his skin,
and he felt that lightheaded feeling that always came with dressing.
Zipping up the back, he then walks over and steps into the full white
petticoat from earlier. Pulling it up to his waist he feels his sex
stir and he can almost feel his balls grow heavy. The realization hit
him that he hasn't orgasmed since he's been here. And how long has that
been? He asks himself. Five, six days? He tries to piece the time
together, but can't quite think straight. He checks himself in the
mirror, smoothing the dress and his growing hard-on down over the
petticoat. Tying the apron around his waist takes him three tries
before the loops and ends are even. Grabbing a pair of 5" heels and the
open padlocks, he sits on the edge of the bed and checks the shoes for
scuffs, remembering the lesson she had taught him a few days ago. He
slips the shoes on and wraps the straps in place before padlocking them
in place.
After a thourough shave he dons his blonde shoulder length wig then
starts on his makeup, applying it thick and in her chosen colors. "I
look like a whore..." he says to himself. And yet even in his present
situation and after all he has been through, he can't help the hard-on,
more evident than ever beneath and engulfed by his petticoat. Each
motion he makes seems to caress it and coax it even harder.
when finished he checks himself in the mirror, straightening his
uniform and brushing the lint off. He marveled at how good he looked,
except for the hard-on pushing the front of his skirt out. Pressing it
down with his hand only made it worse. He couldn't go out there like
this. There was no way to hide it, and he needed to cum something
fierce. He remembers her warning about playing with himself and wonders
if he should just explain it to her and ask for relief. Then again he
thinks she would probably torment him with it, maybe even punish him
for having it. He thinks about what she is capable of and what she
might do if she catches him masturbating, or what she might do just for
him having it. Then he realises that he is almost subconsciously
stroking himself through the petticoat as he stands there looking at
himself in the mirror. He shakes it off and hides it as best he can
then heads out to the living room.
Seeing him enter, she asks if he enjoyed the shower and whether or not
he was ready to serve again. The first question made him nervous, could
she know he was playing with himself? He didn't see how. He thought the
second question a bit odd, but answered a polite "yes Maam" to each.
She rose from the couch and walked in a lazy circle towards him, almost
as if stalking him. Passing behind himhe can hear her clicking her
tongue in disapproval. "Let's see now, I believe we had wiped the slate
clean as far as corrective discipline is concerned, correct?"
"yes ma'am."
"and I did explain the uniform and general appearance requirements,
"yes ma'am" he replies, growing concerned.
she steps up close behind him, close enough for him to feel he breath
on his neck.
"then perhaps you can tell me why your shoes are touching one another?"
he quickly moves to separate them as he apologises "i'm sorry ma'am..".
A little too quickly because he goes off balance and has to catch
Now you've just made matters worse for yourself." she chides as she
steps around in front of him. "this apron needs ironing." she smoothes
it with her hand and in his sensitive state her touch causes him to
"oh my! A little sensitive aren't we?" she slides her hand beneath his
petticoat with a wicked smile. He forces himself not to flinch as she
brushes her hand up against his sex.
"what's this, a little precum? That means you must get excited when i
correct you and talk about punishing you. See, i knew you loved
it....that is, unless you were playing with youself. No, that couldn't
be it because i forbade that, didn't i?" a short pause then she asks
louder. "didn't i?"
He stutters out another "yes ma'am."
"well i may have to be a little rougher on you, after all, i can't have
you enjoying yourself too much." Well it's about time for you to start
dinner. You need to eat while you prepare and just make me a nice
salad, because you won't be waiting on me. I have other plans for you."
She says with a devious grin as she walks back to the garage.
He finds himself to nervous to eat. While he's preparing her salad he
can see her roll in what looks like a type of flag or umbrella stand.
With a wide heavy base and a notched steel pole rising up about three
feet from the middle. This she rolls to the center of living room. He
also sees her prepare other items, but just out of sight. Once finished
with the salad and her place setting done, he steps out into the living
room and while trying to hide his nervousness he announces that the
food is ready.
Curling an index finger at him, she beckons him over to her. Then with
a twirl of her finger she lets him know that he's to turn around facing
away from her. She orders his hands behind him and he feels his wrists
encircled with leather straps. He can feel her raise his hair out of
the way and attach something to the back of his collar. With a quick
pull his wrist are pulled up to his middle back then buckled into
place. She fiddles with something on the stand behind him, and grabbing
the strap between his wrists and collar she pulls him backwards so that
he's straddling the stand, his feet spread about two feet apart and at
the edges of the base. Unable to see what's going on or even to look
down due to the pull on his neck, he grows concerned when he begins to
hear a metallic, familiar clicking noise coming from beneath him. He
soon realizes what it is when he begins to feel a plug pressing at his
behind. The notched pole is some type of a jack and she is about to
impale him on it. As the plug presses up against him he struggles to
squirm off of it. She responds by pulling him back.
He's taken plugs before and knows that the key is to relax, but given
his present situation he can't. He tries to as the plug presses tighter
and tighter until finally he speaks up. "ma'am, can't I lower myself
onto it instead?" He sees anger flash in her eyes for a moment, but
fade to smile by the time he finishes the question. She takes a step
back from him and looks him up and down. "And what's the magic word?"
She asks. To which he meekly replies "please ma'am?" On hearing this
she breaks into a lighthearted chuckle. "My oh my! Don't you look
precious standing there all dolled up and asking for a plug in your
ass! I've got to save this one because is it's just too precious." She
opens a cabinet next to the television and pulls out the camcorder.
Holding it up she says "now lets her that one more time, and with
feeling." As if she was a director, adding "unless you want me to take
a cane to your ass until you get it right." The red light to the
camcorder blinks at him as if taunting him.
And so he finds himself corseted and in five inch heels, fully made up
and wearing a full-blown maids outfit, wrists bound behind him and
begging for a plug in his ass. She has him do several more takes before
setting the camcorder down and telling him to proceed. Taking a deep
breath he lowers himself onto the plug, then backs off before lowering
himself back down again. Finally making it past the widest point and
slipping into place. It felt like it was a normal sized plug to him,
uncomfortable but not painful. Seeing him stop she asked if he was
finished then walked up to him again. "This is a little tool I designed
to help one stay aware of their posture. You, my dear would have only
spent 20 minutes on it had it not been for your clumsy attempt to
correct the way you were standing. I may have overlooked your unironed
apron had it not been for your clumsiness." She begins to work to jack
again and he feels the plug press deeper. As it does he struggles to
stand as tall as he possibly can and she only stops when he can move no
more. "So now you'll spent 20 minutes here because of your posture and
another 20 minutes for your wrinkled apron, which makes 40 minutes. Of
course we'll have to add another 20 to that due to your clumsy attempt
at correcting your mistake, which gives us an hour." From the corner of
his eye he sees her reach down behind him, then feels the plug grow
inside him, followed by a hiss of air. "On top of all that, for some
reason you made the decision to keep your wrinkled apron on, and that
my dear, brings us to 2 hours. " She squeezes the bulb again and he
lets out a whimper as the plug grows more. "Now I'll consider giving
you a short break after the first hour, but that depends on how well
you behave. If I hear a bunch of whining and crying from you, you might
be there more than 2 hours. Understand?" She gives the bulb another
squeeze and it almost feels as if his feet are going to be lifted off
the floor. He lets out a low moan and whimpers "please ma'am..." She
grabs him by the chin with one hand "please what? Didn't I just ask you
a direct question? I didn't ask you to beg, I asked if you understood."
She lets go of his chin and it drops to his chest and he replies "yes
He watched her walk off to the kitchen and sit at the table, while he
teetered on the heels and stand. His breath was reduced to short gasps
as he tried to hold still. He felt like he was going to burst and any
movement made the pressure worse. She meanwhile sat at the table eating
her salad with her back to him. Once finished she stepped back into the
room and walked directly towards him. He pleaded with his eyes for
relief, yet she paid no notice. She simply straightened out his skirt
and petticoat, brushed his hair from his eyes with her fingers, smiled
and sat on the couch. Leaning back she turned the TV on alternated
between watching what was on TV and watching his discomfort. He wasn't
sure how long he had been there when she stood up again, but judging by
what was on TV it had been at least 45 minutes since she had finished
dinner. She walked directly over to him and crossing her arms in front
of her she smiled. "So are we going to pay a little more attention to
our posture and appearance from now on?" To which he replied a sincere
"yes ma'am". She stood there nodding her head for a moment, then spoke
up again. "Well you say that now, but you know you still owe me an hour
here and I'm not really sure that were finished here, I mean, you've
already shown me many times where you say one thing then do another.
I'll tell you what, you can stand here for another hour or I could let
you down right now. However, if I let you down now and I have to
correct you for your shoes touching or your apron unkept again within
the next three months you'll find yourself right back here. Except it
will be in six inch heels for at least three hours." She pauses for a
moment for effect. "So, would you like to stay here another hour or
which like me to let you down?"
He knew that he couldn't take another hour of this, but he also hated
the thought of agreeing to the possibility of such a harsh punishment.
It had only been an hour and his feet and ass were killing him. He
couldn't imagine spending half an hour like this in six inch heels. He
reasoned that it was a no-win situation and that she could do what she
liked regardless of what he said or agreed to. So in a soft voice he
said "I'd like to be let down now ma'am." She nodded her head and
smiled. "Confident in your abilities, I like that. Just don't think for
a second that I'm kidding. Got it?" Of course he agreed.
She opened the valve and deflated the plug. A sigh of relief escaped
him at the same time. She released the catch on the jack and the plug
slipped out of him quickly. She slipped her forefinger through the ring
in his collar and pulled him to the couch, his arms still bound behind
him. Pushing him to his knees in front of her before seating herself
she says "I noticed you hadn't eaten much. I'll give you a chance to
show your appreciation and something to eat at the same time." She
brought herself to the edge of the couch as she raised her skirt, then
slipped her hand behind his head. His face was pulled into her sex,
reaching around the outside of her thighs she clipped a short leash to
one side of collar, then the other. Grabbing a leash with each hand she
pulled his face into her, riding it like a horse and leaving him
gasping for air. After the better part of an hour she lays back, spent
and satisfied.
Once she catches her breath she sits up and reaching behind him,
releases his wrists. "Now that was nice! Well, tomorrow's another day
and I'm sure you need to go through all your things and make sure
everything is clean and in order, no more excuses. If you start now
that ought to give you a couple hours to work on it before bedtime. Run
along now, and I'll expect coffee at 9 AM and expect you to be
flawless." He struggles to his feet slowly stretching his arms. It
takes a minute for what she has said to him to sink in. Then he tips a
curtsy saying "as you wish, ma'am" before turning and walking to the
guest bedroom. Just before he exits she calls out to him. "Don't
forget, tomorrow's your first day working at the club." Which causes
him to pause, and for a moment he wonders what she's talking about.
Then he remembers and continues on to the room.
He closes the door behind him and flops down on the bed. Laying back on
the bed he stares at the ceiling trying to remember how he got into
this mess, and wondering how he can get out of it. He wonders what
working at the club is going to be like. She said his questions would
be answered as they need to be and when they need to be. Still he
wonders... How is he going to get there? Is she going to be there to
supervise? Among many other still unanswered questions. He sits up
remembering that he has been told to get his things in order. He stands
up and looks around the room trying to remember what she had said.
Clean and in order... He goes to the hamper and collects his dirty
clothes. All of them being hand wash only, he fills the bathtub with
cold water and tosses them in. Looking beneath the sink he finds a
bottle of woolite and pours a capful in the clothes. Letting them soak
he walks back to his closet and opens the door. Getting down on hands
and knees he arranges the shoes by heel height and color then makes
sure everything else is in place. Back in the bathroom he drains the
bathtub and rinses his clothes out then hangs them to dry on the shower
rod. Once that's done he straightens up around the room and bathroom.
Sitting in the edge of the bed it appears all that's left us to wait
for the clothes to dry and put them away. He decides he can do this in
the morning. Looking down at the padlocks on his shoes, he walks out
into the living room. She's still there on the couch. He steps into the
room and stands at attention waiting for her to make eye contact or
acknowledge him. Once she looks up at him he tips a curtsy to her and
says "excuse the ma'am but could I have the keys to my shoes so that I
can take shower and go to bed." She stands up hands on hips. "Why
certainly, but first go to my bedroom and bring me a cane." He
hesitates for a moment, confused. His confusion is broken when she says
"now! And be quick about it, you've already earned twice what you were
going to get because of your hesitation." He quickly minces to the
room, his stomach in his throat, unsure of what he's done wrong.
Stepping into the closet he grabs one of the canes, them all being
equally severe in his eyes. Stepping back into the living room he walks
up to her and hands her the cane. "Stand in that corner, hands behind
your back." He walks to the corner and she follows right behind. She
grabs the rope hanging from the corner and when he puts his hands
behind him she quickly ties his wrists together. Pulling up on the rope
she bends him over as his wrists are raised behind him. He's in a panic
now, unsure of what to say and knowing there's nothing he can do.
Tying the rope off and stepping to one side, she flexes a cane in both
hands. "I'm not even going to ask what you are thinking when you walk
back in here with the same apron on. That's just careless, stupid and
disrespectful. You need a lot of work but this kind of thing will stop.
if you think that by doing this I'm going to let you out of your
commitment, you're very wrong. Playing incompetence is only going to
make things harder on you, just like your hesitation. This would have
only been six, now you get a dozen." And with that she brings the cane
down hard across both cheeks. He lets out a squeal and squirms on the
end of the rope like a marionette on a string. By the time she's
finished he's shaking and openly sobbing and just keeps repeating the
word "please." When she releases the rope he crumbles in a heap on the
floor. Dropping the keys next to him and turning to leave she says,
"Leave the keys to the end table when you're done with them, and if you
think that I'm being cruel just remember you should be back on that
stand for the next three hours. " Then walks out of the room and into
her bedroom.
When he regains his composure he picks up the keys and unlocks his
shoes. Looking at the other keys on the chain he briefly considers
trying the front door, but thinks better of it. Setting the keys on the
end table, he walks back to his room. Stripping his clothes off and
setting the alarm he slips into bed it is quickly asleep.
It seems to him that he had just laid his head down, when the alarm
once again urges him awake. It takes a moment to get a grasp on where
he is, then he remembers. Tapping the alarm he sits up on the edge of
the bed and waits for the fog to clear from his head as he looks around
the room and tries to assess what needs to be done first. Well, shower
first he thinks to himself and heads off to it. Stepping into the
bathroom he's greeted with all the clothes he had washed the night
before. Shaking his head as he pulls them down he realizes that he'll
have to take care of these this morning also. Tossing them on the bed
for the moment he then runs the shower and steps in. Letting the warm
water flow over him he checks himself for hair and sees that he needs
to use the depilatory again. He lets the cream do its work and rinses
it off, and continues on with his shower. Stepping out and toweling
off, he then wipes the mirror clean. Looking at himself, then down at
the makeup he paused for a moment in thought. Then remembered the
instructions she had given him about getting ready. Clothes first, then
makeup. Stepping back out into the bedroom, he grabs the corset he had
hung over the end of the bed and steps into it. Reaching behind him and
grabbing the laces he pulls them around in front of him. Taking up the
slack he draws them tight then turns to check himself in the mirror.
He's allowed no more than a 1 inch gap between the stays, and right now
he has several inches to go. looping each end around the bedroom door
knobs, he leans back and pulls the corset tighter as he picks up the
slack from top to bottom and bottom to top, having to take and release
a deep breath to finally get it to within an inch of being closed.
Grabbing a pair of fishnets he inspects them for any lint or damage
before pulling them up his legs. taking great care to make sure the
backseams are straight as he connects them to the eight garters of the
corset. Next is the classic French maids uniform in black satin and a
full white petticoat. After tying the apron in place he checks himself
in the mirror to make sure everything is clean and straight. Finally a
pair of black 5 inch pumps with the padlocking ankle straps. Slipping
them on the grabs the locks laying open on the dresser from the night
before and with a sigh of resignation snaps them in place.
Heading back to the bathroom he begins to apply his makeup, and as he
watches his transformation his sex begins to stir. Looking over at the
clock he sees his time is short, so he quickly finishes his makeup and
heads out to start the coffee. Once started he heads back to the room
to take care of the clothes from the night before as well as to finish
straightening up and organizing. When finished he takes one final look
around the room then checks himself in the mirror one last time before
heading back out into the kitchen. He sees that there's a little time
before she would normally awake and so he pours himself a cup and sits
at the kitchen table. It's a moment of quiet reflection. He thinks, in
disbelief, about the situation he's in and wonders whether or not she
serious about it. Then again, he has no reason to believe that she
isn't serious. And yet his thoughts turn to how he is dressed, and
being forced to serve a dominant woman. Again that mix of nervous fear
and excitement roll in his stomach, although considering what he
believes her to be capable of, there's much more fear than excitement.
By the time he's finished his cup he can hear the alarm go off from her
room. Standing up and grabbing a cup, he fills it and sets it on a
serving tray, then waits for her to call. In a moment he hears her call
from the room "coffee" and so he grabs the tray and heads in. As he was
summoned he walked right in and up to the edge of the bed before
tipping a curtsy and extending the tray to her saying "good morning
ma'am, your coffee." She sits up in bed against the headboard and
wiping the sleep from her eyes she grabs the coffee off the tray. He
brings the tray in close to his body then stands there at attention
waiting for her to dismiss or instruct him.
Holding the cup in both hands she sips the coffee while looking him up
and down. Nodding her head she says "very nice, good girl. Now I will
need you to draw me a bath and when I get out I'll have cereal and a
sliced cantaloupe for breakfast. While I'm bathing you can straighten
up and make the bed in here as well as finish anything you may have to
do in your room. Run along now." She says that she motions towards her
bathroom. She smiles to herself as she watches him walk away.
Drawing the bath, he waits patiently as the tub fills, then steps back
into the room and announces that the bath is ready. She waved him off
with a smile saying "off you go, give a lady some privacy." At which
point he quickly left the room so as not to change what appeared to be
her good mood and headed to the kitchen. Getting breakfast ready was a
snap and in a few minutes he had the melon sliced, in a bowl and back
in the fridge. Then he set her a place at the table and filled a bowl
with dry cereal so that when she was ready all he needed to do was grab
the milk and melon from the fridge. He even had a bowl himself.
Once finished he headed back into her room in order to make the bed and
tidy up. That done, he was unsure of what to do next. He took a quick
walk around the house and ended up back in his room. He was glad he did
as he forgotten to make his own bed which he quickly did. He took one
last look around the room and was checking himself in the mirror when
he thought he heard her call out for him. He minces over to her room
and calls out "did you call me ma'am?" To which she replies "as a
matter of fact I did. Aren't you been a little thoughtless by not
offering me anymore coffee?" He apologized profusely as he brought her
another cup. Thankfully she was still smiling. "Anything else ma'am?"
He asked. "No, that's all. Just make sure breakfast is ready. I'll
probably be in here another half hour or so." He retreats back to his
room. Checking his closet and looking around the room as well as seeing
himself in the mirror, he begins to think this isn't so bad. And
spinning around in front of the mirror he realizes that he looks pretty
good. Almost passable even. Once again his sex stirs and he
subconsciously slips his hand beneath his petticoat and begins stroking
himself. He considers jacking off, since she did say she would be in
their another half hour or so. Keeping an eye and the door, he strokes
himself to the edge of orgasm several times, but stops before he cums.
He stops because he knows that once his cum leaves him, so does the
kinky rose colored glasses he seems to view the world through when he's
aroused. Then any pleasure he might get from the situation will be
gone, and it will be nothing but unpleasant for at least a couple
hours. He waits for his hard on to subside before stepping back into
her room and asking if she needed anything. When he did she called him
into the bathroom.
He dipped into a curtsy as he asked "yes ma'am?". From the bathtub she
told him to grab her robe and a towel and toss them in the dryer for a
few minutes to warm them up, then bring them to her. When he returned
he walked in to find her standing naked outside of the tub. He was
unsure what to do, since he had just walked in unannounced. He averted
his eyes by looking down and said "I'm sorry ma'am, I didn't mean
to..." She cut him off before he could finish "no need to apologize.
Now hand me that robe, then come here and dry me off. He was a bit
nervous about it, but she treated it kind of matter-of-factly. When she
felt that she was dry enough she dismissed him, telling him that she
will be out for breakfast shortly. He walks back out into the kitchen
and hovers around the table waiting for her to show. When she does he
sets the melon out and adds milk to the bowl. He continues to hover as
she eats and she occasionally looks up and watches him watching her.
Finally she tells him to go grab a notebook and a pen, explaining that
it appears he needs further instructions.
When he returns with pen and paper she motions to the chair opposite
her, telling him to sit. "Now here's a list of what needs to be done.
Laundry will be done as needed. Dishes will be done after each meal.
What needs to be done daily... Vacuum the living room and both
bedrooms. Sweep and mop the kitchen and dining room tile. Clean all
counters and tabletops. dust all furniture. Clean both bathroom's top
to bottom and make the beds. On a weekly basis you will have to clean
the fridge and oven, clean underneath the furniture, wipe down the
baseboards and walls, any carpet or upolstery that may need to be done
as well as any other items noted by you or assigned by me. Just so you
know, I would prefer the former, rather than me having to tell you
these things."
Having finished she pushes her bowl aside. "Now then let's go have a
look at your room and make sure all is in order."
Walking towards his room she motions for him to follow. He suddenly
becomes very nervous about whether or not his room will be up to her
standards. He follows closely as she walks about the room. It goes well
except for her chiding him about how his shoes needed to be polished.
That is until she stepped into the bathroom. he hadn't cleaned up after
doing his makeup this morning and it showed, with makeup left out,
powder everywhere and streaks, smudges and flecks of toothpaste all
over it. She calmly pointed this out to him, too calmly it seemed. She
reached benearh the sink and pulled out a bottle of windex and a
washcloth and set them on the sink. Grabbing a tube of lipstick, she
handed it to him. Then pointing to one of the ten by ten inch tiles in
front of the sink she told him to stand there. Once there she told him
to write "I will always keep this Bathroom clean" in lipstick on the
mirror, then to read it back to himself out loud. When he finished she
told him to make a single mark on the medicine cabinet mirror to his
left. " I want you to clean this mirror spotless, and when you're done
with that, I want you to write it and read it out loud again. Once
you've reached 50 times, let me know so I can decide whether or not you
have finished, or need to continue. I want you to keep your feet on
that tile the whole time. you will not use your free hand to support
yourself and the mirror will be cleaned spotless each time. Do I make
myself clear?" He answers "yes ma'am" as he begins to clean the mirror
and when it's clean he writes the sentence again.
He quickly becomes aware of just how difficult and tedious this will
be. Not being allowed to step off the tile is difficult enough, but not
being able to support himself makes it twice is difficult. After
writing the sentence about five times he was startled by her stepping
around the corner. She told him to carry on and she stepped in and
approached close enough to see that he was still standing on the tile
and following her other instructions. Satisfied, she turned and left
only to return to check again a few minutes later. He continued on and
was approaching 30 when he heard her voice from just outside the
bathroom. "Is everything going okay in there?" He was in the middle of
writing the sentence when he heard her and she stepped around the
corner to take a closer look. "uh oh! I see that you left a bit of
lipstick on the mirror here." She says pointing to the right of where
he was writing. "I'm afraid you're going to have to erase five of those
marks you've put on the other mirror." He struggles to see the mark
she's talking about, and in his frustrated and tired state he begins to
protest "But ma'am I don't...." He's interrupted by an upheld finger
and a stern look. "Okay, ten then. And I want you to thank me for
giving you this opportunity to better yourself." He hesitates a moment
then says " thank you ma'am, thank you for helping me" because he
realizes he's in no position to argue.
He continues on, working his way back to 30 and above. He kind of goes
on autopilot and he starts thinking about everything else that's gone
on, as well as what's to come. She slips back in to check on him at
around 40, and leaves without saying a word. He begins to think about
how often she's checking and him and how yesterday he was worried that
there might be a camera in here when she had made a comment about him
masturbating. This takes a load off his mind and convinces him that
there mustn't be one. If there was she wouldn't be stepping in so often
to check on him. The next two times he goes to record the mark, he
makes two hash marks instead, while keeping an eye out for her. He is
working on the 50th sentence when she steps in again. "Well, it looks
like that's No. 50 right?" She waits for an answer while he hesitates,
then replies "yes ma'am, 50." She waits for him to finish then asks
"have we learned our lesson?". "Yes ma'am.". She continues "so we won't
need to do this again anytime soon, right?". "No ma'am". "Now that's
what I like to hear. Take 15 minutes or so to yourself, then you can
get back to your normal duties." She turns and leaves and he steps into
the bedroom and flops down on the bed, relieved to be off the heels for
a moment.
When he steps back out of the bedroom and into the living room he sees
her getting ready to leave. She looks up when he enters and says "you
are on your own for lunch today. I have some errands to run and I will
be back this afternoon." She heads for the garage calling back over her
shoulder "behave yourself.". He hears her pull out of the garage and
the door close behind her. He considers leaving for a moment. But even
if the doors are unlocked, which he's sure they're not, where would he
go? And how? And dressed in what? Even if she is bluffing about
enforcing their agreement, he doubts that he's brave enough to call her
bluff, considering the consequences. After all, this is what he wanted,
isn't it? That may be true, but not to this extreme. He reasons his
best course of action would be to get on her good side and hope he can
reason with her, or that she gets bored with him. He mills around the
house for a while before getting started on the laundry. He thinks
about what else is required of him and goes to get the vacuum cleaner
and proceeds to vacuum the living room and both bedrooms. He's busy
folding clothes when she returns.
She comes in carrying several bags and sets them down in the middle of
the living room, then calls for him to come. He steps into the room and
she motions for him to come to her saying excitedly "Iv'e got the rest
of your work uniform for you. lets see how it fits and looks." She
pulls several pairs of black above the elbow length gloves then hands
him a pair. "Put these on." She then produces a pair of thin black
leather wrist cuffs trimmed with white lace and hands them to him,
motioning for him to put them on. Next a classic black and white maids
headpiece. This in hand she walks around behind him to put on herself.
She steps back and asks him to turn and nods approvingly. From the bag
she removes a set of breast prosthesis saying "these will be put on
later. But let's take a look how this fits.". Grabbing the only box she
had come in with she opens it to reveal a serving tray. It looked as if
was styled after the old cigarette girl trays. It had shoulder straps
on there was cut out where it actually fit around his waist. On the
side was a change maker. Walking up to him with it she disconnected the
shoulder straps and slipped them up each arm, clipping them together
behind him. Then taking the tray she slipped it onto his waist. Then
connected the clips on the ends of the straps to the front of the tray.
Walking around behind him she finish securing the tray with with the
ends of the belt that came for each side. She then told him to walk to
the other side of the room and back. Again she nodded approvingly as a
wide smile broke across her face. "The perfect little serving wench. So
how does it feel?" It was actually quite comfortable as the waist area
and shoulders were padded, and he told her so. She motions for him to
turn around and tells him to hold onto the tray as she undoes the
shoulder straps, then the waist. Telling him to set the tray aside, she
sits on the couch and points to a spot on the floor directly in front
of her, indicating he should kneel.
He kneels before her and she leans back and crosses her legs, giving
him a nice view of her stockinged upper thigh. His eyes lingered longer
than they should and he was snapped out of it by her voice. "Sees
something you like?" He bows his head, chin to chest and apologizes.
"There's no need to apologize, just be careful that your admiration
doesn't become a leer. Also, you may want to be quite careful about
that in mixed company. Had anybody but me noticed your stare you would
be in quite a bit of trouble." She reaches over into her purse and
pulls out a small handheld device, similar to a PalmPilot. "If you look
on your serving tray you'll see a recess that this fits into." She
turns the unit on and hands it to him. Looking at the display he sees a
list of drinks one would typically order at a nightclub or bar, each
followed by a row of empty checkboxes. Paging down the screen he sees
about 30 or so mixed drinks followed by bottled then tapped beer. She
explains to him that they're going to be using a new system of placing
drink orders at the club now that they have a full-time waitress. " As
you take drink orders all you have to do is check one of the empty
boxes next to what's ordered. As soon as you do, the information is
beamed to a terminal behind the bar, so that the bartender can begin
making it right away. When you're finished taking orders all you have
to do is tap the little box that says "total "at the bottom of the
screen and it will even ring up your total. With this system the drinks
should be ready and waiting for you when you return to the bar."
Motioning over to the tray she continues." If you look on the tray
right next to your change maker you'll see a small hinged panel that
lifts out. This is where you keep your bank. To keep things simple you
will be paying for the drinks out of your bank when you pick them up,
then returning the money to your bank once the customer pays you." Her
voice then takes on a serious tone. "Of course you're aware that I
expect you to be on your absolute best behavior when you're working at
the club. You'll be as helpful and polite as you can to your customers
as well as your fellow employees. If I ever hear that you've been
unhelpful, rude, or impolite you may find yourself working your shift
in a nice high posture collar as well as ball gagged and in ankle
hobbles. remember the customer is always right, as are your fellow
employees. Now then, I've finalized your work schedule and you'll be
working 4 days a week, Tuesday through Friday from 7 PM until roughly 3
AM, with the last hour spent cleaning up after bar close. As far as
your wages are concerned I've taken a look back at what you earned at
your last job and found that your average take home pay was about $550
working 40 to 45 hours a week. In your new position you'll be earning a
salary of $850 a week. Of that $250 will cover your payroll taxes. I
will be responsible for maintaining your health and dental care for
which I will open an account and deposit $100 of your check each week,
leaving you with $500 a week for working 32 hours." She pauses,
allowing this information to sink in.
she uncrosses her legs and leans forward looking directly into his
eyes. "Of course, none of this takes into account your commitment to
serve me which you still need to fulfill. In order to do this I've
decided that you'll be staying with me from Tuesday morning until
Saturday morning each week, serving me in the morning and afternoon,
then working in the evening. What you do Saturday through Tuesday is
not my concern. This way you can work, fulfill your commitment to me,
and save some money on your living expenses." She looks at her watch.
"Well, your shift starts in roughly 3 hours. I will give you some time
to get your head straight and to get ready. Just plan on being ready to
go by 630." And with that she motioned for him to rise and be on his
way. He walked out of the living room in a daze.. And as he leaves she
reminds him that he needs to shorten the skirt 4 in. on at least one
uniform for tonight. Once in his room he goes to the closet and removes
one of his black maids uniforms. He takes it to the sewing table in the
corner of the room and quickly hems the skirt up. He leaves the uniform
on the table and walks over to the bed. Falling backwards onto the bed
he stares at the ceiling, contemplating his fate. He nods off and
remains that way until he hears the alarm go off at 530. He wakes up
rubbing sleep from his eyes and for moment is unsure of his
surroundings, then stark reality hits him and he sits up and swings his
legs over the side of the bed. Seeing his streaked eyeshadow in the
dresser mirror he first heads to the bathroom to fix his makeup. Once
his face is done he steps out of the uniform he's wearing and slips the
one he had shortened on. Looking in the mirror he sees that his
petticoat is now hanging down to far, so he shortens it by folding the
waistband upon itself several times. Again he tries the uniform on and
although this time the petticoat and the skirt are the same length, now
the tops of his stockings are below the skirt and petticoat. He
realizes there's no way he's going to be able to wear this without
panties. Of course the only kind he has are pettipants, the ones with
ruffles and lace on the behind. He grabs a pair from the closet, then
undoing his garters slips them up his legs. He reconnects the garters
but this time adjusting them as short as they can be. Checking himself
in the mirror again he sees that he can no longer see the tops of his
stockings or his underwear, however there couldn't be more than about a
quarter inch left. Any bending at all and he'll end up exposing
himself. She stood there at a loss about what to do when she entered
the room.
"It's almost 630, let's finish getting you ready." She had came in
carrying several of the bags she had returned home with earlier.
Pointing to himself in the mirror he asks "ma'am, isn't the skirt a
little to short now?" She simply ignored his question and continued
with her train of thought. Setting the bags down her first course of
action was to show him how she wanted his makeup done when working the
club. she explained that the lighting wasn't very good in the club and
because of this he have to wear his makeup much darker, thicker and
more exaggerated. She brought the maids cap out and ties it into his
wig. Followed by the gloves and the thin wrist cuffs, bordered in lace.
Then he felt her unzip his uniform in back and push the top down his
arms a bit, exposing his chest. Stepping around in front of him she
holds a strapless bra with a pair of built-in breast forms, size D. "We
want to look as convincing as possible don't we?" Slipping them on She
reaches around behind him and connects the hooks behind his back. He
can feel their weight and as she pulls the top of his uniform back on
and zips it up in back he can see that the forever hard nipples show
through the loose material depending upon how he moves. Finally comes a
thin black leather collar, trimmed in white lace. Finished, she motions
him out into the bedroom and has him stand in front of the full-length
mirror. He's a bit taken aback by what he sees. It's as close to
passing as he's ever seen himself but at the same time it's as whorish
as he's ever looked and it concerns him. However through his concern he
can feel his sex stir and he struggles to suppress it. She takes a step
back from him "well I think that's just about perfect! This is how your
standard work uniform should look, although I think we should work
towards at least 5 1/2 inch heels, possibly 6." He couldn't imagine
working on 6 inch heels, but kept his comments to himself. "Well okay
then, I already have your serving tray in the car so we're ready to go.
I'll give you minute to clear your head and you can meet me in the
garage." And with that she stepped out of the room. He stood there
looking in the mirror in disbelief of how he looked and weirdly
disconnected to his current situation. He knew that in a short time he
would be serving drinks in the club just like this, yet he couldn't
believe it. He hears her walk into the garage and realizes it's time to
go. He hesitates for a moment until he hears her honk the horn. That
the snaps him out of it and he heads for the garage.
Moments later they pull up to the back entrance of the club. Entering
through the storeroom he can already hear a fair amount of activity. He
thought it was odd that they would be so busy on a Tuesday night but
didn't say anything. Stepping out the storeroom door which leads
directly to behind the bar she motions for him to exit the bar at the
waitress door and step out onto the club floor. He's incredibly nervous
as he looks around he sees there must be no less than 100 people here.
Once on the other side of the bar she holds the tray up to his waist
and has him hold the tray while she attaches the shoulder straps and
the waist straps. He sees that he's already getting a lot of looks from
the patrons, which he tries to ignore. Once the tray is in place she
steps around in front of him and loops a finger beneath the collar.
Pulling him forward to her she says "all you have to do is walk around
and ask if anyone would like something to drink. Punch in what they
order on the pad, come back here to the waitress station to pick them
up and pay for them, then serve them. Now go." As she said this she
swatted him playfully on the behind.
He started his walk through the club scared as hell. He didn't know if
he should try to to use a feminine voice or not and wasn't sure what
exactly to say. He quickly found that he didn't have to say much. A
simple "drinks" was enough. As a matter of fact his first table just
motioned for him to come over. In less than 10 minutes he had taken
orders for 15 drinks, so he headed back to the waitress station at the
bar. There he found most of his drinks were already made and waiting.
He looked around for her but can see her nowhere. As the bartender set
the last two drinks at the station she said "that'll be $56 even." He
was befuddled for a moment then he remembered that he had to keep his
own bank. He opened the small money tray in his serving tray and paid
the bartender. He stacked the drinks two at a time onto the tray, then
carefully made his way back out on the floor to deliver the drinks and
collect. By the time he had served the last of these he already had
people waving him over and in what seemed like a few minutes already
had another 15 orders. He looked around as he worked his way back to
the bar and that's when he saw the signs advertising drag shows on
Tuesdays and Thursdays every week. Now he knew why it was so busy. When
he got back to the bar he could see that the drinks were already made
and rang up. This time it was a different bartender that rang him up.
On his way back out to serve the drinks he looked around for another
waitress, but saw none. And he wouldn't see one the rest of the night
because as he would soon find out it was just him and the two
bartender's serving the entire club. This hectic pace continued for
most of the night broken up by an occasional break in the action. By
the time 2 AM rolled around his feet and legs were screaming for
relief. The remaining patrons were quickly herded out and both
bartender's began to help cleanup. That's when she stepped out of the
back room and let them know that they no longer have to do the closing
cleanup from Tuesday through Friday. They both left with a smile. She
meanwhile walked him through the closing process step-by-step and it
was 3:30 AM before he had finished.
On the way home She looked through the PDA and showed him where it said
he had served just shy of 500 drinks for the night. "Not bad." She said
as they pulled into the garage. They walked into the house, him keeping
one step behind her. She stopped just outside of her bedroom and turned
around facing him. Handing him the keys to his padlock shoes she says "
it's almost 4 AM so I want you to turn down my bed, then head for your
own. I should be waking sometime around 10:30 AM so set your clock to
give yourself enough time to get yourself ready as well as the
breakfast ready." Once the shoes were unlocked he hands the keys back
to her then turns down her sheets before heading off to his own room,
where he stripped off his uniform and promptly passed out.
The next morning was business as usual, with him serving her breakfast,
drawing her a bath, then straightening her room and bathroom before
moving on to the other chores in the house. At first he had to
constantly look at the list of things that needed to be done daily.
Bathrooms top to bottom, vacuum all carpets, sweep and mop the tile
floors, dishes, and the laundry as needed. It certainly kept him busy.
Wednesday night at the club was much quieter with maybe a third of the
customers they had the night before and only one bartender. He did
notice that his bank was back to $200, which told him that she was
keeping his tips.
The days kind of blended together and were uneventful, except for
Friday morning that is. He had foolishly set the alarm to snooze, and
had taken advantage of the snooze function. Only to find himself being
woken up by her. His stomach was in knots as he got ready and with good
reason because as soon as he was finished getting ready he was ordered
to lay back down in the bed, face down. Slipping leather cuffs around
his ankles and wrists, he was pulled into a tight spread eagle and tied
off. At which point she set his alarm to go off in one minute then
stood there and waited. When the alarm did go off she pressed the
snooze button then took a thin neoprene cane and gave each of his ass
cheeks two hard strokes, then she left. When the alarm went off again
six minutes later she would return to hit snooze again and give him
another four strokes, the next time 6. She continued this for a full
hour then she simply released him and told him to fix his makeup before
he fixes her breakfast.
He had now been there with her for 9 days, even though to him it seemed
like much more. It was Friday evening, and she had agreed the first
meeting would be done and he would be released Saturday morning. he had
just finished with the dinner dishes when she called him over to the
kitchen table where she had been going through an organizing a few file
folders of paperwork. She motioned for him to sit and she spoke. "As
I'm sure your aware, tomorrow morning will be the end of our initial
meeting. Just so we're clear, let me remind you that you are expected
back here on Tuesday at 10 AM sharp. Now it wouldn't surprise me to
find out that you are entertaining thoughts of not returning. I just
want to go over with you where each of us stands and make sure that
we're both fully aware of the agreement we've entered into." She takes
a stack of about 50 pages and sets them down in front of him. "These
are the highlights of e-mail correspondence between you and me as well
as between you and others. Take a look over them and see how often you
being forced or helpless comes up. I think that those cast a reasonable
doubt about whether you're here against your will. And just so we're
clear, you've put yourself in the position that you will be in my
service for the next five years, should i so choose. I say 5 years
because I'm assuming that you've learned your lesson about the 3 major
rules. Those being that you will never threaten or attempt any act of
violence against me, you will NOT lie and you will NOT attempt to break
our agreement. Understand?" he stops paging through the papers and
tries to shake off the shock of realizing that she has been in his
house and on his computer. He lowers his head and says "yes ma'am I
understand." "Good, now then, when my friend from the club found out
about that wonderful little device locked above your nuts, she decided
against retaining the bounty hunters. We thought they were a bit shady
anyways. Although I did borrow the cash from her for the past week and
a half and put it to good use." She sets another stack of papers on the
table in front of him. "Just like any other lease, ours is flexible
enough to allow for renewals as well as rental increases. As you can
see I've taken the liberty of increasing my monthly rent to you to an
even $1000 a month. As I said, I put that money to good use because not
only do I have signed receipts from you, but if you take a look and
compare the receipts to your bank statement you'll see that for each
receipt there's also a deposit of a check from my checking account
matching the receipt. There's 3 deposits in all, each one for $24,000.
now if someone were to ask me why I would pay my lease six years in
advance, I would have to say that I was just trying to help a friend.
As to why that friend needed help, well looking at the long list of
withdrawals on the account you can see that they were all made at
casinos and various sport books, $2000 to $5000 at a time. Looks like
maybe a gambling problem, but who knows.' She sits back in the chair
and looks directly at him, waiting for his eyes to meet hers. when he
looks up from the papers she asks "You do understand the power of a
lease, don't you?" She continues, not waiting for an answer. "It means
that you cannot deny me access to your home because it gives me almost
as many rights as an owner. It's no different than a lein when it comes
to selling your house. You'll be hard pressed to prove that I've
violated any terms of the lease because I won't be staying there. Even
if you did somehow find a way to break the lease, with these receipts
and your matching bank records you would be hard pressed to deny that
I've paid you in advance, which means you would owe me $1000 for every
month left on the lease, which as of right now would be $72,000." He
sits there shaking his head in disbelief, he starts to protest what she
has done but she cuts him off. "Of course you don't need to worry about
any of this, because as I've said before, I have no intention of ever
staying at your house, or even showing up there. That is unless you
give me a reason to." She continues..."oh, and one more thing. I didn't
know if you believed me about that ring around your balls. After all
that instruction booklet was pretty amatuerish, and to test it is to
destroy it so i couldn't really show you an example. Until now that
is." She sets a ring on the table that looks identicle to the one
attached to him. She sets it down in a glass bowl on the table in front
of him."Now watch this" she says as she puts an allen wrench down one
side where the 2 halves are bolted together. She turns it and it comes
loose with a snap. she quickly backs the screw out a couple turns then
quickly pulls her hands free. Nothing happens and she begins to look
concerned, then jumps up saying, " I know what's wrong! just a minute."
She returns with her cell phone in hand. She tightens the bolt back up
then dials a number on her phone. She looks at him with a shrug and
says "I forgot to activate it." She listens to the phone for a moment,
then presses 4 numbers. Listens again then presses 1 number, then 4
numbers again. "that ought to do it." Again she loosens the screw with
a snap, only this time she pulls her hands away immediatley because she
can already feel the heat. She watches in fascionation as the 2 1/8
inch bars running between the two halves turn a glowing red almost
instantly. He squirms in his seat as he see's the bars change from red
to white within about 5 seconds. After ten seconds one bar cracks and
pulls away from it's other half, once it does the other bar seems to
desintigrate in a flash of light and heat he can feel on his face even
4 feet away. The blood drains from his face while she breathes a silent
sigh of relief.
She was relieved because the device actually worked, even though not
exactly as she led him to believe. It was not remotely activated and
worked only by one of the 2 assembly screws. She had first loosened the
one that wasn't part of the circuit, then faked the phone call and
afterwards loosened the other one to complete the circuit. At least
this one had batteries in it, not like the one that he was presently
wearing, which unbeknownst to him was simply a ring of steel. She could
tell this had the desired effect on him. She picks up the glass bowl
and sets it aside. "Now that of course is something I would only use as
a last resort. I just wanted to make you aware of these things to
prevent any poor decisions on your part. You see, I'm not letting you
out of this. As far as I can tell your only other alternative would be
to go to the police. That way you might be able to convince a judge to
break the lease, but you'll still owe me for what I paid in advance. Of
course as soon as the police contacted me, I would place a little call
to that ring around your nuts." She stands up from the table and says
"I do hope that were clear on all this. By the way, those copies are
yours." Then turns and leaves the room.
That night when they had returned from the club she sent him to his
room and told him to ensure that everything was impeccable. That is
everything washed and clean except for what he's wearing. Bathroom
clean, bed made and everything put away and call her when he's done. As
he did this as usual he became excited viewing and handling the makeup
and other various items that made up his uniform. It took him about two
hours and he wasn't sure if she was still awake. So he quietly leaves
the room to check on her and sees her in the living room. He announces
to her that he's done and she twirls a finger in the air and she tells
him to return to his room, and she'll be with him shortly.
once inside the room she has him stand in front of the full length
mirror, then steps around behind him. In a stern voice she tells him to
keep his eyes on his reflection as she slides a hand up his petticoat.
She begins to fondle him and breath heavy on his neck. he quickly
responds with a raging hard on. She begins to whisper in his ear half
statements, half questions such as "boy! Aren't we excited" and "you
love being my bitch don't you? yes you do. i know you love it. You can
say what you want, but this in my hand don't lie." she takes him to the
edge of orgasm several times then stops as she taunts him.
finally she tells him to admit it. Admit that he loves it. By this time
he is out of his mind and would probably tell her anything she wanted
to hear. when he finally tells her he loves it, she tells him to beg.
To beg her to let him come. finally she takes him over the edge and
allows him release, quickly slipping a hand towel over his member to
catch the mess. His body goes limp and she guides him down onto the
bed, then steps out of the room without a word.
she returns a few minutes later to find him out cold. Seeing that it's
4:00 a.m. She deciedes to let him sleep. She sets the alarm for 8:00
and next to it she leaves the keys to the padlocks on his ankle straps
and a short note telling him his clothes are in the garage with his car
keys and wallet in the pocket. She also reminds him that he is due back
on tuesday at 10:30 a.m., in uniform and ready. The side garage and
door to the house will be unlocked at 9:00 a.m. he is to lock each door
behind him and to leave his male clothes in the garage as they are not
allowed in the house. the only time she should ever see him out of
uniform is in the few feet between the garage door to the house and his
He awoke disoriented and unsure of where he was, however the ache from
the heels quickly reminded him. He sat up to turn the alarm off and saw
the note there for him. Grabbing the keys he opens the padlocks on the
ankle straps and collar. He quickly strips down, eager to leave. He
puts all the pieces to the uniform that he was wearing away, then goes
and washes his face off in the bathroom sink. He looks around the room
for anything that he may have left out of place, then checks his face
to make sure he got all the makeup off. He wraps a towel around his
waist and looks out into the hallway. Seeing no one he slips into the
garage and sees that his clothes are there. He quickly gets dressed and
heads out to his car. Not surprisingly it starts right away.
The drive home was a blur, as if he was on autopilot. To say he was a
bit preoccupied would be the understatement of the year. It seems like
the past ten days were a dream, but he knows better. The next 4 days
went quickly and as Tuesday approached he began to get that nervous
anxiety in the pit of his stomach. It seemed like every time he thought
of getting out of his situation, the ring around his nuts started to
tingle, almost as if warning him. What it came down to was if he broke
the agreement, and could somehow get this ring around his nuts off, he
would still suffer a great deal of embarrassment trying to break the
lease and would still end up owing her 70,000+ dollars. And so it was
on tuesday morning he found himself parking his car in her driveway,
stripping down in her garage and slipping into what he now considered
"his" room.
He had gotten there just after 9:00 and went directly into the shower.
Maybe it was because he was having trouble with the depilatory but he
must have lost track of time somehow because when he stepped out of the
shower he looked at the clock and saw that was already 10 AM, which
only gave him half an hour to be dressed in uniform and made up. He
rushed to the closet and began collecting what he needed to wear.
Fishnets, corset, petticoat, heels, maids dress and apron, as well as
the standard collar and wrist cuffs. He dressed as fast as he could,
then slipped the blonde wig onto his head and picked it into place. It
was almost 10:20 when he began his makeup, and he worked as fast as he
could. Keeping an eye on the clock as he worked he knew that he would
have to decide which was worse. Being late to present himself, or
possibly having done and unacceptable job on his makeup. Eyeing the
clock he saw it turned to 10:28 and he knew he was out of time. He
quickly finished his lips and brushed the powder off the front of his
uniform. Checking himself in the mirror he looked decent enough, but he
knew his makeup wasn't as dark or thick as she preferred and he didn't
have time to outline his lips, but there was no time now. He minced
down the hallway, across the kitchen and stopped at the edge of the
living room. There she was on the couch with several of her work files
on the table before her. She didn't look up from the paper she was
holding but asked "are we all ready to start then?". He clears his
throat and replies "yes ma'am.". "Okay, and let's start with coffee,
then you can get to work on the kitchen." He started a fresh pot of
coffee and brought her a cup. He had only taken a few steps away from
her when she told him to stop and turn around. She motioned for him to
come back to her then asked "How does that corset feel on you, is it
causing any problems?" He paused a moment in thought then replied "No
Ma'am." She put her hand to her chin."hmm...let's see, keeping your
legs straight, try to touch the tips of your toes." He bent over and
tried, but his fingers stopped a couple inches short. However this did
put his wrists right in line with his ankle straps. She bent down and
reached out nonchalantly and in the blink of an eye slipped a two sided
clasp through the "D" rings on his wrist cuffs and clipped both ends to
the padlock hasps on his ankles.
He's taken by suprise and blurts out "But Ma'am....." and is cut off by
her. "You're just hard headed aren't you? Oh well, you'll learn
eventually. Now hobble your ass over to the corner there, unless of
course you want to make things worse for you." she says pointing. Bent
over as he is, he inches his way to the corner. Meanwhile she just
continues going over the paperwork in front of her. When he reaches the
corner she stands, picks up 3 leather belts from the side of the couch
and walks over to him. Wrapping one around his arms and legs just above
the elbows, the other one around the top of his thighs and his back. As
she does this she asks "You know why you're here don't you?". "I think
because of my makeup, ma'am?". She nods in agreement "well, yes partly.
But you won't have to worry about that, because you'll have to redo
your makeup after it gets messed up from your tears. But all that is
really secondary to the main issue. You see when you came in and I
asked you if you're ready, you knew that you weren't. What you should
have done is admit you weren't ready." She wraps the third belt around
just below his hips. There is a rope and pulley that hangs in the
corner and she grabs the clip at one end of this and attaches it to the
belt at his hips. Grabbing the opposite end she pulls it taught then
ties it off to the anchor on the wall. "Have you told me you weren't
ready you may have been punished, or just received some corrective
discipline, maybe just a warning. Instead you get punished for three
different things. The biggest one being dishonest." She walks back over
to her papers and sits down. She looks over the papers for another
moment, which seems like an eternity to him. Then she slowly and
carefully stacks them and sets them aside, enjoying watching him
squirm. Then without a word she steps out of the room. He feels as if
he's going to snap in two and his eyes follow her, pleadingly.
She comes back in almost immediately and carrying a wide leather strap
with a wood handle. Holding it in one hand she slaps it into the palm
of the other. His muscles tense at the sound of it, but he's going
nowhere. She pulls up a footstool and sits down directly behind him. As
she undoes his garters she asks him "I just love this position, and do
you know why?" There's a moment pause until he realizes that she's
waiting for an answer. His voice breaks as he replies a meek "no
ma'am". She runs a fingernail down the taught skin on the back of one
of his thighs, and he shakes from the chill that runs through him.
"Now, just so you're aware of why you're in the position you find
yourself. You are being punished for being deceitful and dishonest. You
are also being punished for improper makeup aggravated by the deceit.
Your also to be punished for wearing 2 different styles of fishnets.
You didn't notice that the lace pattern and width of the tops are
different." And with that she turned her eye to the clock on the wall.
As the secondhand approached 12 she said to him "it's OK to cry if you
want." When the secondhand hit 12 she swung the strap and connected
with the top of his thigh with a loud crack, followed by a squeal from
him. She waited and watched the clock as he danced around in front of
her. When the secondhand swung past six she swung the strap again, this
time landing on top of his other thigh. When the second hand hit 12 she
struck again slightly overlapping and right below the first. The strap
was 2 1/2 inches wide and it took seven minutes and 14 strokes before
returning to the top of his thighs again. Before she began she
announced that first one was for the stockings. She continued on
leaving red stripes on top of red stripes as he screamed and cried. To
him it was bad enough but with the way she was spacing the blows made
sure that he felt each one fully. By the time she had worked her way
down the third time he was openly sobbing and hung limp at the end of
the rope.
She undid the belts holding him bent over then lowered him to the floor
with the rope before undoing the last belt. She then drops the belts
and the strap on the floor next to him. "Take a moment to compose
yourself, then go fix yourself up. You can put all this stuff away when
you get back." She turns back to her papers and opens the file cabinet
in the corner, putting the individual files away. When he recovers
enough to stand, he does. He looks over to her once on his feet, but
she doesn't make eye contact. he minces his way back to the bedroom.
Once there he goes through his stockings and grabs a matched set. He
goes to remove the old stockings and is stopped by the padlocking ankle
straps again. He silently curses to himself as he looks at his tear
streaked face. He knows he has to go out there and ask her for the key.
But he can't looking like this. He goes to walk to the bathroom but
realizes that his stockings are down around his ankles. He remembered
what he had been told... Uniform first, makeup second. He reaches down
and pulls up one stocking at a time and he can feel the heat coming off
the backs of his thighs. He carefully attaches the garters, trying not
to cause himself further pain. After wiping the makeup off he begins
anew. He thinks back about moments ago, how he was hanging there and
squealing and there was nothing he could do. This thought is stuck in
his head as he sees his face take shape. He steps back to take a look
at himself and once again his sex betrays him. He presses down on the
front of his uniform, which only makes matters worse. He runs cold
water and grabs a washcloth thinking that maybe that might suppress his
hard on.
And so it was that he was standing there washcloth in one hand and his
other hand pressing down on the front of his uniform when she rounded
the corner to the bathroom. He jumps, startled. "Well, well, what do we
have here?" He tries to conceal himself by dropping the rag and
crossing his hands in front of him, but it was way too late. He hadn't
heard her approach because of the water running. She steps up to him
and slips her hand beneath his petticoat. grabbing ahold of his member
she gives a light squeeze. "I knew you loved this, however you will
have to learn some self control." she sets the keys to his shoes on the
sink and leaves. He silently curses himself realizing that her thinking
he loved this was the last thing he needed.
Things fall into a routine, with him cleaning and serving as her maid
during the day, then working the club at night. She even has him
helping her in her home bususiness by having him file and do the
billing that she was going to have to hire a temp for. After about a
month he gets the news he has been dreading. His ex wife is moving and
his son will have to either go to school where he lives or where she
does .Looking at their schedules it's obvious he will be staying with
her during the school year and living with him during the summer and
visiting during breaks. Besides, what would a judge think of his
present employment? He looks over the school schedule. He's not
surprised considering his luck to find that it's an all year school.
That means only a month of summer vacation, but he does get a week for
Thanksgiving, 2 weeks for Christmas/new year, and 2 weeks in March for
spring break. His ex sprung this on him late in the summer, with only a
week before school was to start. He's at a loss and doesn't know what
to do. He's afraid that if he tells her, she will have him move in
full-time. He also is afraid of the consequences of not telling her.
This is the question that weighed heavy on his mind this Tuesday
morning as he stood in front of the mirror, transforming himself once
again into her maid. Checking the clock and seeing that it's 10 to 10
he goes over his appearance one more time. Exiting his room he walks
down the hallway through the kitchen before stopping at the edge of the
living room. There he stands at attention, his hands folded before him,
waiting for her to make eye contact. She looks up at him and he tips a
deep curtsy. The first thing she requests is a fresh cup of coffee. He
makes a fresh pot, pours her a cup and carefully brings it to her. She
acknowledges it with a nod of her head and expect him to go about his
duties, but he lingers. She raises a brow and asks "yes? Is there
something you want?". He nervously clears his throat. "Yes ma'am, it's
my son, that is, ahh... his school. You see..." It takes him a minute
but eventually he gets it out. She asks about his visiting schedule and
he informs her of the Thanksgiving, Christmas and spring breaks as well
as his summer schedule. She nods and pauses for a moment before
replying "interesting, thank you." and waves him off.
He walks away back to the kitchen more concerned than before. Lost in
thought he washes her breakfast dishes, however one of the cups slips
out of his hand when he goes to put it away. It shatters on the floor
and he panics for a moment before calling out "sorry ma'am". She tells
him simply to be more careful. He sweeps up the broken cup along with
the rest of the kitchen and dining area. He then proceeds to mop. While
mopping he slips on the wet floor and almost falls, but manages to
catch himself. This doesn't go unnoticed by her. She finishes her
coffee and sets the cup on the edge of the table. As he meanwhile
proceeds to collect the laundry and begins to sort and wash. She checks
her watch and sees that her cup has sat empty for almost half an hour.
She sets aside her work and walks over to him and grabs him by the
chin, turning him to face her. "You seem a bit distracted today and
your work is suffering from it. Is there something bothering you?" He
nods his head and says no. "Well first you break a dish, then I see you
almost fall. Now my coffee cup has sat empty on the edge of the table
for more than half an hour. You say there's nothing bothering you so
the only thing I can think is you're getting careless." She looks at
him suspiciously, then turns away and walks to his room. He's puzzled
as to why, but continues with the laundry.
A few minutes go by until he remembers her empty coffee cup. He's
carrying it into the kitchen when she returns. "Don't worry about that
now. Follow me." She says with a curl of her finger. He follows Her all
the way through his room and into the bathroom where she orders him
down on his hands and knees. He feels her lifting his petticoat and
feels something cold press against his ass. He turns to look over his
shoulder to see a large enema bag hanging from the shower just as the
nozzle slips inside him. He hears the sound of an air bulb being
squeezed and feels his ass began to fill as it increases in size he
lets out a moan at which point she stops. A few seconds later he hears
the bulb being pumped again. Except this time he feels the pressure
from outside pressing up against his hole. He's confused for a moment
then realizes it must be a bardex nozzle. He's never experienced one
but he knows that it will force him to take everything in the bag which
looks to him like the better part of a gallon. He hears her open the
valve with a click and he gasps as the water hits him. From above him
she says "stay there on your knees and don't move until I say so. I'll
be back after the bag is empty." He doesn't hear her leave but she does
disappear from his vision. 10 minutes go by, then 15, and 20 and he
feels like he's about to burst. The bag is empty and has been empty for
the past 10 minutes and he squirms on the floor. Finally she returns
and from behind him she says "now I want you to clench and hold that in
until I say you can releases it. With that he hears the air escape as
the bulb deflates and he clenches for dear life as she slips the tube
out of him. She leaves him on the floor as she walks out into the
kitchen to retrieve her coffee cup and fill it then casually makes her
way back to him. she looks down on him and sees his legs tremble with
effort. She takes a sip of her coffee then says "okay, up off your
knees and onto the can." He hears her and the sound is music to his
ears. He carefully gets up off his knees and sets himself on the can.
She tells him that she'll check back on him and he lets go with a flood
as she exits the room.
15 minutes later she's back, asking him if he's done. He says yes and
she orders him back to his knees. He can hear her filling the water
bottle again, then the tube slip up his ass. she pumps the bulb again
until he lets out a low moan, then pumps it once more for good measure,
causing him to whimper. He braces himself, waiting for the water to
flood his bowels. Once she starts the flow she leaves and he is left
there. This time the bag empties quickly and he doesn't feel quite as
full, however this time she's gone for almost a half hour and he is
squirming on the floor again by the time she returns. She steps out
into the bedroom as He's allowed to relieve himself. He can hear her
open his clothes closet and he hears her rummaging around, but can't
see what she is doing.
She steps back in, this time holding an unusual looking device that he
assumes is some type of vibrator, except it's just a narrow shaft about
6 inches long with a 1 inch ball on the end. Again he is told to get
down on all fours, except thankfully she doesn't fill the bag again.
Instead she sets a washcloth on the floor between his legs then slips
the wand inside him and positions it on his prostate gland. turning it
on she begins to massage his prostate and he responds with a low moan.
It's a unique feeling, not unpleasant yet not quite orgasmic. He begins
to leak cum onto the washcloth. At first just a drop or 2, then a slow
steady stream that builds with time. He feels like he is on the edge of
an orgasm and begins to move his hips, hopeing for some other
stimulation, but is told to hold still. She cups his balls and begins
to gently knead them, squeesing gently, and the flow increases. The
vibration soon becomes irritating and she begins to squeese harder.
Finally giving them a good squeese, she turns off the wand and slips it
out of him. He lets out a wimper of frustration as she does. He feels
spent, yet unsatisfied.
She then straddles him, sitting on his back as if mounting a steed and
tells him to raise one of his hands. leaning forward she slips a
bondage mitt over his hand and buckles it at the wrist, then does his
other hand. rising off him she tells him to stay on his knees and back
up out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. Once there he turns to see
her standing next to his bed. All of his high heels have been tossed
onto the bed, except the one she is holding in her hand. In her other
hand she holds the cum filled washcloth he had just soiled. His
stomache turns as he watches her begin to wipe the shoe with the
washcloth. As she does this she says..." I came back here to grab a
pair of your highest heels and every pair i grabbed was unpolished."
She tosses the shoe in front of him. "You, my dear, are going to clean
and polish every one of these to a spit shine." She grabs another shoe
and begins to wipe it down. "I say spit shine because you are going to
use your tongue." She tosses another shoe in front of him and starts
wiping down another. "Then when your done you're going to politely ask
me to cane the bottoms of your feet for you not performing your duties
as well as you should." She wipes another shoe and tosses it on the
floor. "You see, I thought you might have a personal problem, or
something on your mind that may be affecting your work. However when I
asked for an explanation, you offered none. The only explanation then
is you've become lax in your duties. This we will fix soon enough." She
tosses another on the floor. "well, you better get to work on those
shoes, and i expect those mittens to be spotless too when you're done."
He timidly picked up the first shoe, now streaked with dry cum. He had
never been subjected much to hardcore humiliation and it made him feel
small. Almost as if he had shrunk in front of her and while the taste
was unpleasant, just the thought of what he was doing was worse. She
finished the last shoe and with a smile turned to leave saying "i'll be
waiting for you." with that he remembered that he was supposed to ask
her to cane his feet for slacking off, even though he didn't think he
was. It was all just too much and he blurted out. "Ma'am, I'm sorry but
i did have something on my mind. I just wasn't sure if i should say
anything." She stopped and looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
"Nonsense, you were asked a direct question, weren't you?" He swallowed
hard and nodded. "yes, but..." She cut him off. "but nothing, so what
was it that was bothering you so much that you couldn't perform your
duties?". He pauses, trying to think of a way to express his concerns
about her not releasing him on the weekends, but without giving her any
ideas. She breaks his train of thought by demanding, "out with it! If
it's a valid concern, you shouldn't have to think about it!" He
stutters and begins "it's just that....I'm....It's my son i'm worried
about.." his voice cracks and he clears his throat."it's just that with
school starting and all, I'm ah......" She cuts in on his stumbling
dialogue. " let me guess, you're worried that because your son won't be
with you on the weekends, that i might keep you here, right?" he nods
yes, saying nothing. "well, don't worry your pretty little head about
that anymore." She pauses long enough for his spirits to rise. "there's
a few details we need to work out first, but of course i'm going to
give you the privilege of staying here full time." She can see the
expression on his face change to dismay, and seeing him on his knees,
shoe in hand and with that look on his face, she grows flush with
He opens his mouth to protest, but she raises a finger, and her voice.
"not one word....not one fucking word, dammit! The only reason you
didn't tell me what was wrong was because you didn't want the subject
brought up. Well, trust me, i don't need any ideas from you. Do you
think i'm fucking stupid?" she paces around in a tight circle, throwing
her hands in the air. "i don't fucking believe this. You should have
been thinking about how you could serve me better, but instead you lie
to me in a feeble attempt to avoid it".
He's actually shaking now, and scared as hell. She steps over to him,
kicking the shoes on the floor out of her way. Standing over him, hands
on hips, she cracks a wry smile."well, i guess you no longer have to
ask me to cane you for slacking off." she pauses and waits for him to
look up. "instead i want you to beg me to punish you for being
decietful. And i do mean grovel you stupid cunt! You'll learn, one way
or the other." and with that she turned on her heel and stormed out of
the room leaving him kneeling there, shaken.
after she had left, his abject fear slowly subsided, and as he knelt
there cleaning the shoe with his tongue, it slowly turned to anger.
"What was he doing here?" he thought to himself. This was nothing like
what he had expected, and although she hadn't violated the letter of
the agreement, she definatly had violated the nature of it. He could
only imagine what she had in store for him once he was done here. And
she wanted him to beg her for it!?!
He deceides that enough is enough, screw the embarrasment of it, if she
wants to press her agenda then she can take him to court. Or maybe
he'll take her, and if any of her goons show up at his house, they
better be ready for a gunfight. He is quickly reminded of the mitts on
his hands, which also reminds him of the steel ring around his balls.
How to get past those? First things first, the mittens. He remembers
that he had a small sewing kit in one of his bags. He went to the
closet and found it inside the pocket of one of his bags. To his
delight there was a small scissors there. Not only that, there was also
a plastic pouch with a set of small allen wrenches in it, one of them
would surely fit the bolts on the ring. He tries to manipulate the
scissors through the mitts but cannot get enough leverage to cut
through the thick leather. He would have tried to poke a hole in them,
but they were safety scissors with the rounded edges. He cups the
scissors and wrenches in one mitt and makes his way to the bathroom to
try and find another way through the mitts. He is almost at the
bathroom door when he is startled by the bedroom door swinging open. He
jumps and almost falls as she asks what he's doing and why isn't he
cleaning his shoes. He fidgets nervously and stammers out "i was going
to go to the bathroom ma'am...." a brief pause then it comes to him
"but the mitts...." he says extending his hands. She looks at him
standing there shaking and looking very worried and replies "those
shouldn't stop you, i'm sure you can manage after all, you're not
wearing any underwear." for once he is quick on his feet and replies
"but ma'am, i think i still have some water in me, and i won't be able
to wipe." she thinks for a moment and then slips the necklace with the
keys on it over her head. He holds his hands out, praying that he
doesn't drop the tools in his hand. She unlocks one wristcuff, opens it
and grabs the mitt at the end and pulls it off. He realises that when
she does the same to the other mitt, the tools are going to fall to the
floor. As soon as she unlocks the other cuff he says "thank you ma'am"
through clenched teeth as he winces, moans and turns quickly towards
the bathroom. holding his mitted hand to his stomach, he says "gotta
go". She thinks he was excessively nervous, but shrugs it off, making a
mental note to peek in on him once he's done in the bathroom.
In the bathroom he sits on the toilet and slips the other mitt off
after setting the tools on his lap. He keeps a keen ear on the door as
he gets the wrenches out. Lifting the ring, he slips the wrench into
the small hole on one side. He hopes and prays that she was merely
bluffing about what this ring can do. He reasons with himself that if
she wasn't bluffiing and he felt it heating up, he could just tighten
the bolt again and close the circuit. At least he hoped it would work
that way. If she wasn't bluffing she would at least have to drive him
to hospital. Either way he gets out of here. He takes a long pause and
thinks about all the repercussions then takes a deep breath. Applying
pressure the bolt comes free with a snap. He waits, but feels no heat.
He begins to back the screw out, slowly at first then quickly the rest
of the way. Moving to the next one, he just cracks it loose and quickly
backs it out. Grabbing the two halfs he pulls them apart and a chill
runs down his spine as he feels the two pins that ran through his
scrotum drag against the skin on their way out. Looking at the two
halves he now knows she was bluffing. Although sturdy and well
machined, all it was was a ring with two thin rods running across it.
He breathes a sigh of relief and hangs his head for a moment, then
wonders just exactly how he is going to leave. He could just overpower
her, or he could try to reason with her now that he has the ring off.
After all, if she was bluffing about the ring, what else is she
bluffing about. If he does have to use force it would be much easier
without these heels on. He grabs the small scissors, and although he
hates to do it, he slides one edge beneath one of the ankle straps and
meanwhile, she is out in the living room. she had intended to check on
him when he was finished and had been listening for the sound of the
toilet flushing, which can be heard through the house. It dawns on her
that she had been waiting at least 10 minutes. That and how he was
acting made her suspicious. She walked over to her desktop and opened
up the bathroom camera, which had a view directly over the toilet. She
see's him there, hunched over forward. At first she thinks something is
wrong, then she see's him move as if tugging on something. Curious, she
continues to watch as he sits back upright. It's then that she see's
him place the scissors on the shelf next to him. Looking closer she
recognizes the ring sitting there. It's then that she knows that
something in him must have gave way and that he intends to leave, or at
least try. Unlocking the file drawer in her desk, she opens it and
reaches way back, behind all the file folders, and removes her tazer
from it's hiding spot. She hits the button and watches the blue spark
arc across the electrodes before placing it in her pocket. She has
decieded to see how this is going to play out. She gets up and heads to
her bedroom closet to retrieve her cattle prod.
The scissors stop as soon as they bite into the ankle strap. He
squeeses harder and the scissors just twist sideways. Taking a closer
look he can see that inside the edges of the strap are thin, braided
steel cables. He hadn't expected that. He sat there for a moment before
trying the scissors one last time. Giving up, he places them on the
shelf next to him. He goes over his options in his head. He could just
demand to be released, but he doubts that would go over well. He could
try to take off from work at the club, that is if he could slip away
unnoticed. he wouldn't have a ride from there either, so that would
mean coming back here, or trying to hail a cab in his uniform, tray and
all. He could just wait for the right time and then jump her, but the
right time might not come soon enough. no, he thinks the best way is to
try and reason with her, then get physical if need be. There is the
problem of the lease to deal with, but he'll just take it to court if
he has to, screw the embarassment. Regardless, first get away, then
he'll deal with the other problems as they arrive. He steels himself,
then heads out to the living room. Stepping into the kitchen, he
considers grabbing a knife or a chair, but he didn't want this to get
ugly. He steps into the living room. She is on the couch and doesn't
look up at him, and he doesn't wait for her to. "we need to talk,
seriously." he begins. She still doesn't look towards him. "do you hear
me? This has gone too far. You know that this is nothing like what we
had discussed or what i had in mind, and i want to be released now.
She finally looks up at him and calmly says "really? Well, why don't
you get down on your knees and put your hands behind your back, then we
can discuss this further?" he takes a more agressive posture, legs
apart and body turned slightly sideways. "I need you to give me my car
keys and my regular clothes, then i'll pack my things and be on my way.
No hard feelings, we can forget this ever happened and things don't
have to get ugly." To this she calmly replies "i might take it easy on
you for this if you get on your knees now." He gets louder now "NO! I
know you've been bluffing and you've no longer got your little ace in
the hole, or should i say around my balls. You see, i managed to remove
that ring, so i know there was nothing to it." She just smiles and says
"last chance."
Through clenched teeth he says "Give me the keys, now!" and takes a
step towards her. Her left hand had been obscured by the arm of the
sofa, and as she rises from the sofa he can see she's holding a pole
about 4 feet in length. He steps backwards, looking for something to
defend himself with as she slowly advances towards him. He tries to
raise one of the kitchen chairs to block with, but he is too unsteady
on the heels. instead he pushes the chair over on its side to block her
path and runs to the kitchen. Pulling the closest drawer open, he grabs
a steel meat tenderizing hammer and holds it over his shoulder and at
the ready as he turns around. He watches as she stops at the chair,
bends to pick it up, then casually pushes it back under the table,
before turning back to him. "And what are you going to do with that?"
she asks him, motioning to the hammer in his hand, then pushes the pole
casually towards his stomach. He swings sideways with the hamer to
knock the pole away from him. There is the ring of metal on metal and
the spark and crackle of electricity as a bolt of electricity runs down
his arm. He cries out and drops the hammer as the muscles of his upper
body convulse. He scrambles away from her, pulling the drawer onto the
floor behind him. "Now that's going to need to get cleaned up" she says
as she brushes the various utensils out of her way with her foot. She
casually pushes the pole towards him again, and left with little choice
he bats it away with his hand. A shock easily twice as powerful courses
through him and his knees almost buckle. He manages to stay on his
feet, but barely. Gripped by fear he picks up a step stool from beside
the refrigerator and backs into a corner of the kitchen. She steps over
to him, casually waving the prod up and down, back and forth. She stops
about 4 feet from him and says. "Boy, am i gonna love showing you the
error of your ways...." and with that she pushes the prod towards his
torso, then at the last minute she brings it down to knee height and
sweeps it into his legs.
he barely saw her change directions, and when the prod contacted his
knee, he dropped like a stone. This time she was able to follow him
down with it, keeping it in contact with him on the way down. He tried
to roll away from her, but there was nowhere to roll to as he had
backed himself into a corner. She begins to taunt him with the prod
now. Tapping him here and there as he flops around like a fish.
Suddenly she stops and through the haze he can see her set the prod
aside. She pulls something from her pocket and holds it up, as if
showing him. He see's the blue arc from the tazer she's holding and he
tries to stand. She meets him on the way up and discharges the tazer.
His whole body tenses and feels as if it's trying to collapse upon
itself. Then he loses all motor control and his vision fades to black.
As he slowly regains conciousness he can tell that she is standing over
him. Out of the corner of his eye he can see her bending down to him, a
needle in her hand. Although awake, he still hasn't gotten his motor
skills back. He tries to scream but can't. He tries to move away from
her, but all his body can manage is a feeble twitch. He never even
feels the needle, but he knows it's done it's work as his vision fades
and he loses conciousness.
He awakes slowly from a semi concious dream like state and it takes him
a moment to realize he's actually awake. He blinks his eyes several
times and see's nothing but absolute darkness. A ballgag fills his
mouth . He checks and finds he can draw air through a tube in his gag,
or through what feels like tubes that have been inserted into his
nostrils. all he can hear is the sound of his breath. He tries to move
with little success. his arms are above him and seem to be pinned from
all sides. He can't really tell if he is on his back or not, as he can
feel pressure from all sides of him. As the haze of waking up wears off
he remembers what he has done, as well as where he is. He's in that
damned box of hers and doing his best to supress that feeling of panic
that's starting to grip him. He tries to call out, but the gag is
holding his tongue down and all he can manage are some low gutteral
grunts. As his head clears, he becomes more aware of his surroundings.
It feels different than before, somehow more springy than before. It
kind of gave, then bounced back when he tried moving. His feet were
held at an extreme angle by what felt like shoes that wouldn't move at
all. This convinced him that he must be standing upright, yet he could
feel very little of his weight on his feet. His whole body seemed to be
held in place, but from all sides somehow. Even his sex seemed
immobile, and his ass felt full, as if he had to relieve himself.
Drawing a deep breath he finds that his waist is extremel|y
constricted. "My god, what am i going to do now.... What is she going
to do now???" he thinks to himself.....
Meanwhile she stood there admiring her handiwork. She had taken her
makeshift deprivation box and replaced the packing she had once used
with inflatable rubber bladders, one on each of the 4 sides as well as
several smaller ones that could be positioned and inflated as needed.
Then she had set it upright, and mounted it on the back wall of the
shower in his bathroom. The only things exposed were the tubes that led
to his gag and nose, one line of incoming compressed air that branched
off to a handful of pressure regulators mounted on the side, and a
steel cable that ran from a slot in the top of the box, to a pulley on
the ceiling, and back down to an anchor on the opposite wall. The end
that ran into the box was attached to the wrist cuffs he wore. She had
been listening in to him through her headset and had heard him awake
and call out several hours ago. She wishes she could see the look on
his face right now. She felt a pang of guilt. Not for treating him this
way, no, he knew full well what he wanted and what he was getting into.
Besides, he had come at her. What if she hadn't been prepared? No, he
deserves everything he gets. What she felt guilty for was that she
enjoyed it so much, and that it excited her sexually. When she first
heard him awake, her hand had slipped down to her sex without even
thinking about it. She had came twice since then as she listened to him
try to cry out, hear the distress in his voice and thought about how he
must feel. She shakes off a chill, then turns on the mic for her
"Good morning sunshine!" she says into the mic. She hears him take in a
short, fast breath, as if startled. She hears him trying to speak
through the gag and cuts him off short. "Shut your pie hole, bitch, and
listen to me. There's some things we need to take care of and you need
to listen carefully and do as you're told. Give me any problems and
i'll cane you until you bleed and stuff you back in the box, then maybe
i stay away for a few days." she places her fingers over the breathing
tubes and asks "am i clear?". She lets him panic a bit then lets the
tubes go.
She opens the valves and deflates the bladders, then swings the front
of the box open. Reaching in, she unclips his ankles and wrists from
the back of the box. Grabbing the ring on the front of his collar she
pulls him forward into the shower area. His hands, now encased in latex
bondage mittens, are still held above him by the cable. She turns him
so that he is facing away from her. He's wearing a pair of 7 inch heels
with no platform, and she unlocks the ankle straps and slips them off
him, to inspect his feet. then she checks the brand new tollyboy
chastity belt he's now wearing for fit and irritation. Moving up she
undoes the laces on the latex waist cincher he's now wearing and slips
it off of him. Finally she checks the pressure in his latex hood. It's
the full type hood with an inflatable bladder that surrounds it.
Looking at him all she could see was the collar that secures it and the
3 breathing tubes sticking out of what looks like a latex ball about 15
inches across. Leading him under the shower head, she lets out the
cable holding his arms enough to pull him down onto his knees. Once
there she connects the collar to a 12 inch length of chain attached to
the drain. She removes the lock at the back of the belt and slips the
large plug out of him. This she replaces with the bardex nozzle which
is quickly inflated. She starts the flow from the 2 quart bag hanging
overhead, then starts the shower running. Soaping up a scrub brush, she
proceeds to scrub him from the neck down as the bag empties. Once
finished she unclips his collar and turns him around, then allows him
to sweat a little before deflating the bardex and allowing him to
relieve himself. She uses the shower head to wash the mess down the
drain, then pulls him back to his feet using the overhead cable.
Connecting the end of his gag tube to a large funnel hanging beneath
the shower head, she empties a suppliment shake into it, followed by a
quart of water. She lingers, waiting for him to finish his meal, then
orders him to raise his feet one at a time so that she can return the 7
inch heels to his feet. She quickly follows with the corset, pulling it
closed as far as she can. Grabbing him at the waist, she turns him so
that he is facing away from the box, then grabbing the back of his
collar, she pulls him backwards into it and secures the collar to the
back. She then guides his heeled feet into special notches cut at the
bottom before securing his ankles. Finally she threads the breathing
tubes through a hole in the front before latching it shut. She turns
the mic on her headset on once more and says "Nighty night, see you
tomorrow, maybe........." as she opens the valves to fill the bladders
once more.
The whole experience was too disorientating and had happened too fast
for him to react. Her voice and the bladders pressing in on him with a
hiss snapped him out of it "tomorrow?!?!" he thought to himself. He
tried to call out for her, louder and louder. She could hear it on the
headset, yet it was just a faint murmur right outside the box. She
listens to him and after a short while he calms down and becomes quiet.
After about 45 minutes she wheels the tank of nitrous oxide into the
bathroom. Connecting the breathing tubes to a diffuser, that in turn
leads to the tank, she opens the valve and checks it for the proper
volume. At this level it will slowly lull him off to sleep without him
noticing it. After about 15 minutes or so he's asleep and she takes
note of the time.
She continues the gas and keeps him asleep for about 1/2 hour, then
turns it off. Within a few minutes he comes out of his slumber, not
knowing just how long he has slept. Even now that he's awake, he has no
concept of time, nothing to reference to. He tries to call out to her,
but is greeted with nothing but silence.
She keeps a close eye on her watch and at the 3 hour mark she opens the
nitrous valves again, then turns them off 1/2 hour later. Finally, 4
hours after he last entered the box, she turns the headset mic on and
announces "Good morning sunshine!" as she deflates the bladders once
more and repeats the entire routine. He believes that it's been an
entire day when it's only been a little more than 4 hours. She
continues this throughout the day and after the third time stops
communicating with him altogether. She manages to do this 4 times
before decieding that it's time for bed. Then she remembers she has
errands and such to run in the morning that will keep her busy until
well past noon the next day. Knowing this she adds a moderate dose of
amphetamine to his last feeding, which was at about 11:00 p.m. and that
should keep him up until she returns at about 3:00 p.m. the next day.
She reasons that way he can get the full effect of the isolation for
the next 14 hrs.
He was nervous, more so than usual, and this day seemed to last
forever. He tries to remember how many days it's been, counting the
number of times she has pulled him out, only to return him. 4...so that
would make it, what?, 4 days. So todays saturday, god i hope she didn't
go somewhere for the weekend. He tries to call out for a while, but is
greeted with only silence. finally, when he thought he couldn't take it
anymore, he felt the bladders deflate. Once she pulled him out he began
to beg and protest into the gag. The speaker in his ear clicked on.
"You got quite the nerve to say anything after that little stunt you
pulled. Bitch and moan, it won't change a thing. Beg and plead if you
like, it won't help and I love to hear it." Then the speaker clicks
She continues the routine every 4-5 hours or so, even getting up in the
middle of the night to do it. Meanwhile he is beside himself with fear
and getting more and more concerned with just what she has planned for
him. She hasn't even spoken to him in what he thinks is a week or so.
He's not really sure because he's having difficulty keeping count. He
thinks it's been about 2 weeks now and he figures something has got to
give. The next time he feels the bladders deflate he begins pleading
and crying through the gag. He pulls against her, slightly at first as
she pulls him forward by the collar. When he feels the cable go slack
to allow him to get to his knees he begins to struggle. She is taken by
suprise as the cable is pulled out of her hands. He feels around
blindly and wildly with his outstretched and bound wrists, only to
stumble and fall.
When she recovers she is livid. He is on his side on the bottom of the
tub and is flailing around trying to get up. She grabs the cable and
pulls him up by it, wrapping the slack around the anchor as she does.
She clicks the mic on her headset on, ready to tear into him, then
thinks better of it and turns it right back off. Instead she pulls him
up until he is on his tip toes and leaves the room. He's left
trembling, scared as hell about what she might do and wondering just
what the hell he was thinking. He shouldn't have reacted like that, but
he couldn't really help it. Once he started he was just going on pure
emotion. Minutes go by and the wrist cuffs are biting into him. His
mind races and now he actually begins to fear for his life. He doesn't
know if she's there, but he begins to apologise, repeating "please, I'm
sorry...." over and over, as best he could into the gag.
She had been standing there, watching him twist in the wind for several
minutes. Flexing the cane between both hands, she contemplated what to
do. At this point she wanted to mentally torment him more than
physically hurt him, there would always be time for the that. She
clicks on the headset mic. "I'm going to assume that was an accident,
so i'll be lenient. Keep in mind however, I'm still decieding what to
do with you after that stunt you pulled. Your behavior can influence
that decision, which I wouldn't take lightly." Having said her peace
she clicked off the mic and raised the cane. She struck hard, hard
enough to raise a welt almost immediatley and illicit a squeal from him
as he danced on his tiptoes. She took her time and waited for him to
come around at the right angle again and landed another. More squeels,
much to her delight. She had started on his ass cheeks and by the time
she turned to his upper thighs he was bawling under the hood and
begging her to stop. She landed the last 6 of 20 on the back of his
thighs as he screamed and cried. Once finished she dragged him
roughshod back into the box without saying a word.
She continues for the next 2 days and by her count she has simulated 23
days in the past 4. Meanwhile he has lost count, but he figures it's
been almost a month. He was just about to drift off to sleep when he
hears her voice in his ear."Would you like a chance to be of service
again?".He hears it, but he wasn't sure if maybe he was hallucinating.
he hasn't heard a voice or anything for the past 2 weeks. His earpiece
clicks again. "Well?" He only has to think for a moment before he
mouths "yes" into the gag. After all what choice did he have?
Again the bladders are deflated, but this time he's led out of the
bathroom and into the bedroom by his collar. He's pulled to his knees
and onto what feels to him like a stiff cushion that's been shaped so
that from his knees to his toes he sort of nests into it. He then feels
straps that pull him further down into it, one behind his knees,
another at his ankles. then a similar cushion is slipped behind his
knees. Straps from the lower cushion are pulled through the one behind
his knees, over his thighs and back down before being pulled tight,
forcing him into a backwards leaning kneel. his wrists are separated
and guided behind him. He's told to make a fist and push. they sink
into two holes in the back of the cushion beneath his thighs. another
wedge shaped cushion is placed on top of him, this one having a hole
for his neck.
She opens the valve on his hood and it deflates with a hiss. She warns
him to keep his eyes closed because they may take some time adjusting
to the light. unlocking the collar, she slips the hood from his head.
the light hurts, even through closed eyes, but he slowly adjusts and
looks at the cushions surrounding him. they prevent him from moving
completely, except for his head. With the hood no longer holding the
gag in place, he tries to spit it out and is greeted with only pain
from his jaw. He lets out a low moan, which is interrupted by her.
"hurts, don't it? I wouldn't try removing that yourself, your jaw is
probably a little stiff." She approaches him and grabbing the front of
the gag she slips it from his mouth. "there now, stretch that jaw out a
bit." He moves his jaw around, wincing and moaning the whole time. As
his jaw loosens and his vision returns to normal he begins to wonder
just how is he supposed to serve like this. She see's the puzzled look
on his face and steps around behind him. He follows her with his head
and eyes as far as he can, then she disappears behind him. A nervous
minute passes until he clears his throat and asks "excuse me Ma'am, but
I don't understand. How can I serve like this?" From behind him she
says. "Open up, then I'll tell you." another gag is held in front of
his mouth, and although he hesistates, he complies because he really
has no choice. The ring gag hurts his jaw going in as it snaps behind
his teeth. As she tightens the strap behind his head, under his chin
and over his head she speaks to him. "well, you see, It's my turn to
host the ladies bridge club this week. Trouble is there's four ladies,
including me, and I'm afraid that i only have three chairs. That's
where you come in." As she says this she pulls a strap up from the
cushion beneath him and loops it to the back of the gag harness. She
pulls this tight pulling his head back so that now he is kneeling,
leaning back with his arms behind him and pointed directly at the floor
and staring directly at the ceiling. She then slips 2 long breathing
tubes into his nostrils, threading them through the hard plastic shell
that makes up the top of the chair.
Finally she places the top over the cushions on him. it has an opening
in the seat that lines up with his open mouth. The seat area is clear
so that he can see directly above him. She moves around him, pulling
and tightening straps, and he feels his head pressed down into the
cushion beneath it. He tries to move, but finds he is absolutley
immobile. Looking out the corner of his eye he see's her connect some
type of small wiring harness and he gives her a puzzled look. "'What's
this?' you ask." she says. "Well, you see, there are contact points all
through the bottom half of this lovely chair, and I don't know if you
can see it but there's two buttons there on the armrest. You remember
the cattle prod, don't you? of course you do. Well this is the
equivalent of it. It's there just in case anybody needs to get your
attention. the other one turns on your earpiece."
She wheels him out to the living room just in time for the doorbell to
ring. placing him in front of the bridge table, she then gets the door.
Her three friends were right on time and soon he see's a average
looking middle aged woman standing over him and hiking her skirt to
take a seat. his mouth is enveloped in her sex, and he pretty much
knows what is expected of him. more than an hour goes by before she
rises and during that time she didn't look down at him or say
anything... He's not even sure if she orgasmed. As soon as the first
lady gets up, another steps into view. this one is an older woman,
possibly in her late 40's, early fifties and heavyset. She waves at him
with a smile before taking her seat. He hears his earpiece click on.
"O.K.sugar, lets see what you got." This lady was much more animated,
knew what she wanted and wasn't afraid to tell him. An hour and a half
later he was exhausted, his tongue raw and his jaw sore. this one rose
from the chair with a heavy sigh and actually thanked him.
The next thing he saw was the bottom of a black stiletto on the plastic
seat bottom, inches above his face. following it up with his eyes he
saw a well toned and tanned leg encased in fishnet stockings. These
disappeared beneath a black leather miniskirt, where he could see just
a hint of garter. D size breasts in a white blouse stood out from her
silouette. She tilted her head down and he saw a beautiful, young face.
Well made up and framed by long wavey red hair. dropping her foot to
the floor, a well manicured hand lifted the miniskirt as she lowered
herself. A hint of wonderful smelling perfume hit his nostrils as he
got a view of her well trimmed sex. He couldn't believe it. This woman
was gorgeous! porn star gorgeous and sexy as hell, dressed to the
nines! Her sex hovered a few inches from his mouth, then at the last
minute she shifted to one side and he ended up with a mouth full of ass
cheek. He could see her smiling down at him just over the inside of her
thigh. He thought this was a bit odd until he tried to take a breath
through the tubes. He had just exhaled and was greeted with nothing
when he tried to draw air in. He tried to get some air through his
mouth, but she was blocking the way. He started to panic and buck.
Looking up at her he could see her smile widen. All he could think was
'why?' as his vision narrowed into a dark tunnel. Just as he was about
to black out, air rushed into his lungs. He still had a mouthful of
asscheek and he could see that she was busy playing cards. After a
minute or so, she looked down between her legs at him. She took one
hand off her cards and dropped it down alongside the chair. Once again
his air was cut off and he struggled wondering 'what the hell did she
want?'. Finally the air hit his lungs again, then he heard the earphone
click on. "Have I got your attention?". She seemed to wait for breaks
in the action of the game, and spoke just above a whisper, as if she
didn't want the others to hear. All he could do was shake his head
slightly and mumble 'yes' into her cheek. "o.k. First of all, you're
not going to touch my pussy. I don't let any man touch it, yet alone
you. Now then, the first thing I'm going to do is hurt you, because I
can and because I want to. Then you are going to eat my ass and do a
good job of it."
With that the mic clicked off and he felt her shift her weight to press
down harder on his face. Then he felt the first shock. He would have
screamed if he could. As it was his whole body tensed against his
confinement. He couldn't tell exactly where the electrodes were, but it
felt the worst on his balls, ass and inner thighs. then suddenly it
stopped. he struggled to catch his breath and he could feel his heart
pounding in his chest. within a few seconds it hit him again. his eyes
screwed shut with pain and just when he thought he couldn't take any
more, it stopped. He was struggling for breath when he saw her smile
down on him again. Now she started tapping the switch and his body
bucked with each tap. 'what the hell does she want? he thought to
himself... His earpiece sprung to life again. "O.K. now I want you to
eat like your starving. like this is the last meal you're ever gonna
have...." Then she shifted herself sideways and spread her cheeks,
resting her ass firmly on his mouth. he started to lick, then his air
tubes were blocked again. In his ear he could hear her say "c'mon now,
you can do better than that." he began to lick furiously and was
rewarded with air once more. "stick your tongue in there, you bitch."
He continued for what seemed like forever until her voice broke in
again. "you know, you might be fun, I'll have to let our gracious
hostess know that if she ever wants to get rid of you to send you my
way. Although I'm not sure if my partner would be o.k. with it. you see
she's the mean one and she can get testy at times. Has a real attitude
about men, you know. Although as long as you were dressed
appropriatley, and probably castrated, she might be o.k.with it...."
"good lord!" he thought " her girlfriend is the MEAN one? castrated?
this lady is nuts. how can someone who looks so good be like this?'
Again her voice cuts in. "Now, I have to use the little girls room, but
I hate to interrupt the game.....So I'm just going to use you instead.
Keep in mind that if i feel your tongue so much as brush up against me,
i'll see to it that's it's cut out." the mic clicked off and she
repositioned herself over the ring gag and released her bladder.
his mouth filled and he stuggled to keep up. However she must have
quite a bit of experience doing this because just as he was about to
choke, she would slow the flow allowing him to catch up. He struggled
not to gag on the acrid fluid until finally, mercifully, it slowed to a
trickle and stopped. She wiggled to shake herself off, then rose from
the chair just enough to smooth her leather mini back down, then sat
back down, leaving him with a face full of leather.
This is how he sat for the remainder of the game. the headset never
clicked on again and when she rose to leave she didn't even look down
at him. He was left there, face up and mouth open as they said their
goodbyes, then she appeared above him. grabbing the chair she rolled
him back to the bedroom. Disconnecting the hard top she set it aside,
then undid the strap holding his head back. He slowly moved his head
forward, then back and forth, trying to work the stiffness out. He
watched her as she walked over to the dresser and picked up the
inflatable hood he had spent so much time in. Hood in hand she walked
around behind him and undid the ring gag harness. Once it was off he
tried to speak, to beg her not to put the hood on him, but his jaw was
stiff and he had a difficult time closing it. Before he knew it the
hood was in front of him and she guided the internal gag towards his
mouth. He turned his head away, hoping for the chance to reason with
her, and was rewarded by her roughly grabbing a fistful of his hair and
forcing the gag into his mouth. then, as she let go of his hair she
pulled the hood back over his head and he was plunged into darkness.
once she had the hood down he could hear her say "dumb cunt!" just
before she slapped him on the side of his head. It stung and his head
rang like a bell as he felt the collar tighten around his neck. After a
short pause he heard the hiss of the hand pump as the hood began to
tighten on his head, and soon all sounds from the outside world faded
away. the pump was disconnected and he was left with just the sound of
his own breath in his ears. She disassembled the remainder of the chair
around him and once again he was on his knees, his hands cuffed in
mittens in front of him. He feels a tug at his collar, then he's pulled
to his feet. He's led a short distance, then he feels his hands being
pulled up over his head. He recognises the smell of the box as she
guides him backwards. He moans in dispair and pleads into the darkness.
He resisits just a bit by trying to push forward and she slams his head
into the back of the box as she clips the collar to the back. pushing
his feet into place, she straps his ankles to the back of the box.
stepping aside she threads the breathing tubes through the hole in the
front and latches it closed. Once closed she opens the air valves and
he can feel the surrounding box press in on him from all sides. He
moans in despair, she says nothing. He wonders what's in store for him,
she already knows...
She already has a plan for him getting back to work at the club, she is
just waiting for a few more items to arrive by mail. In the meantime
she continues to cycle him through the box every 4-5 hours as if they
were full days and she manages to do this another 13 times in 3 days.
He meanwhile is losing it. He doesn't know how long it's been since he
was put in here. He knows it's been more than 2 weeks since the card
party, and it was at least a month before that...."6 weeks!! What does
she want?" To make matters worse she hasn't even spoken to him since
the card game. Nothing but darkness and the sound of his breath for the
past 2 weeks. The only interruption being an enema and a rough shower
every morning, followed by a quick liquid meal, then right back in this
dammed box! He hears the earpiece click to life, followed by her voice.
"I have arranged a way for you to return to work, if you wish. If not,
I may ask you again in a month or two. What do you say?" he nods and
says "yes, please!" through the gag as best he could. Anything would be
better than this hell.
He felt the bladders deflate around him and he was again pulled from
the box with his wrists above him. Except this time his wrists were let
down and he was grabbed by the collar and led into the bedroom. A hand
on his shoulder pushed him to his knees. He felt her deflate the hood
and unlock the collar and he braced himself for the light. It was
blinding and he squinted to see her towering above him, looking down.
She grabbed a handful of hair just behind his ear and pulled his head
closer roughly while pointing her finger in his face. "I'm giving you
another chance, and you've got to earn my trust again, bitch." She
slapped him on the face hard and he reeled, but was pulled back by his
hair."You fuck this up and you will be very sorry."
She pulled him to his feet and guided him to the end of the bed, then
connected his wrist-cuffs to the top of the canopy bed. Turning his
head sideways he could see her behind him as she stripped off the waist
cincher he had been in. He was amazed at how small his waist had
become. She searches through the shopping bags and boxes on the floor
and produces a pair of black latex stockings with garters. Placing the
garterbelt around his waist, she then rolls each stocking up his legs
and attaches them at the top. Next she pulls a long, latex corset from
it's box on the floor and approaches him with it. slipping it around
him from the back, she zips the front up. the corset covers him from
above his chest all the way down to the top of his thighs. It also has
what appear to be size "D" breast forms built into it as well as
padding at the hips. Before tightening the back she says "Oh yeah,
almost forgot. and retrieves a small box from one of the bags on the
floor. She removes a much smaller black box from it, maybe 1 inch
across and a half inch thick and wide. She slips the keys from the
chain around her neck and unlocks the back of his chastity. folding the
back down she pushes the box into place with a click, then secures the
belt again. He could feel it resting there between his scrotum and his
anus. He's concerned but doesn't ask. She begins drawing the corset
tight, working towards the middle from the top and bottom. He feels as
if he is being crushed. And when he thought it couldn't get any tighter
she placed a knee in the small of his back and gave one last pull
before tying it off. Stepping around in front of him, she reaches up to
one of his wrists, key in hand. She pauses and looks him square in the
eye. "give me any crap, right back to the box. got it?" he nods in
agreement. She undoes one of his wrists then grabbing a black satin
maids uniform from it's box she guides his hand through one sleeve. She
then secures that wrist before undoing the other and guiding it through
before securing it again. She pulls the uniform down and straightens
it, then grabs an extra full petticoat. She slips the petticoat up his
legs to his waist then grabs his apron. the apron wraps around the
smallest part of his waist, except instead of tying in back it was
lined with a steel band and padlocked in back. Next she grabbed what
looked like a wig, except that he saw leather straps hanging from it.
She held it up in front of him saying, "Meet the new you!".
He was dumbstruck. What she held in front of him was the harness for a
huge ballgag, except it was more. the two straps that came from the
sides of the gag met at the nose and continued over the head, except
everything above these straps was what looked like an elaborate female
mask. Cheeks, eyes and forehead, all finely detailed. Except the eyes,
they glistened as if real, but were totally black. No iris, no pupil,
no white. Just a vacant black staring back at him. Above that was a
long blond curly wig. It was teased to rise about 6 inches tall and
looked like it would reach the middle of his back. She steps behind
him, then he see's the mask enter his vision from above and he's
looking at the inside. The ball gag presses against his lips and he
knows it's futile to resist so he opens wide. Now the ball is pressing
on his front teeth, but doesn't fit, it's just too big. Then he feels
her press harder and roll the ball back and forth. He tries to mouth
that it's too big but all that comes out is a mumble. She continues and
he can feel it working it's way past his teeth. He begins to try to
turn his head away from it, hoping she reconsiders this jawbreaker of a
gag, but she just grabs the back of his head and pushes hard and the
gag slips behind his teeth and into place. Then the mask/harness is
pulled and smoothed into place. Looking through the eyes is slightly
distorted and darkened, with his vision partially narrowed. While he
tries to adjust to the mask he feels something slipped around his neck.
It's pushed up beneath his jaw and he recognizes it as a posture
collar. He feels it bite under his jaw as it pushes against his
shoulders. He strains to straighten his neck as much as he can. He can
feel her tighten the straps on the head harness, then close and lock
the posture collar. His jaw ached and he was starting to drool from the
gag. And now the posture collar multiplied his discomfort. "She can't
possibly expect me to wear these for any length of time, can she?" he
asked himself. He tried to complain through the gag, but it was nothing
but a distant mumble. then he started to whine as he tried to twist his
body to face her, or at least see where she was. This was greeted by
his wrists being pulled higher, until he was on his tip toes. He turned
to see her approach him off to the side, then she held a shoe up to his
face. It was an extreme black patent court pump. The heel was at least
7 inches, maybe more and the arch was almost a straight line to the toe
box. These would be difficult if they were ballet heels, but they
weren't. These looked like they would hold his arch square to the floor
and bend his toes backwards at a 90 degree angle. They had a wide ankle
strap which looked like chrome steel over a leather lining. There was
no way he was going to be able to walk in these.
He tried to get her attention as he tried to twist and face her. The
only response he got from her was "C'mon now, you know you like all
this girlie stuff. Besides, this is your new work uniform so you'll
need to get used to it." he started to whimper and pull at his wrists
as he felt her manipulate his feet into the shoes. Now he was pulling
at his wrists to keep his weight off them. He started to sob as she
locked the ankle straps in place. She then released one of his wrists
and guided it behind him, attaching it to the back of his apron. Then
she released the other and clipped it to his other wrist behind him. He
tried to steady himself on the heels and relieve some of the tension on
his legs, but the corset prevented it. The only thing he could do was
bend at the knees, but as soon as he did he felt as if he was going to
fall forward. "Turn around and face me." She commanded and he struggled
to slowly turn. "Now, out to the living room with you." and she
motioned to the door. He was now crying beneath the mask and instead of
heading to the door he continued to turn towards her. He would have
dropped to his knees to beg her if he could. Instead he minced towards
her, sobbing and mouthing "please, please...." into the gag.
She shakes her head. "Don't give me that. You are in a situation of
your own doing, so you must want it. Regardless, beg all you want. It
won't do any good. The choices you made led you here." She motioned to
the door again with the crop in her hand. She falls in line behind him,
tapping the crop in her open hand. He minces forward on the impossibly
high heels. Reaching the door to the room and stepping out into the
hallway she tells him to turn left and go to the garage instead, there
was something she wanted to show him.
He stops at the garage door, waiting for her to open it. "Oh yes, I
forgot all about your hands." She reaches around him and pushes the
door open, motioning him forward with her hand. He wonders what the
hell is going on and takes a few nervous steps forward. Once he gets
about 2 feet into the room he hears a beep coming from somewhere. It
lasts about 2 seconds, then he feels something like a hard slap on the
balls, but along with it his muscles contract and his knees almost go
out from beneath him. He feels her hands on his shoulders, pulling him
back. He's shaken, not quite sure what the hell just happened. She
brings her face close to his ear. "It's called an electric fence. To
keep dogs from running away they bury a transmitting wire around the
outer edge of the property, and then they fit the dogs with receiving
collars. When the dog gets within 25 ft of the wire the collars sound a
warning, then give an ever increasing shock as the dog gets closer."
She turns him around back towards the house." It's high volts and low
amps, or something like that. They say it's harmless..." She lets out a
chuckle. "If you could consider a cattle prod to the nuts harmless! But
seriously, they say the worst it can do is give you a nasty burn." She
motions him towards the living room with her crop.
"That must be what that box was that she clipped into this damned
belt." he thought to him self as he minced along. Then he felt the crop
nip at the back of his calves and he picked up the pace. "that's
better." he heard from behind him. As they entered the living room she
told him to stop. When he did he felt leather cuffs placed on his arms,
just above the elbows. These she connected behind his back with about
12 inches of chain, then she released his wrists from behind him,
leaving him standing there as she sits down on the couch and puts her
feet up. He stands there a moment unsure of what to do, until she
addresses him.. "O.K. you worthless cunt. Do you think you could handle
something as complex as getting me a glass of water?" He nods feebly
and begins to make his way to the kitchen. He fills a glass with water
from the cooler, adds ice and makes his way back to her. He's almost
there when she says "You didn't give me a chance to tell you that I
wanted you to use this tray." she says pointing to a serving tray on
the endtable beside her. "So you'll need to take that back." He reaches
for the tray and she wags a finger at him. "No, No, first take that
back, then come and get the tray, O.K. hun?" She says with a smile.
He does as she asks, finally bringing her the water. She looks at it
and says "Oh. No,no,no. I didn't ask for ice, did I?" Again he returns
to the kitchen. His feet ache and his legs are already starting to
tremble from the strain. It feels like the corset is about to snap his
ribs and it limits him to short shallow breaths. His jaw aches from the
gag and he can feel drool running down his chin. He sets the water down
beside her. She pretends to reach for it and pushes it over instead.
The glass spills and water spreads out onto the tile floor. She looks
up at him...."guess you'll have to clean that up before somebody slips,
huh?" He would sigh if he could, instead he squats down and picks up
the glass and heads to the kitchen to get the mop. As he reenters the
living room she says to him "Don't forget, I'm still waiting on my
water!" He mops up as much of the spill as he can, then returns to the
kitchen for the tray and the glass of water. Setting it down next to
her he can see her turn her nose up at it, saying "I changed my mind
about the ice, so why don't we do that instead."
He can't stand it and tries to drop to his knees, but the corset forces
him to pitch forward and he catches himself with his hands and ends up
on the floor like a seal up on it's front fins. If anything it felt
good to get off his feet, but his jaw was in agony and cramping up. He
started to sob and tried to plead through the gag as he struggled to
look up at her through the constriction of the collar. She sits there
watching him with no expression at all. He continues until finally she
stands up and smiles. Stepping over to him she bends down and taps the
ball gag with her finger. "You look so cute when you cry and beg. I'll
admit, the ball gag is probably a bit too big and stiff...Maybe I'll
change that later. The set-up at the club will be a little different
and a bit easier on you, but not much. Then again, if you can't handle
it I may have to find something else for you, or make some serious
modifications. By the way, you are going to need to be punished later
for this little outburst, and the longer you continue, the worse it
will be. Now then, would you like some help up?"
He shakes his head yes with what little movement he has as he fights
back the tears. She straddles him and pulls back on his shoulders, so
that he is kneeling upright, then steps out of the room telling him
half jokingly "Don't go anywhere, I'll be right back.". He knelt there
wondering what was next, when he felt her hands at the back of his
collar. She undid the straps to the gag and let them fall forward. He
tried to expell the ball but couldn't, so she slipped her finger and
thumb into the corners of his mouth and pulled. He let out a groan as
it scraped over his teeth and out of his mouth. He slowly started to
work his jaw closed, his eyes screwed shut from the pain. Before he
could close it he felt and tasted rubber again, and before he could
react, he could feel the straps drawn tight again. She connects the end
of a short tube to the gag and begins to pump. His mouth quickly fills
with the gag. As it begins to stretch his jaw again he lets out a moan
and she stops, then vents a small amount of air from it before
disconnecting the tube. "There, that must be a little better." she
says, then raises his skirt and petticoat. He feels her at the closure
of the corset, near the chastity device. Then he hears the hand pump
again and feels the plug inside him start to grow. "I was looking for a
little more swing in your step, and this ought to help." She continues
until he thinks he's going to burst, so he cries out into the gag.
Hearing this she pauses, then gives the pump one more squeese. He
starts to squirm as she disconnects the tube.
Slipping her hands beneath his arms, she orders him up as she helps him
to his feet. His weight now back on the heels renews his agony, as he
shifts from foot to foot trying to relieve the pressure. She tells him
to walk away from her, stop, spin and walk back. She nods in approval.
"that's better. Well, we do need to get you to the club early in order
to get you situated and set up, but we still have a couple hours until
then. I think you should probably get off your feet and get a little
rest before that, so why don't you go to your room and lay down for a
bit." Confused, he minces back to the room. All he could really do was
get as close to the bed as he could, then let himself fall onto it. He
lays there for a minute, face down and with his legs hanging off the
edge. Then he feels her hands on his calves as she manuevers them onto
the bed. Shutting the light off as she leaves she tells him that she
will see him in a bit.
He lays there. "she can't actually expect me to be able to sleep like
this, does she?" he asks himself. He tries to figure out how long he's
been here but the myriad of distractions prevent him from thinking too
clearly. The corset feels like it's cutting into his waist. His jaw
still aches, although not as bad, and the pressure on his ass is
constant. For some reason he can't seem to feel his sex confined in his
chastity, and this worries him. Has he been here a month? two? All he
knows is he has to get the fuck out of here. He tries to reason that
maybe this is all just part of a psycological game she's playing, and
that after the 3 months they had agreed on, she will let him go. If it
is, she has invested an awful lot of time and money on it. He can only
hope. After laying there a while thinking about his situation he feels
his sex begin to stir, much to his relief. The relief is short lived as
he feels the confinement of the chastity. The discomfort eventually
causes the swelling to subside, but once the pressure is relieved it
stirs again, keeping him in a semi excited state.
Some time later he see's the lights come on, then she's at the side of
the bed, rolling him over. Grabbing his legs, she swings them over the
side of the bed. Then looping a finger into the ring of his collar, she
pulls him to his feet. He teeters on the heels, until she begins to
pull him forward. He minces quickly, trying to keep up with her as she
leads him out of the room and into the garage. He panics as they enter
the garage and expecting a shock he starts to pull and protest. She
turns, and raises her open hand to him. She's about to lay into him
when she realises why he is doing it. "You're afraid of the electric
fence aren't you?" He nods, shrinking away from her raised hand. She
brings her hand down and runs it through his wig. "Not to worry, I
turned it off before I came and got you. Now come along." She pulled
him to the side of the car and helped him into the passenger seat
before belting him in.
In a matter of minutes they're pulling into the alley by the clubs back
door. Although he's not sure what time it is, it is still light out and
he looks around as best he can for any prying eyes. The posture collar
and mask limit his field of vision, however he can see her friend who
owns, or used to own, the club at the back door waving to them as they
pull in. She exits the car, leaving him there for a few minutes while
they greet each other with a hug and have a short discussion. Then they
come around and open his door. She undoes his seatbelt as her friend
pokes her head into the car and says "my, my, long time, no see! And
don't you look nice!"
The belt undone, she pulls him up to his feet and stands him next to
the car before closing the door. He figits there nervously as her
friend approaches saying "well, lets just have a look at you..." She
watches him stand there, shifting his weight from foot to foot and eyes
cast down. She steps to him quickly and grabs the back of the head
harness/wig and forcing his head back she brings her cheek to his.
Through clenched teeth he can hear her say."First of all, You don't
just ignore one of your superiors. Show some fucking respect. My friend
doesn't deserve a curtsey? and don't you think you should be standing
at attention right about now? You embarrass me and I'll make you pay
dearly, got it?"
He could hear the anger in her voice and it shook him. He tipped what
little curtsey he could , then stood as straight and tall as the 7 inch
heels and the gravel of the driveway beneath them would allow. He
didn't want to be here. He wanted to run, but how, and where? She
casually slips her fingers into the loop on his collar and pulls him
along with her as they enter the back of the club. Down the stairs and
into the store room just behind the bar. She speaks over her shoulder
as they walk. "You've got a lot to learn and a long way to go. You had
better accept your situation because if not, you got a rough road
She pushes the door to the bar area open and holds it as she pulls him
into the doorway with her. "You see those 5 tables on each side of the
dance floor/stage?" He nods 'yes'. "Well, that is your section, along
with the 30 or so stools that line the back of the dance floor." He
motions with his bound arms and shrugs, as if to say 'how can I, like
this?' His feet are screaming from the heels and his legs start to
tremble as he stands there. She see's this and says not to worry, that
he'll have a little help. "but more on that later." She says as she
shuts the door in front of him.
motioning for him to follow, she walks across the storeroom to where he
recognized his serving tray. She turns the pocket pc attached to the
top on. "it's basically the same, except when you place the orders it
says it back out loud to the customer. Does the same for the total
price. Other than that it has a selection of pre recorded words and
phrases, all that you'll need." she presses two buttons and he hears
"no, ma'am" from the tray. Another two and he hears "yes ma'am" she
presses 3 and he hears "thank you, ma'am" .
just then her friend interrupts and pulls her off to one side. He see's
pointing and hears whispering, but doesn't know what it is all about.
They both approach him. He see's her take off and hand her necklace
with her keys attached to her friend and tells him that her friend has
something she needs him to do. Her friend motions for him to follow and
he minces along behind her. Over his shoulder he hears "be good, both
of you!".
He follows her out into the club where the few patrons who are there
take little notice. She walks directly into the mens bathroom. Once
inside she disconnects his wrists from the back of his belt and warns
him against trying anything. She directs him to a utility cabinet where
he's told to make a bucket of hot soapy water and to grab a washcloth.
She produces a different set of keys and removes the padlock on the
third of 4 stalls and calls him over. She swings the door open to
reveal a large plexiglass box mounted on either stall wall and just
above the botton of each. He's taken aback by the fact that there's
someone inside. The figure is strapped in on his hands and knees, with
his face pressed against the wall shared by the stall next to it.
She see's the look on his face and explains. "You see, this is one of
my non live-in submissives who managed to get arrested for soliciting a
prostitute while he was away. Of course he failed to tell me this. I
probably never would have known had it not been for a dear friend. A
dear friend who just happens to be a detective who works vice! Needless
to say he was quite suprised when i confronted him." she looks down at
the man in the box and shakes her head. "soliciting some whore for a
blowjob then coming back to me as if nothing happened. I told him that
if he likes blowjobs so much, he should have all he can take. except
he's on the giving end rather than the taking." and with that she let
out a hearty laugh, then turned to him. "i need you to wash him down,
before he starts to stink. He's strapped in there pretty good so no
need to worry. Pay no attention to what he may have to say, just be
careful of his little 'motivational' leash there." She points to a thin
gold chain coming from between his legs and running up near his face,
where it disappears through a hole and into the next stall. She turns
and leaves, telling him she will stop by in a bit to see how he's
he lifts the lid and begins to wipe this person down, dipping the
washcloth and wringing it out every so often. The person in the box
begins to mumble and cry out, but it sounds like it's actually coming
from the other stall. Curiosity gets the best of him and he steps over
to the other stall. there is a seat cover dispenser right where his
face should be. He grabs ahold of it and tries to move it around.
Pushing straight up on it he finds it comes right off the wall. To his
horror he see's this mans chin, lips and nose slightly protruding from
the wall. Below and off to one side hangs a ring by a gold chain which
he figures must be connected to the chain he saw on the other side. He
bends down to get a closer look and can see some type of dental device
propping his jaw open. His blood runs cold as the man begins to speak.
It's a bit muffled, but he can understand..."please, please you gotta
help me out of here! I've been here for three fucking days man! you
gotta help me."
what could he do? Hell he couldn't even answer him with the gag in his
mouth. He grabs the dispenser and moves it back into position. The mans
voice increases in pitch. "please, i can't take this anymore. Don't you
fucking care? Please, at least disconnect this chain! My balls are
gonna get ripped off from this thing!" he snaps the dispenser into
place, wanting only for the voice to stop, and the sound becomes
muffled. He walks back to the next stall and picks up the washcloth,
but can't even bring himself to look at the box. Just then he hears
someone come in the bathroom door. He looks out the stall door, alarmed
that someone may see him in here and think it's his doing. He's
relieved to see that it's just her friend. Before she reaches the stall
door, he hears the bathroom door open again. She stops and yells out
"can't you read, bathrooms closed for cleaning! Should be open in
about..." then she raises her hands in suprise and moves to embrace the
man who had just entered.
"well, speak of the devil." he hears her say as she walk towards him.
She slips her hand around his waist and he can see the flash of a badge
at his belt. She explains that this is the detective friend she had
spoke of. The man just gave him a look of contempt and turned back to
her and asked if we were finished. She nods her head and the man steps
into the stall next door. She lets him know that however far he'd
gotten with washing him was o.k., and that he should grab his things so
she can lock up. He can hear the man protesting and can see him
struggling as he gathers his things, then the sound becomes muffled. He
see's hands grab the top of the stall wall and the wall begin to shake
as the mans cries become rythmic. Stepping out, she locks the door to
the stall behind them. The stall next door has the door left open and
he can't help but look. He can see the detective, hands on top of the
stall wall and pounding his member into the hole in the wall. He
quickly looks away, but not before she see's him looking. She shakes
her head side to side saying "I told him, all the blowjobs he would
ever want!!" She hooks her finger into the loop of his collar as she
laughs out loud, then leads him out of the bathroom. Back in the club
it had begun to fill up, and several heads turned to him. A few pointed
and whispered to each other, and suddenly he felt very exposed.. Led
behind the bar and into the back room, he's told to take a seat and
wait for his owner to return. He wasn't sure he liked the sound of that
word "owner", and he couldn't get what he had seen in the bathroom out
of his mind as he waited there.
What he didn't, couldn't have known was that the man in the stall
wasn't the club owners sub. And the man with the badge wasn't a police
detective. They were friends of hers. They were actually a gay couple
and had been for years. They agreed to put on the show, and actually
quite enjoyed playing the roles.
He was almost glad to see her after what he had seen with her friend.
She steps in and walks straight to his serving tray and picks it up.
Stepping in front of him she orders him to his feet and pushes it onto
the smallest part of his waist, telling him to hold it up by the edge.
Stepping behind him she buckles the belt and slips the straps over his
shoulders. Stepping in front she loops a finger into the ring on his
collar and pulls him towards the back entrance to the club floor saying
"C'mon, the place is filling up." She stops in front of the bar and
reaching above him she grabs an unseen hook and attaches it to the top
of his gag harness then steps back away from him and watches.
Without warning he is pulled forward by whatever it was attached to the
top of his head harness. Mincing forward at a steady pace he's pulled
out into the club. Past one table, then another along the side of the
dance floor. At the third table he stops being pulled and when he tries
to continue forward he finds he is held in place. He see's several
people staring and he is unsure what to do until he hears a voice from
the table he is stopped at. "Excuse me, but we'd like to place our
order here." He turns to see 2 couples sitting at the table. He wonders
how he is supposed to do this with the gag, but as he turns to face the
table he hears an electronic voice say "May I help you?" They each take
turns ordering their drinks and he presses the corresponding buttons.
The voice repeats each persons order and when he presses done it
announces their total. No sooner had he pressed done then he began to
be pulled again, passing another table but stopping at the next. Again
the tray asked "May i help you?" and another 2 drinks were ordered.
Again he was pulled to the very next table. then again. Soon he had
stopped at 4 tables and had about 16 drink orders. When he approached
the next table that had people waiting to order he was pulled right
past them, except he could hear the tray announce "I'll be right back
to take your order." as he passed by. He continued to be pulled in a
large circle around the dance floor and past most of the tables in the
club, until he was pulled right back to where he started at the
waitress station of the bar. Here the bartender placed all of the
drinks that had been ordered into 4 seperate recessed places in the
tray. Behind each spot was a spring clip that the bartender pointed to
and rubbed his fingers together indicating that the money for the
drinks went there. As soon as the drinks had been loaded, he was pulled
along again, back out on the same route. This time he was stopped at
the very first table and the tray announced "May I help you?" Again he
took their order before being pulled to the next table. This was the
table that had placed the first drink order with him. The tray
announced the first drink then paused before announcing the next drink.
He quickly realised that he should be placing the drinks on the table
as they were announced. Quickly placing the drinks down, he caught up
just in time for the tray to announce "that'll be $xx.xx" and once the
money was placed under the clip the screen on the tray prompted him
with the question "change? yes or no" The drinks had totaled $14.00 and
he had been given a $20.00 so he pressed "yes". The tray announced
"I'll be right back with your change" then immediatley began pulling
him to the next table.
This continued as he went around until he had dropped off all 4 tables
orders and taken 4 more. Again he was pulled to the bar where the
drinks were waiting for him. The bartender took the money, made change
where appropiate and filled the tray again with drinks. He was pulled
out again. He realised that he really didn't have to think or remember
much, just follow the prompts from the tray and screen. He noticed on
his display that the number of tables waiting was increasing, and
suddenly he was being pulled faster.
By the fourth time around he was taking drink orders at 4 tables,
delivering to and collecting from 4 more tables, and bringing change to
the ones that needed it. And yet as the club filled whatever was
pulling him kept increasing speed. His feet and calves ached and by the
7th trip he thought he couldn't take it anymore. When he got up to the
bar he began to protest as loud as he could through the gag to the
bartender. He had to get off his feet somehow, but he wasn't even sure
if he could be heard over the music playing. He must have been heard
though because after placing the drinks on his tray the bartender
leaned in towards him, hand cupped over her ear. He yelled into the gag
that he couldn't take any more, he had to get off his feet. The
bartender took her hand away from her ear and covered her mouth as she
laughed. She leaned in to him "You've barely been here two hours honey,
and you got a 6 hour shift!" As she said this he was pulled off again.
twice more around and he can no longer keep up with whatever it was
that was pulling him. As he approached the bar the line pulled tight
and he stumbled forward, took a few steps only to stumble forward
again. This time when he approached the waitress station, she was there
waiting for him. Without a word she climbed a short step stool she had
set in front of her and began adjusting the line that tethered him. He
felt a tug, then a steady pull upwards. His heart sank as he saw her
step back down from the ladder. He was hoping for release but all he
got was a shortening of his tether. As the drinks were assembled and
the money exchanged he realised that by tightening his tether she had
taken that much weight off his feet and the heels became almost
bearable again. However once he was pulled off again he realized he had
even less control of his motions as he was dragged from table to table
like a marionette.
As the night dragged on, the trips seemed to blend into one another.
Even with the added tension on the tether, his feet and calves
screamed. To make matters worse, some of the customers started getting
fresh and he found himself on the recieving end of lewd comments and
questions, as well as a few hands up his skirt.
Finally last call was made and soon he found himself standing at the
waitress station with an empty tray. He was too exhausted to notice her
approach until he felt the tether that had dragged him around all night
being released. She hooked a finger through a ring on his collar and
said "C'mon, lets go. It's getting late." He was pulled into the back
room of the club where she unstrapped and unbelted the tray from his
waist and shoulders. He was amazed at how much lighter he felt after
having carried that tray for the last 6 hours. So relieved in fact that
he barely noticed or minded when she secured his wrists to his waist
belt before leading him up the stairs and out to the car.
On the short drive home she spoke to him and being still gagged, all he
could do was listen. "Not bad for your first day, but I still don't
know what to do with you. Having you work at the club may be just more
trouble than it's worth, but we'll see."
Once inside she shut the car off, got out of the car and walked inside,
leaving him there still belted in. A few minutes go by and he begins to
get concerned. He's quite suprised to see from out of the house steps
another male maid, fully dressed in a french maids uniform. She/he
steps up to his side of the car and opens the door. Without a word she
unbelts him, motions for him to swing his legs out, then helps him out
of the car. She was not only less feminine in appearance than him, but
he could tell by her grip she was much stronger. He actually felt a
twinge of jealousy as he was led into the house, then his room. The
jealousy turned quickly to disbelief, then anger, then fear as the maid
continued to lead him into the bathroom where he saw that damned box
again. He struggled for a moment, but a hand at his throat pinning him
to the wall ended that quickly. His head harness was removed, but not
before a finger wagged in his face and a stern warning "not a word, not
a sound, or else!" Once again his vision is blocked out by the
inflatable hood and as it is pumped up he feels himself shut off from
the world. His wrists are detached from the belt and secured to each
other in front of him. Then he feels them drawn up above his head. He
feels hands roughly strip him naked before he's laced back up in he
latex corset from before. The heels are slipped onto his feet before he
is guided backwards into the box. Once secured he hears the familiar
hiss of the tanks as the bladders press in against him.
And this is how he's left for the next 32 hours. Although exhausted, he
sleeps in fits and starts. It seems like he's been there forever and he
begins to go stir crazy near the end. When he finally is released, it's
the male maid tending to him again. For the next 2 weeks he is
scrubbed, washed, dressed and driven to the club by the maid only to be
picked up, driven home and returned to the box. During this time he
only see's her once in the club, and she had walked right past him as
if he wasn't there. He was constantly looking for a way out, even if it
meant fighting his way out. After 2 weeks of this, no contact with her
and not even the slightest opportunity to escape, he began to despair.
If he wasn't being driven to and from the club, or being dragged around
it on that damn tether, he was in the box.
Once again the bladders deflated, except this time his wrists were just
lowered and attached to his waist. Instead of being led beneath the
shower head, he was led out of the bathroom and into the guest room. He
felt hands at the back of his hood and then it was pulled free. The
light hurt his eyes and as he squinted to adjust them he could see it
was her, and she was dressed to the nines. Little black dress,
stockings, 5 inch heels, with her hair up and her makeup exquisite.
With a tug on the collar she led him from the room. She motions for him
to sit at the kitchen table and she sits across from him. Folding her
hands on the table in front of him she asks if he's comfortable. He
mumbles something incoherent to her into the gag, which draws a smirk
from her. Leaning back she says."lets cut right to the chase. You
working at the club isn't working out. It really was a temporary spot
for you until I decided what to do with you. I was looking for a way to
move you to the club full time, but my friend and I decided it was just
too much trouble. Having my maid manage you worked for a while, but I'm
going to be losing her. I have been waiting to hear from my friends up
north, and whether or not they had a space for you. I was considering
turning you over to them and letting them do what they will. Well,
while waiting for them to get back to me, another prospect popped up
unexpectedly and could be quite lucrative for us. Then again it could
just turn into a mess and a pain in the ass. It would be so much easier
to just let my friends take you, then I can start fresh again. Well, it
would seem that things have fallen into place and it's time to make a
decision and I thought I would see if you have a preference." She leans
back in her chair and folds her hands behind her head. "Now then, since
your little episode in which you tried to attack me happened, all
agreements are and have been off. I will do with you as I wish, as long
as I wish and dispose of you as I see fit, when I see fit. And don't
worry about your house. You see, i figured that with this kind of
fetish, your ex must know about it, so i went to talk to her. We had a
cordial conversation and then i subleted my lease to her for $1.00 a
month. By the way, she says she's very happy you found what you've been
looking for and wishes you all the best. She also asked me to tell you
not to worry if anyone asks about you because she'll let them know
you've moved out of country to get a fresh start "
"The easiest way for me to handle this would be to just turn you over
to my friends from up north. This might even be your shortest route to
this being over, but I can make no promises. Remember these are the
ones who release their toys when they're bored with them. They say it's
happened in as little as 4 months, and I personally know one who was
released in a little more than a year. However these are some hard core
motherfuckers and when I spoke to them just recently I found out that
one former slave of mine that I had dropped off is still there, which
puts him at almost the 3 year mark. I don't know why they've kept him
so long but they told me that just last month they had extracted all of
his teeth, which is just sick to me. Also they're not exactly open
about it, but I suspect that they've had toys expire on them from the
abuse. And the one I know personally says there was one there who had
accidentally seen one of their faces and had disappeared the next day.
Like I said, they're hardcore. They're also ready for you."
"The other option is a bit more complicated. You would still be in my
charge except steps would be taken to insure your loyalty and
obedience. You shouldn't count on release any time in the next couple
years, if at all. However this route could actually end up being
somewhat pleasant for you, at least at times. The resources and capital
available to me would be much more, which opens up all sorts of
possibilities and all I can say is that you'll probably never be the
same again. And if things don't work out you could end up with the boys
up north anyways."
She stands and walks over to him. "Now I'm going to remove this gag so
that I can get your opinion on which route to go."
She removes the gag and he clears his throat before starting...."Ma'am,
with all due respect, I think you and I both know that this isn't what
I signed on for. I expected to serve 3 months tops, and not on a live
in basis. This is so unfair in so many ways and I want it to be over.
What do I have to do to end this?"
She hears him out then calmly replies.."This could have been over in 3
months, if that's what you wanted. The rules were clear and easy to
follow. By your own words, you're the one who wanted to be helpless and
get in over your head." He blurted out.."But it's not fair and you know
it!" Her brow furrowed and her nostrils flared. "Who the hell said this
had to be fair? How fair would you have been if I hadn't been ready
when you attacked me? And lets be absolutley clear about this, YOU
attacked ME!" She stands, leaning forward, hands on the table. "You
need some help deciding? You don't like your options? Screw this, I
don't need these headaches. I'll call the boys and start packing your
shit up."
He interupts her with a knee-jerk reaction by shouting out "No!" She
raises one brow and asks "So you're to remain here then? Is that what
you want?" He clears his throat "I just don't....please....please just
let me go......"
She slaps him hard and shoves the gag back into place.
"Well I was hoping to get some intelligent feedback from you, but I
guess that's too much to ask. I've made my decision." And with that he
heard her walk back to the garage then her car pull out and the garage
door close.. He craned his neck around and listened for a moment, but
heard nothing. he tried pulling at his ankles, then his wrists but both
were secure as usual. He thought that maybe if he tipped the chair he
could reach his ankles to unclip them, but with his wrists clipped to
opposite sides of his waist there wasn't anything he could do to free
them. Maybe he could find a knife.....
He started to rock the chair side to side but as it got closer to
tipping he thought better of it. So he just sat there for a few minutes
wondering what to do. He started to try his wrists again when he heard
the garage door rolling up again and her car pull in. He drew a deep
breath to try to calm himself, then looking down he saw the
indentations in the carpet where his chair was, 2 inches away from
where it is now. He panicked and started throwing his weight in the
chair to try to get it to "hop" back in place. The chair moved, but
only a fraction of an inch. He continued as he heard the overhead door
close, then her car door open and close. He started sweating profusely
and was almost there when he heard the garage door open. On hearing her
heels click on the tile in the hallway he stopped, thinking it was the
best he could do, however he was still breathing heavy and sweat ran
into his eyes. He pulled a deep breath and held it as she reached the
end of the hall. She paused a moment, then turned into her bedroom.
He let out a sigh of relief and focused on trying to slow his breathing
as he shook what sweat he could from his face. He had caught a break
when she turned into her room, but he didn't know for how long. His
breath had returned to normal and most of the sweat had dried by the
time he heard her step up behind him. She ordered him to lean forward
in the chair before strapping a 3 ft long board to the back of it. Then
she told him to lean back. He felt his head pulled back and he was
forced into a straight upright position as she buckled the straps
around the board. Then guiding a strap through the crook of his elbows
and behind the board, she pulls it tight drawing his elbows back. She
then walks around the table and sits down across from him.
"Too bad about the restraints, but i'm afraid that i need your
undivided attention. You know, working at the club may have been a
bigger pain than it was worth for all involved, but one good thing
became of it. You see there was one particular customer who asked about
you, frequently, and wanted to know what your story was. In particular
whether or not you were there by choice or force. It turns out he's
obsessed with forced feminization and desperatley wanted to know if you
were held against your will . Well after his persistence and after I
kind of felt him out I let him know it was consensual nonconsent. And
that yes you were there against your will. Well, he just went wild,
wanted to know how you handled it, what stopped you from leaving, what
I did to keep you, methods used and such. At first i thought he was
another sub male wanting to play dress up and slap ass games. Until he
told me that his interest is on the other side of the equation. Turns
out he has had life long, heavy fantasies about capturing and
transforming his own little sissy into a high fetish toy. Being a
successful business owner, he just doesn't have the time and couldn't
take the risk. Especially now since at this point in his companies
growth it requires a great deal of his attention as well as much of his
time away from home. Once he found out a little more about your
situation, his eyes lit up and he wanted to know if you were available
for maidservice. Thinking on my feet, I tossed out the figure of $60.00
an hour, he jumped at the chance and asked me how many days a week I
had planned on having you working. I told him 2-3 days a week and
that's when he seemed to go deep into thought., then told me he would
get back to me on it. Well, I just heard back from him and he has
offered me $10,000 a month for your service. With a few conditions of
course.The first of which is that he be the only one you work for
outside of my home. You would be available to him on demand up to 10
days a month. I would be responsible for transporting you, security and
such. You see, he's into girls like yourself, and he likes the ultra
feminine look combined with the subjucated yet reluctant attitude. I
told him you weren't quite ready yet, but with some intense work you
could be ready in 4-6 weeks. Well, he told me that anything I needed to
speed it along, to just ask him. He couldn't stop thanking me on the
phone. He thought it would have been 10 years until he had the time to
indulge this fantasy of his and couldn't believe he hadn't thought of
something like this sooner. Well, of course I was floored and couldn't
help but ask him if he could really afford to pay that much. He assured
me he could and to reassure me he's going to pay for the first 3 months
up front, then keep himself 3 months ahead.
She paused to get herself a drink of water as his mind raced.
"Now, he did have some particular requests. As far as the ultra
feminine part goes, that means you cannot exibit any male
characteristics in his presence, or anyones for that matter anymore.
We'll have to work on your voice, as you must speak in a feminine tone.
If we can't get there by training, then surgery is an option. We also
have to schedule laser hair removal from the neck down. As far as
clothes go, you'll wear whatever he wants, although I think you'll find
his tastes pretty closely match yours. 6 inch heels with no platform
will be standard, as will sheer silk or fishnet stockings. We need to
get your waist down to at least 25 inches by corset training. Make-up
will be dark, thick and whorish. Such things as false eyelashes and
fingernails will be required. Hair will be big, blonde and curly, a wig
at first until your own grows out enough. To top everything off, he
gave me the card of a doctor I should call in the next couple days.
He's going to arrange for this doc to drop by and give you "D" implants
among other things, as part of a housecall."
"We've got a lot of training to do, but when you are ready you will be
on call to him whenever he is in town, which lately he says is only a
couple days once or twice a month. He will have free reign to punish
you for any transgressions or errors as he wishes, or can simply report
your behavior for me to correct. Consider yourself warned though, if
you pull a stunt with him like you did with me, i will personally
castrate you. Apply yourself, follow the rules and you may come out of
this relativley intact. Screw around or do something stupid and you
might find yourself right here 20 years from now, a mere shadow of your
former self."
"Now as far as what you'll be doing for me....." She began before being
interrupted by the doorbell. He was shocked to hear her call out "Come
in! It's open!" especially with him sitting here exposed like this. The
door opens and he immediatley recognises who it is. It's that asshole
detective from the club. He walks arrogantly into the kitchen and
flashes him a look of distain before greeting her. He's carrying a
briefcase in one hand and he sets it on the table. looking up and down
at the figure tied to the chair at the opposite end of the table he
shakes his head and says "Goddam freak!" Then she says to him "Forget
about him, is it ready?"
"Of course!" he says. "Here it is." Then opens the brieface up on the
table. Pointing to various bundles he begins...."here we got 100 hits
of ecstacy, packaged 10 to a bag. Here's a sheet of L.S.D. along with a
handful of individual doses packed in seperate bags. This one here is
powered cocaine, this one here is crack, all in seperate baggies and
this last one is tar heroin. Then here we have a sawed off shotgun with
the serial #s ground off, and finally we got this. He grabs the pencil
from his shirt pocket and flips open the cover of a small photo album
as he turns and pushes it towards him. He looks at the photo's and to
his revulsion he see's that they are of children engaged in various sex
acts, some appear as young as 5 or 6.
The detective see's the look on his face and says..."whatsamatter
faggot. You don't like that?" then laughs. He rotates the case towards
her before closing it and addressing her. "I was real careful like. The
only prints on the inside of this briefcase are his." His heart sinks
as he remembers the weird bead project she had him do weeks ago. Taking
beads out of little baggies and combining them into bigger bags. The
detective looks over at him and says "There's enough here to put you
away for life. That's life in prison as a child molester, which is
doubly hard. Here's how it works you see..... being a detective, I ride
alone. I pull you over and when i walk up I see a baggie of cocaine
sittin in your ashtray. I search the vehicle and magically find this
briefcase under your front seat right next to the gun and about
$1000.00 cash in 5's 10's and 20's right next to that. I don't pry open
the locked briefcase until backup arrives or better yet until we're
back at the police station. Now you can bark and cry all you want, but
if i planted it, how come yours are the only prints on the inside? And
that case was opened in front of a half dozen witnesses. Sorry but your
gone for life." he says with a smile....
She hands him a handful of cash and he counts it and says "A
pleasure."as he exits, leaving the briefcase behind.. She turns to him.
"In case you haven't figured it out, he's doing us the favor of
ensuring your loyality and fulfilling your committment. One word from
me and your gone. Rest assured that he's not going to use it otherwise.
After all, the case stays with me. All we need to do is to pay him
$1000.00 a year to keep the agreement active.
. Now then, I do need to get you ready for all this, so we'll be quite
busy for the next month or so. Just so we start off on the right foot,
I want to make it quite clear that any rights or limits you may have
had went out the window with that little stunt you pulled. You don't
have to like your situation, but you do have to apply yourself and do
whatever may be required. And if you don't know it by now, I'm not shy
about hurting you." She laid a hand flat on the table and leaned into
him, bringing her mouth close to his ear. "If you would like to test me
I've got a couple of my 1/4 and 3/8 inch canes soaking in saltwater in
the garage."
His heart was in his throat and he could feel the tears welling up in
his eyes. She saw this and smiled saying "I just love that look on your
face.....are you gonna cry? you can if you like...." She straightened
up and walked to the end of the table. Looking him in the eyes she
asked "Would you like to go get ready or do you need some time to come
to grips with this." he takes a moment then nods affirmative. "Yes, you
would like to get ready?" he nods again and she steps around him. She
starts to undo the gag and head harness, then pauses. She whispers in
his ear. "Now i hope you're not going to give me any problems. Step in
line and you just might enjoy some of this. Not all of lt, but some."
She finished removing the harness gag, then undid his ankles. Slipping
her finger through the ring on his collar she helped him up out of the
chair and led him back to his room. Positioning him at the end of the
bed she releases one hand then the other before securing them in front
of him again. Telling him to spread them, she clips his ankle cuffs to
the bedframe about 2 feet apart before clipping his wrists to the line
above him, then pulling it tight.
He stands there spread and exposed, trembling because he's unsure what
to expect next. She comes up behind him and runs her hands up his legs,
curling her hands around the top of his thighs then back down the front
as she presses up against him. He lets out a moan at the touch. It had
been so long and it felt so good, he couldn't help it. She slips the
key to the belt he's now wearing from her necklace and unlocks it. He
could already feel his member growing and the feel of the open air on
it only added to it. She cups his balls in her hands and he lets out a
gasp. Reaching around with her other hand she runs a fingernail down
the underside of his growing member and he squirms. "I know I said it
was going to be a while for you but..." She wraps her hand around him
and gently squeeses. His mouth drops open and his knees bend inwards.
"I thought maybe in celebration of your new position you might want
some relief." She moves her hand slowly up his now hard sex, then still
grasping it she wipes her finger in his precum and swirls it under the
head. "You are looking forward to your new position, aren't you?" She
gives his balls a squeese as she waits for an answer. He lets out a
moan. He's not looking forward to his new position, he just wants out.
"well?" she asks as she runs her hand down and back up slowly. His legs
shudder but he just can't bring himself to say it. He feels like he's
just about to cum and he curls his toes and bites his lower lip. Just
then she rotates the hand on his balls and sets her thumb on his
perinium, that space right between his balls and ass, then presses
hard. Suddenly he can't feel her hand anymore, or anything in that
area. He squirms on her thumb, trying to relieve the pressure. Then she
relented and began to stroke him again, once more cupping his balls. He
quickly felt himself building again when she presses her thumb once
more and he squirms and whimpers until she releases the pressure. She
starts to stroke him again as she brings her mouth to his ear and says
through clenched teeth. "c'mon bitch, I want to hear you say it. Your
looking forward to your new position. Why else would you be so excited
right now?" He can't take it anymore. Besides, what does it matter what
he says, she's gonna do what she wants anyways. "Yes" he says. She
gives his nuts a squeese. "Yes what?" she asks. "Yes Ma'am." he
answers. "Your my bitch, my property arent you?" "Yes Ma'am" he
squeeks, his voice breaking. "And you're gonna be a good little girl
and do anything i say? Anything no matter what and for as long as i
want." She could feel him building and just starting to spasm as he
replies "Yes Ma'am" in a high strained voice. She moves her hand to
cover the head as she gives his balls a healthy squeese. His eyes roll
back into his head as he bucks and squirms and she can feel her hand
fill with hot fluid. She slips her hand from his balls and strokes him
with it, cupping the other around the head with all 5 fingers and
letting it pool in her palm.
He hangs limp, twitching and occasionally thrusting towards her hand.
She gives him a moment then says to him "I'm glad to hear you're
excited about your new position, and i know you weren't lying when you
said that. After all we know what happens to liars, don't we?" as she
said this she raised her cum filled hand to his mouth. Being spent, he
wanted nothing to do with any of this and was repulsed when she told
him to clean up his mess. He turned his head away and she immediately
squeezed his balls with her other hand. His head went back and his eyes
screwed shut from the pain. Through clenched teeth he moaned "OK OK! I
will. Please..." he kept his head back waiting for her grip to release.
When it didn't he pleaded "I said OK! Please, please stop." to which
she replied "I'm afraid it doesn't work that way. You had your chance,
now clean up your mess!" then she gave them a cruel twist to emphasize
her words. He screamed, but brought his head down nonetheless. His
mouth already open made it convenient for her to just wipe her palm
along his bottom lip. His face curled into one of disgust but he
swallowed anyways. She let up on the pressure and finally he could
breathe again. She cleared her throat. "Ah.um..I don't think you're
done yet...." she waved her fingers in front of his face. "I want to
see you clean every bit of it, bitch. And you can make all the faces
you want. You're not fooling anybody, you love it and you know it." She
gets a better grip on his balls and tightens just a bit. "Or would you
rather have some more of this?" He shakes his head side to side as he
licks and sucks her hand clean.
First she starts on his new corset. She gradually tightens it, working
the laces towards the center. "This one has been made to what your
dimensions will be in 6 weeks. That means a 25" waist when drawn
completely closed in back." He felt it's constriction as she pulled,
then he felt her knee in his back. "Now take a deep breath, stretch
your arms out and blow out." He did and she pushed the small of his
back with her knee while pulling back on the laces. He felt it was way
too tight, but dared not say anything.
"That's still about 2 1/2 inches from where we need to be, but we'll
work on it. If you have any problems getting it there when your
dressing yourself, you'll have to speak up right away. If i ever find
those laces farther apart than I say they should be I'll set the goal
another 1/2 inch smaller, so be careful." She steps back over to the
closet and looks around. "These 3 uniforms up front here are your new
ones. We may have to get you a couple more pairs of shoes as nothing
below 6" is allowed anymore." She crouches down to undo his ankles. "
Stockings only. I know you have a few pairs of those, let me know if
you need more. I'll have to go online and order a few big and blonde
wigs for you, in the meantime stick with your platinum blonde one, and
remember, thick dark make-up including false eyelashes. Don't worry
about the nails for right now." She loosens the overhead line and lets
his wrists down. "O.K. then, get your ass ready and get out there."
After she leaves he stands there for a moment dazed, then walks over to
the closet as if on autopilot. He could see that she had rearranged his
things, or did she just put them back differently from the previous
maid? He didn't know. All of his lower heels, uniforms and such were
all the way back and on the right. He grabbed one of the new uniforms
and laid it on the bed. Next to it was an oddly short white petticoat
that he grabbed also. He looked down in dismay at the few heels she
apparently felt were acceptable. 3 pairs and all black. 6 inch pumps
with the locking ankle strap. 6 inch oxfords that padlocked at the top
eyelets. The only pair that didn't lock on were a pair of open court
shoes, but these had an impossible 7 inch heel and he considered these
"picture shoes" or bedroom heels. He tried to bend over to grab the
oxfords but the constriction of the corset stopped him. The length made
it difficult to get on his knees to grab them. Finally he had to dip
into an odd curtsey facing away from them and reach behind his back to
grab them. He sits on the edge of the bed and removes the uniform from
the hanger. It's black satin or maybe tafetta, It's got a high collar
and long sleeves, yet the skirt is as short as a french style maids
uniform. He has to lift the collar to get at the zipper and when he
does he can see that the collar has a locking buckle at the back, the
type where one slips into the other. the ends are apart right now but
he can tell that it's there to lock the high collar to the wearer of
the uniform as well as block access to the zipper at its closed
position. He shakes his head before slipping the dress on. Now he knows
why the petticoat seemed oddly short. It's to match the uniform, which
makes it halfway to his knees at best. He steps into the petticoat and
lifts it with one leg before pulling it all the way up. This makes the
skirt sit even higher. He tries to ignore it as he pulls the stockings
up his legs, careful to keep the backseam straight and not run them as
he struggles against the corset. He connects the garters while still
laying on the bed then sits up and slips his feet into the shoes.
Bringing his feet up to him 1 at a time he closes the padlocks. Again
it's as if he's running on autopilot. He stands to make his way to the
bathroom when he catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror. The heels
want to tip him forward in a clumsy stance. This combined with the
incredibly short skirt and topped off with his wigless unmade face.
Tears well up in his eyes and he sits back on the edge of the bed. He
tries to fight it but with all that's happened, might happen and with
the fact that his balls are empty which leaves him with no interest in
this at all, it's no use. He sits on the edge of the bed and starts to
sob, and he keeps sobbing until she steps in and see's him. There's
concern in her voice as she actually kneels down in front of him and
takes his hands in hers and asks "Oh dear, what's wrong?" "Look at me!
How can you ask what's wrong?" he sobs some more. "I don't even
remember how long i've been here. I never expected this and now i just
want to leave.....I can't do this....." His chest heaves. She stands
and says "Oh, is that all it is dear? You just want to go?" as she cups
his face in her hands. She bends down to him as he nods yes. They are
face to face and she waits a moment for his eyes to catch hers. When
they do she grabs his head firmly and licks the tears running down one
cheek then the other and says "Ahh...Your misery is delicious...." Then
slaps him across the face hard. He looks up at her in disbelief as she
points a finger at him. "Now get ready, and don't make me come in here
again." She turns and heads towards the door with him just sitting on
the bed in shock. Without looking back she adds "And if you come out
there with your makeup streaked from tears I'm going to take the cane
to you and give you something to cry about."
His face stings and it takes him a moment to shake off the slap.
Standing unsteadily he makes his way to the bathroom. Feeling his
bladder full he stands in front of the toilet and lifts his skirt. He's
immediatley reminded of the chastity he now wears and takes a look at
it in the mirror. lifting the front of the corset he can see that
between his legs is just a smooth piece of what he figures is stainless
steel. He feels around the waist belt beneath the corset for the lock
and all he can feel is a slightly raised area at the hip and the small
of his back. Unsure of how he is supposed to urinate, he runs his
fingers down the front and feels a small hole between his legs and so
he sits. It takes him a moment to release, but when he does it runs out
the hole as expected. He is a bit concerned as he really cant even feel
his penis or how it's restrained. Once finished he stands in front of
the mirror looking at himself. Shaking his head and letting out a sigh,
he begins on his make-up. He did the make-up as heavy and dark as he
could and put the wig on. Looking at himself in the mirror he begins to
feel slightly better about himself. Checking himself in the mirror to
make sure he's ready, he see's that all he's missing is the apron.
Grabbing one from the closet, he ties it on and heads out to the living
Stepping out of the hallway timidly, he scans the living room and
kitchen for her, still shaken by how she had reacted to his tears.
Seeing no sign of her, he takes a few steps towards the living room.
He's startled by the sound of her bedroom door and turns in time to see
her walk in. She walks directly to him saying "Let's have a look at
you." He stands at attention and she places her hands on her hips,
circling him. Behind him now, she lifts the dresses collar in back.
"Are you telling me that you didn't figure out what the locking buckle
is for?" He cringed, but tried not to show it, then replied "No Ma'am."
"No you did know? or no you didn't?" He thought quickly then just
replied "No Ma'am, I did know and had forgotten about it." His candid
answer took her back a bit. She was getting used to him hemmin and
hawing. "Well, that will be fine for now. I need you to work on the
living room. Dust, sweep, mop and straighten up. Come to me wherever
I'm at when you're done." He tips a small curtsey and says "Yes Ma'am."
he walks to the hallway closet where all the cleaning supplies are kept
and grabs a static duster and makes his way back into the living room.
She has stopped in the doorway of her bedroom and watches him walk by.
"You'll need to work on standing a little straighter in those heels."
"Yes Ma'am." he says as he forces his legs straight at the knee and
shortens his steps. He knows when he wears heels this high that if he
doesn't concentrate on it, he'll walk with his knees bent to relieve
the pressure on his calves. He tries to put his concerns out of his
mind and focus on the tasks at hand, and as a result he is done fairly
Remembering she had told him to come to her when he was finished, he
looked around for her, then knocked on her bedroom door. He heard her
call for him to come in and he cautiously stepped in. She was sitting
on the bed watching television, but with a large book on her lap. She
motions him over to the bed as she sets the book aside and swings her
legs off the side. He minces over to the bed and says "Yes Ma'am?" as
he stands at attention. Pulling the book to her lap she says "I have an
excellent study aid for you here." then stands in front of him. It
looks as if she is holding the book out to him so he reaches for it,
only to have his hand slapped away. "well, we better take care of that
right away. Turn around." when he turns he feels his elbows grabbed and
pulled to his sides and slightly behind him. Cuffs are placed just
above each elbow, joined by a 12" length of chain. "That's better, turn
around again." He turns around to face her again, a puzzled look on his
face. "Now, as I was saying before you got all grabby on me. I have an
excellent study aid here for you." She reaches up and places the book
on top of his head. He can already see what's coming. She expects him
to balance the book on his head as he walks. He had done this before
and knew that the heavier the book, the easier it was and at almost 3
inches thick, this book was quite heavy. What took him by surprise was
that once the book was on top of his head, she lifted the cover and
pulled out 2 clover clamps, the ones that tighten as they're pulled,
each trailing a fine chain back to the book. She slips a finger between
his collar and neck and slips them into the top of his uniform. Feeling
through the fabric she attaches one, then the other to his nipples. He
flinches from the pain and teeters a bit, but she steadies him by the
arm. "Whoa! be careful! That book is heavy and it has about 3 feet to
fall before it runs out of chain, so it will have momentum." She lets
go of his arm and casually brushes something off his shoulder. "Run
along now, I'll be out there shortly." He slowly makes his way out of
the bedroom very much aware of the consequences of the book falling,
but ran into the first obstacle before he even left the room. With his
elbows held behind him and the height of the heels, the doornob was
almost a foot below his hands. How much he could bend at the waist was
limited by the corset and now the book. The rest had to come from his
knees. With some work he managed to turn the knob so he could open the
door. He hadn't taken but a few steps when she called out. "Don't
forget to close that door..." He stops in his tracks and pauses for a
moment before turning around and struggling to close the door. Stepping
back into the living room he looks around, unsure of what to do. He
realizes there's not much he can do but wait for her. 15 minutes go by
and his feet as well as the clamps on his chest are screaming. And even
just standing there he almost loses the book a few times. Thankfully he
Finally she steps out of her room and with a curl of her finger beckons
him back to it. He takes slow careful steps over to her and she steps
aside allowing him to enter the room first. Stepping in time behind him
she grabs a hold of the chain between his elbows and steers him to the
left. He can see their walking directly towards the bondage horse and
his stomach rises up to his throat. She positions him in front of it,
then walks around the other side so that the horse sits between them.
Reaching up, she lifts the book off his head and places it in his
hands, telling him to hold it. She then reaches for the clips beneath
his uniform and he realizes she's about to remove them. He braces
himself for the pain the new blood will bring. She removes the clips
quickly, as he moaned through clenched teeth. Taking advantage of his
distraction she crouches and clips his ankle cuffs to his side of the
horse. Once standing she pulls down a rope ending in a clip from
overhead then reaches around him and clips it to the chain between his
elbows. He begins to recover some composure and tries to ask what he's
done as she attaches another clip to his collar. She didn't say a word
as she loops the lead through an eyebolt at the bottom of the horse.
She pulls hard on the lead, bending him over the horse before tying it
off. She finishes by pulling his elbows up farther before tying them
off. Walking around behind him she lifts the petticoat of his uniform
and tucks it into the back of his apron. "So you want to know what you
did, do you?. Well it's a simple, but chronic problem you seem to have
with your appearance. Earlier I had told you to come to me when you
were finished with the living room. And yet you didn't even bother to
check yourself in the mirror before presenting yourself to me. There
was and still is dust and lint on your uniform and your shoes have
smudge and scuff marks. Yet you don't seem to care, and so here you
are. Although at the rate you're going, I'm going to have to start
getting creative to avoid causing permanent damage.
By now he's trembling, as much from the strain of the position as from
fear. She returns carrying a wide strap and she holds it in front of
him and turns it for him to see. There's two 18 inch straps made of
black rubber attached to a sturdy wooden handle. Each at least 1/4 inch
thick and 3 inches wide. She lays it on his back so he can feel the
weight of it. "So, what do you think?" He begins to plead, stuttering
and stammering as his shoulders heave. "P-P-Please Ma'am. I promise
I'll do better, I swear.......I-I-I didn't mean too....I'm sorry...."
Tears start to well up in his eyes.
She places a hand on his shoulder. "It's O.K. dear, I know you'll do
better but I'm afraid there's no avoiding this." With that she hefts
the strap off his back and positions herself behind him. He starts to
squeal "Pleeeeeeeee......" as she brings the strap down hard on the
back of his stretched thighs. White blinding pain envelops him and he
tries to scream but the wind is knocked out of him as she lands the
strap again. His whole body convulses as all of his muscles tense.
Pulling quick breaths he manages to shout "Goddammit!" before the next
blow lands. Shaking his head violently as spit and mucous flow from his
mouth and nose. He starts to pull and twist violently at his bonds as
she repositions herself on his other side. "Wait...No,No,No,No........
"he cries as she lands the strap again. Two more blows later and he is
a quivering mess and she is wet between her legs. She leaves him sit
there to recover for while.
As the pain in his thighs fades, the pain in his shoulders surfaces.
He's not sure but he thinks he may have pulled a muscle or two from all
of his struggling. As he catches his breath anger also starts to
surface. He considers calling out to her and demanding that this be
done. He thinks better of it, realizing he's in no position to argue
right now. So he begins to think of when and realizes there won't be
any time that he's in position to argue. Anger swells up in him as he
thinks of the detective and the deal that she's made with him. He
thinks that if he could get his hands around her throat right now he
would strangle that bitch. Anger slowly turns to despair as he thinks
about his options and realizes he doesn't have any. What if he left
town he wondered. He's sure he could sell his house from a different
state, hire somebody. Then he remembers the lease. Maybe he could fight
that from out-of-state, but not likely. Okay he thinks, screw the
house, what does he have to do just to get the hell out of here. He
could still overpower her at some point. But then there's the problem
of the doors being locked and the windows gated. He could pry his way
out somehow, he's sure of that. But then what? What about clothes,
transportation, his car. He's confident that his car wouldn't start,
even if he could find the keys. She has taken to using the touchpad on
the driver's door to get into her car and leaves to keys inside. He
could smash the window and get the keys, but without the code he's sure
the car wouldn't start. That would leave him dressed like this and on
foot and without a dime to his name. He can't even be sure that he
still has a bank account. How the fuck was he's going to do this? Even
if he did, as the detective has access to national records, there's no
doubt that he could find him and considering the consequences there's
no way he could take that risk. So it's IF he can overpower her and IF
he can find a way out of the house and IF he can find some clothes and
IF he has the money to find a way out of the country and doing all this
with the knowledge that if it doesn't work, things can only get worse
for him. His other option is to go directly to the police, but how
would he explain all of this and would they listen, besides he couldn't
handle the embarrassment. He realizes the only way out is through her,
to get her sympathy, but he doubts she has any.....She did say she had
let the other maid go because she/he had "enjoyed it too much" He
wondered if he enjoyed it would she release him?
Meanwhile, she had slipped back into her bedroom and looks over at him,
bent and sobbing. She is spent, having brought herself to several
orgasms just a few minutes ago. Because of this she feels a pang of
guilt and a little remorse. Partly for the deception and for pushing
him so far and partly because it gets her off so much. She really
didn't feel too bad about all that's been said and done, because he's
living out his fantasy and she knows that on some level he's enjoying
much of this.
Things have changed though. A couple of weeks ago she had subjugated
him to a certain degree through half truths and deception, which she
actually considered part of the fun and part of the challenge. Most
recently having a friend of hers pose as her "new" maid, to show that
he could be replaced.
This had all really started as a way to indulge her sadistic streak
while getting some help around the house so that she could focus on her
work and build her business. Yet at the same time she knew her friend
who owns the club was planning on retiring in the near future, and
having him work there was a way to get on her good side as well as show
her that she could run the club without being there all the time. Back
then she thought she would make him feel trapped, and see how hard she
could push him, then let him adjust before backing off a bit. She
figured that way when her deceptions eventually broke down he may
choose to stay, despite her sadistic streak. But that was before she
had met the gentleman at the club.
The gentleman was all too real and quite serious. This was something he
had obsessed on and fantasized about for years and years and was an
itch he was never able to scratch. Not that he didn't try. He had tried
relationships with various queens, transgender, and cross dressers.
Some of them who also enjoyed Bd/Sm, but there was always something
missing. He wasn't attracted to men, yet he was much more attracted to
men dressed as women than women themselves. Trouble was as a dominant,
he didn't necessarily want them to enjoy it. There was just something
about a reluctant young male who looked good dressed ultra feminine.
He may not have the time at this point in his life, but he certainly
has the money.
To her this may have started as putting on a show at first, yet now
just a few short weeks later and she has much more resources. Whether
or not this poor thing hanging there knew it, what was a mind game was
about to become all too real. That was quite clear when he had cut her
a check for the first 6 months. $60,000.00 the remorse she had felt
fades as she thinks of being able to retire years earlier. And as she
stands there looking at him, bent over and helpless, exposed.....she
grows warm between her legs again. Stepping over to him she asks "are
you ready to go get yourself cleaned up?". He nods that he is. As she
loosens the rope at his elbows and unclips his ankles and collar she
says to him..."You continue to screw up and things like this are going
to continue to happen, understand?" She was surprised when he said "Yes
Ma'am, I know and I'll do better...." and once he's free, asks to be
Mincing into his room he stops at the full length mirror on the closet
door. He's taken aback at how he looks. The classic cliché' of a face
streaked with black tears from his mascara, lipstick smeared, hair
messed up.....He asks himself "How did I let this go so far?" Then
heads to the bathroom and washes his face before redoing his makeup. He
fixes his hair as he steels himself to go back out there. Finally
checking himself in the mirror again he takes a close look up and down
as he straightens his uniform and checks the seams on his stockings.
Remembering to check his shoes he grabs a washcloth and wipes any
scuffs off them. One last look and as deep a breath he can muster
through the corset, and he heads out.
She notices him enter and motions him over to where she is sitting on
the couch. She points to the floor and says "Kneel." He maneuvers
himself to his knees and she grabs the book that was on his head just a
short time ago. Resting the book atop his head, she threads the clover
clamps down the front of his uniform before once again attaching them
to his nipples. She then helps him to his feet. Looking him up and down
she says "You look nice...." A wave of relief washed over him, but it
didn't last long. She continued. "Here's what I want you to do now. Go
grab 2 of the large quart pitchers and a coffee cup, one of the small,
shallow ones. Leave one pitcher on the kitchen counter; bring the other
pitcher and the cup here." He walks to the kitchen, slowly even though
the book feels pretty stable on his head due to it's weight. Leaving
one pitcher behind, he brings the other and the cup to her. She sets
the pitcher on the coffee table in front of her. Turning to him she
holds the cup up to him." Do you see this blue rim around the top of
this cup?" "Yes, Ma'am." he answers taking note of the blue that covers
the top 1/8" of the cup." Well, what you're going to do is fill that
pitcher in the kitchen with water, place this cup on a serving tray,
then fill the cup so that the water touches this blue ring. Then you're
going to bring the tray and show it to me before you empty it into this
pitcher here. Lets see how you do." she held the cup out to him and he
tried to smile as he took it from her hand.
Having filled the pitcher, then the cup from it, he was disheartened by
the size difference between the two. On his first trip he realized just
how difficult presenting her the tray for inspection was going to be.
She made no effort to meet him part way, not even a tilt of the head.
He was forced to hold the tray as far forward and as low as he possibly
could, as well as bend at the waist. As he bent at the waist he had to
crane his head backwards as much as he could in order to keep the book
on his head from falling. On presenting the tray to her she noted
"You've spilt some.". He knew he had but she hadn't told him what to do
should he spill, so he had carried on. There was a short pause and as
he held himself in position he could feel the strain. Finally he chimed
in..."Yes Ma'am, I did. I just wasn't sure of what to do." She looks
away and waves him off saying."Well, it's below the blue line, so I'm
afraid it will have to go back." Finally able to straighten himself, he
heads back to the kitchen to top off the cup.
Over the next hour he manages to put about 15 out of 20 cups into the
pitcher, yet it only looks 1/3 of the way full at best. Then, just as
he's about to bend and present the tray to her, he stumbles. He can
feel the book sliding forward off his head and in his haste to correct
it he tips the tray forward. She is looking directly at him and time
seems frozen for a moment as he watches the cup tumble off the tray
heading directly for her lap. He's snapped out of it by the book
hitting the edge of the tray and tipping it out of his hands. His mind
screams "Noooo....." and as he watches the water spill into her lap,
the book runs out of chain. He shrieks as the clips yank at his chest
and he follows the book down to his knees. He could see a flash of
surprise and anger roll across her face. A chill runs through him and
as he tries to stammer out an apology. He begins to feel nauseous. She
interrupts him by saying "Well, are you going to get me a towel?" He
tries to rise but the book pulls again at his chest." Here, let me get
those for you." She says as she leans forward to remove the clips. He
groans through clenched teeth as the blood flows back. He gets back to
his feet, a bit lightheaded, and hurries off to get a towel.
Her expression changed from a frown to a broad smile as soon as he had
turned away. She saw that abject fear in his face when he stumbled, and
how his main concern was what her reaction would be. She could tell he
was starting to be conditioned, to accept his position. After all, she
had him carrying an undersized and overfilled cup on a tray, in
restrictive clothing and 6 inch heels, while balancing a book on his
head and he was concerned that he had messed up. Seeing his worried
eyes looking up at her she had become flush with excitement and seeing
him mince back to her with towel in hand only added to it. He got down
on his knees and began patting her lap with the towel as he apologized
again. She gave him a wry smile and guided one of his hands beneath her
skirt and to her now wet sex and says "I think we have a much more
important spill that needs to be cleaned up." She grabs a hold of his
other hand and as she leans forward smiling she casually brings both of
his hands to his waist. "Let's just get these out of the way for now."
she says as she deftly clips his wrists to his waist belt. She then
slowly lifts herself off the couch with one hand and hikes her skirt
above her waist with the other, all the while keeping eye contact with
him. Grabbing a cushion, she slides it beneath her and slowly grinds
her ass down into it. Kneeling there watching this he can feel his sex
start to stir and press against the chastity. She then hooks her heels
on the edge of the couch and licks her lips as she spreads her knees
and slides a hand behind his neck. She pulls his face to her as she
looks down at him smiling. He begins to eat earnestly and in response
she pulls him in closer, pressing him to her as she tips her head back.
As he continues to suck and lick, he starts to squirm and grind his
hips, hoping for some kind of friction or contact, but it's to no
avail. Each time she orgasms he can tell because she pulls him in extra
tight and his mouth fills with her fluid, and each time he's gasping
for breath by the time she let's him up. His balls seem to grow heavy
and start to ache in the chastity, and he lets out a whimper as he
helplessly grinds air.
After the better part of an hour she pushes him back on his haunches
and sits up, letting out a satisfied sigh. His balls ache and he can
feel pre-cum leaking from the chastity. He has to will himself to stop
grinding at the air with his hips, lest she see. He can feel her sex
drying on his face as he kneels there trying to catch his breath. She
looks down on him and a chill runs down her spine to right between her
legs. Seeing him kneeling there, his face distressed and smeared with
make-up and her fluids, his mouth open and breathing hard. His eyes are
closed and he seems to be swaying a bit.
She stands and he's startled when he feels her slip her hands beneath
his arms and helps him to his feet. He sways unsteadily, and as he
regains his balance she slips a hand beneath his skirt and feels all
the pre-cum surrounding the chastity. She clucks her tongue as she
slips a finger behind one side of the shield and along one side of his
sack. The contact causes him to moan and his eyes to roll back into his
head. She continues to probe behind the shield and he starts to
tremble. ."Awww poor dear...Your nuts must be getting pretty full from
all this excitement huh?" He nods and replies a raspy "Yes Ma'am." she
continues to probe behind the shield. "You want to cum, don't you?" His
voice breaks as he answers and he clears his throat to reply that yes,
he would. "Well, don't worry...It'll happen all by itself. And if it
doesn't, you're only a month or so away from being milked
anyways......" She then slips her hand out from beneath the petticoat
and he lets out a whine as his face contorts to a frown. She free's his
wrists as she chides "Now, Now, No pouting allowed. Go get yourself
cleaned up then get back out here and clean this mess up." And with
that she slaps him on the thigh and points to his room. His head spins
as he makes his way back to his room. As he fixes his make-up, the ache
in his balls slowly starts to subside, as does the steady flow of pre-
cum. He wipes himself dry, and then checks himself in the full length
mirror before heading out to the living room.
After presenting himself to her, he asks if they are done with the
pitcher and such. She says that they are and he collects them and heads
to the kitchen. After dropping them off he is walking back when the
doorbell rings. He stops in his tracks frozen and looks at her. She
raises an eyebrow and says "Well, aren't you going to get that?" He
looks down and raises the edges of his skirt as if to remind her what
he is wearing." But, Ma'am, I don't, I mean what about how I'm
dressed?" "What do you mean? You're dressed in your uniform as you
should be." She motions to the door with a sweep of her hand saying
"Don't make me ask you again." He walks to the door and timidly opens
the inner door to see a casually dressed middle aged woman beyond the
screen. She smiles and asks "Is the Lady of the house home?" He pauses
for a moment trying to overcome the embarrassment before replying "Yes
ma'am." Then just stands there. From the couch he hears her say "Don't
just stand there, invite her in!" He turns back to the lady standing
outside and stammers "p-p-please, come in." She steps inside as if
everything was perfectly normal, then turns her back to him as stands
there a moment. From the couch he hears her order, slightly irritated.
"Don't just stand there, offer to take her coat." then in a gentler
tone he hears "Please forgive her impoliteness, she's new." He offers
to take her coat, then helps her off with it. As he does this the lady
replies. "Oh no problem at all. I take it this is the one I'm here to
have a look at?" A lump rises in his throat as he drapes the coat over
one arm and he hears her reply "Yes, that's her. Please come in, have a
seat." He stands there stunned, but is snapped out of it by her telling
him to put the coat in the hall closet. As he does this he can feel
their eyes on him as they speak to each other in hushed tones and his
mind races wondering just what she meant by "look at". So much was
happening it was hard to keep track of in his mind.
After hanging the coat he returns, stopping at the entryway to the
living room where they sat on the couch, apparently waiting for him.
"Why don't you come here and have a seat dear...." She said motioning
to the floor next to her.
Once seated, he felt her hands at his neck, then at his elbows, and
finally at his ankles, unlocking the padlocks. "I won't need your
services for the rest of this evening, so off to bed with you. I'll
check on you in a minute." Somewhat relieved that he wasn't going to be
part of whatever activities they had planned, he excused himself and
headed back to his room. Walking down the hallway his eyes fall on the
garage door. He still has the ankle and wrist cuffs padlocked on, but
not the shoes and this is as free as he's been in weeks. He seriously
considers running, or at least checking to see if the door is open. He
knows that they're right in the other room and would probably hear if
he made a run for it. He decides against it thinking he has to be sure.
There's bound to be a better opportunity and he can't afford to get
caught. Instead he peeks between the door and the jam and can see that
the deadbolt isn't locked. His heart races as he thinks to himself
"maybe tonight.".
Just the thought of it has him shaking as he strips down from his
uniform, taking care to hang each item or deposit them in the hamper.
The bed envelops him when he slips under the covers. He tries to think
of how long it's been since he's slept in a bed and can't remember. The
tranquility is interrupted when she enters the room and turns on the
light. Leaning over the bed she folds the covers down as she says "Just
stopped to tuck you in.". Lifting his arms to tuck the sheet under his
arm, she nonchalantly and in one fluid motion she clips one wrist to
the corner of the bed, followed quickly by the other. Once his wrists
are secure she moves to his ankles, clipping them to the corners then
pulling them snug. Being half asleep and with it happening so quick, he
didn't have time to protest. He came to his senses when he saw the gag
and hood approach his face, guided by her hand. When he opens his mouth
to ask why she presses it into place then rolls the latex hood into
place over the back of his head. There are no eyeholes and he is
plunged into darkness. He hears the familiar hiss as the hood inflates
and grows tight on his face, then a distant "nighty, night.".
He sleeps in fits and starts visited by dreams of distant voices and
hands on his body, often not really sure if he's awake or not. Finally
he feels the mask deflate and the rush of light tells him he isn't
dreaming anymore. He's sore and stiff all over and upon trying to move
he feels himself still bound. Her face appears above him, shrouded in
light. He tries to speak, but his mouth is filled with the same gag.
She raised a finger to her lips before disappearing from his view. The
light hurt and he squinted for a while as he tried to come to his
senses. He wonders how long he's been out. There's a pillow that's been
slipped under his chin, but he looks around as best he can. He can tell
that he's still in his room, but not much else. Something is holding
his feet in a pointed position, yet it doesn't feel like shoes are on
his feet. He thinks about his sex and panics for a moment, before
realizing it's still intact. It just feels like he's wearing a gaff or
something that pulls it back between his legs. What is most
disconcerting is the tightness in his chest.
He's startled by her hopping up on the bed. She is seductively made up
and wearing a black leather bustier that accents her ample cleavage.
Throwing one leg over she straddles him, sitting on his stomach. "Wake
up sleepy head." She says looking down at him. Leaning forward on her
hands, she pushes herself back a little, her sex directly over his,
then presses into him a bit. He feels his sex stir, then become
uncomfortably tight in an odd way. Smiling down at him she says "C'mon
now, It's been 5 days! Don't you want to get up?" She leans farther
forward, just slightly pressing into his chest. He winces because of
how sore they are, the nipples incredibly tender and he can feel that
they've been pierced when she brushes up against them. A few inches
from his face she cracks a wry smile. "I bet you want to know what's
going on, don't you?"
He nods yes and she leans back saying; "Well, I guess there's no easy
way to tell you these things, so I'll just come right out with it. What
you're feeling on your feet are your new night braces. These were
custom fitted for you. They gradually increase your arch, as well as
shorten your tendons over time. This allows you to walk in higher heels
more comfortably and with better posture. Of course the only drawback
to that is you may have difficulty walking without heels."
Pausing a moment to steel herself for the next item.
"I know that wearing that chastity belt must be uncomfortable, but you
won't have to wear it anymore. Keep in mind, this is reversible. Your
testicals have been pushed back up inside your lower abdomen. Then a
small section of skin from your perineum was removed, as well as from
the head of your penis. Your penis was then pulled back between your
legs and grafted to your perineum about a half inch behind your rectum,
keeping your testes in place in the process. You'll still be able to
orgasm like this, but it will probably be uncomfortable and not very
fulfilling. Given the close proximity of your prostate to your testes
as well as the tip of your penis, any kind of anal stimulation will be
much more intense. As far as your little electric control box that was
on your chastity, that's up inside you alongside your nuts. This one
however, can give pain or pleasure by vibration alone. You see it's
resting right up against your prostate and your testes. One setting can
give a gentle pleasant stimulation, whereas maxing out that same
setting will cause it to go out of balance and slap around violently
against your most tender parts. I've been assured that it's the
equivalent to being kicked in the nuts repeatedly. The second setting
simply shorts it out causing it to overheat, just like the first one.
Just in case you're wondering, this functions from the remote control,
the electric fence as well as by cell phone. It's quite real, quite
nasty and it's sewn in place so it isn't going anywhere." She lifts a
controller the size of a car alarm fob. She presses a button and he
feels it, almost imperceptible. Then it builds. It's an odd mix of a
vibrator stimulating his prostate, which makes him grind his hips
combined with a vibrator on his balls which makes him want to squirm
away. Now it starts to rise and fall making him jerk sharply at the
crest from the stimulation. He feels his sex start to stir, then starts
to whimper from the pain of it not being fully healed. She shuts it off
and lets him settle down before telling him to brace himself. Pushing
another button he can feel it spin up. Then, like a kick, the wind is
knocked out of him and it feels as if someone had taken a rolling pin
and rolled it over his nuts. It had only lasted for a second, but now
he's struck with a fit of coughing, soon followed by a wave of nausea
and the room spinning.
She waits, allowing him to recover, then leans forward and wipes the
sweat from his brow. "There, there now. I had to do that in order to
show you how it felt. That way, hopefully, we won't have to use that
too often. Of course that was just a touch. If I ever have to activate
it by cellular, once it's on I have to hang up, call again, then type
in a different extension in order to stop it.
Lets continue. You've had laser hair removal on your face and from the
neck down, but you'll still need more treatments. And finally, you've
gotten these!" She pulls the pillow out from under his chin and tosses
it aside, revealing a pair of c cup breasts, the nipples pierced. All
he could do is look up at her and shake his head thinking "how could
she have done this?".
She wags a finger at him. "Now, now, let's not start with that again.
What we have going on here is way too important for me to allow you to
screw it up in any way. I know all the arguments already and I don't
want to hear them anymore. This isn't what either of us expected, but
there was no way I was going to turn it down. There is no going home
for you, you live here now and will serve me full time. Your
possessions have already been put into storage and your house leased to
your ex, who i'm sure will reassure anyone who might enquire about you
that you're . Of course whenever our benefactor is in town you will be
available to him. That should be about 2-3 times a month for 3-4 days
at a time. He has a nice secluded place, it's about 40 acres and gated.
He has a thing for the high fetish dress and look. You know, ultra high
heels, whorish makeup and he just loves girls like you. Even better, he
seriously gets off on the forced/captive/nonconsensual thing. When
serving him he has free reign to do anything he pleases with you. You
can try to reason with him if you want, but remember he's into the
whole forced thing also, so you'd probably just turn him on more."
She gets up off him saying. "It's up to you. I'll bet you'll probably
love most of this anyway, even though you won't admit it. Well, even
though he thinks you're ready as is, I say we've got some things to
work on. Mainly your make-up, dress and presentation. Also, you'll
probably want me, rather than him, to show you how to deep throat. I'll
leave you to your thoughts for a bit before we get started. You know,
you should really be thankful. You're one of the few people who get to
live their fantasy, you just no longer have a choice."
He lay there, staring at his new tits, not quite able to form a
coherent thought. Before he knew it she was back, carrying a large case
and garment bag. She hung the bag in the closet and set the case on the
vanity before approaching him again. He wanted to say something, he
just didn't know what. She undid his ankle and wrist cuffs, but not
before warning him not to cause trouble or give her any complaints,
going so far as to tell him." As a matter of fact, and until further
notice, unless you're asked a direct question that requires some other
answer, the only thing I want to hear from you is Yes Ma'am or No
Ma'am. If I hear anything else I'll beat you where you stand. Got it?"
He cleared his throat and replied "Yes Ma'am."
She walked over to the vanity and placing a hand on it, motioned him
into the high backed chair. He slowly sat up, his body stiff and sore,
although not as bad as he expected. Covering his breasts, partially
from some weird form of modesty, but mainly to stop them from moving,
he made his way to the chair. She swung the front of the case open to
both sides and extended the trays up on either side. Before him lay a
massive assortment of high quality makeup, nail products, skin
conditioners and toners, eyelashes, even colored contacts.
"This, of course, is your new makeup to go with your new wardrobe,
which you'll see soon enough." Pointing to the closet she says. "That
is a small part of it. It's also what you're expected to wear the first
time I take you there. First impressions being important, you're going
to take your time and get yourself ready as practice. Take all the time
you need, however I expect your makeup, nails, hair and clothes to be
immaculate. I'll check in on you from time to time, present yourself
when your done." She turns and leaves, on her way out she repeats
herself. "Immaculate. And remember, dress first."
He grabs the garment bag, lays it on the bed and unzips it. He's
greeted by a rush of pink and white. A full white petticoat and bright
pink maid's uniform. He was amazed at how soft they were and figured
they must be made of silk, much like the pair of black stockings he
also found. Holding it up he could tell it wouldn't make it halfway to
his knees. Setting them aside he saw the long curly neon pink wig and
the pink brocade underbust corset that looked way too small, 8 garters
hanging from it. A matching pink posture collar and a pair of pink
patent court shoes, the heels at least 6 inches with padlocking ankle
straps. Looking over the collar he can see the word "Bitch" has been
sewn into the front, and of course a padlock hasp in the back. He just
sits on the edge of the bed, bewildered. While there he explores the
changes made to him. The tits are just that, tits. He soon finds the
small incisions in his armpits where they went in. Of more concern to
him was what was done below the waist. Exploring with his fingers he
can feel his dick is still there, just pulled back as if he had tucked
it. He can feel his balls, just not with his hands and he can't see
them. He doesn't know if it was from the jolt or whatever the hell that
was, but he could feel they were tender and he felt pressure on them.
Probing with his fingers he can feel the head of his dick right where
his crack starts. It's tender there and although he can't feel any
stitches, he can feel it's attached.
He hears a sound, real or imaginary, in the hallway and turns his
attention back to the clothes. He checks the pockets of the bag and
finds a pink maids cap, a set of padlocking cuffs made from pink
leather and trimmed with lace. He also finds a laminated sheet. On it
is a drawing of a face, divided into sections and mapped out for
exactly how his makeup is to be applied as well as the colors to be
used. At the bottom it says the length his nails should be as well as
the color his nails and toenails should be. He sets this next to the
makeup case and starts comparing the color names on the sheet to those
on the makeup and they matched.
Feeling a little light headed he sits and looks around the room, then
down at his body, then around the room again. It all seems so surreal
to him, as if it's some kind of dream and he just hasn't woken up yet.
Between the confinement of the box, the restriction when he was out,
and now having been under for some time, he's lost track of how long
he's been here. He doesn't even know what time it is, and now that he
thinks about it he realises he hasn't even seen a clock in what must be
He's startled out of it by the sound of footsteps in the hallway.
Stepping into the corset with his eyes on the door, he grabs the loops
of the laces and begins to pull them tight. Wrenching his hands behind
him he gathers the laces as best he can, then bringing them around in
front he ties them off. Gathering one of the stockings in his hands, he
suddenly remembers he needs to do his toenails. Reading off the sheet
he grabs the neon pink polish from the case and carefully does both
feet. While waiting for them to dry he slips the uniform over his head
and zips it up in back. Looking in the mirror he can see the plunging
neckline shows a lot of cleavage, no matter how he adjusts it. To make
matters worse his nipples are clearly poking through the thin material.
The hemline isn't too bad, but he's not wearing the petticoat yet.
Grabbing the stockings again he slips them up each leg, being careful
not to snag them. He checks to make sure the backseams are straight as
he attaches the garters. Stepping into the short full petticoat he
pulls it up to his waist, this raises the edge of his skirt to only a
few inches below his ass cheeks. Grabbing the heels he removes the
padlocks from their posts with the keys that are already in them, then
slips his feet into them before padlocking the ankle straps in place.
It strikes him as odd how it almost seemed to relieve the strain he's
been feeling on his feet today. He wraps the apron around his waist and
ties it off, then sets the cuffs, cap, wig and collar aside until after
he does his face. Turning to the mirror he does his face according to
the laminated sheet, including a set of false eyelashes at least 3/4 of
an inch long. Slipping the wig over his head, he stands as he teases it
into place. Looking at himself he almost cracks a smile as his sex
stirs. "I look good!" he thinks to himself. Slippig a hand beneath his
petticoat he can feel that his sex is starting to swell. He's glad that
it still works and to a certain extent it kind of relieves what he has
felt as a pull on it. Of course his fingers on it only cause it to
swell more and it soon becomes uncomfortable again. He tries to take
his mind off it as he puts the cap on top of the wig. He's actually
smiling as he takes the locks off the cuffs posts and replaces them
once the cuffs are secure around his wrists. Removing the lock from the
collars post, he slips it around his neck. Holding his hair up with one
hand he padlocks it in place. It's quite snug around his neck and he
looks in the mirror to adjust it.
The smile is wiped from his face when he see's the word "Bitch" in bold
letters on the collar that is now locked around his neck. It reminds
him of the situation he's in as well as just what he's getting dressed
for, to be some perverts servant and playtoy. Someone he hasn't even
met as far as he knows. He's gripped by dispair as he sits back down to
do his nails. Thoughts rush through his head as he carefully glues the
false nails in place. Regrets for how he got here, anxiety for what's
to come, and how he's going to get out of it. As he paints his nails
his eyes drift down to the keys and rings that were with the padlocks.
He notices that there's 2 keys on the ring for the ankle straps and
cuffs and 3 keys on the ring for the collar. Holding them up he can see
that they're all keyed alike. He begins to feel queasy as he considers
taking one of the keys. Was it an oversight that they were left there?
is it some kind of trap that they're there? He pushes the thought out
of his mind, but when his thoughts turn again to a way out his eyes are
drawn back to them. If he does get away, he ain't getting far in these
heels. Keeping an eye on the door he slips one of the keys off the
ring. Now he wonders what to do with it. Opening one of the drawers on
the makeup case, he lifts a tray of colors out and puts the key beneath
it. His hand is shaking as he closes the drawer and he starts to
hyperventilate a bit before willing himself to calm down.
Finally he slips the gloves on and checks himself in the mirror. Makeup
looks o.k., seams straight, apron centered, hair in place, no scuffs on
his shoes. He steps out of the hallway and finds her in the living
room. She motions for him to come into the room, then spin around.
"My,my. Don't you look pretty. Come over here and turn around facing
away from me." He does and she tells him to put his hands behind his
back. She connects the wrist cuffs, then he feels her raise his skirt
and petticoat. Looking him over she runs a hand down one leg which
sends shivers down his spine. Dropping the petticoat she tells him to
turn around. Looking right at his chest, then cupping one in her hand
she says "Oh my! aren't these nice!" Then her eye catches something and
she runs her hand down the front of his uniform, stopping just above
his apron she asks "What's this?", then tugs on it. He looks down and
was about to ask what she meant when he felt the tug."Those are my
corset laces Ma'am. I tied them off in front because...." He is
interrupted by her clamping onto one of his nipples between her
fingers. "What did I ask?" a short pause, then she squeeses harder.
"Well?" Through clenched teeth he says "You asked what that was..." She
grabs ahold of the other nipple and squeeses both. "That's right, did i
ask anything else?" He struggles to think, she squeeses harder. "Well?
Did I?" Unable to think straight he asks... "Did you what Ma'am?" Then
realises what she's getting at and answers "No Ma'am.". She uses his
nipples to help her up before letting go. "That's right, all i asked is
what it was. I know why....It's because you're lazy. I stressed your
appearance was to be impeccable, and you chose to ignore me." He gets
as far as opening his mouth to disagree , but thinks the best of it and
instead just keeps his mouth shut.
She had disappeared into her bedroom and he just stood there, unsure of
what to do, but with a lump rising in his throat from thinking what she
might do.
He moves to the middle of the room and with his wrists still bound
behind him, get's to his knees and presses his forehead to the floor.
He stays in this position until she returns. When she does sweep back
into the room she almost steps on him, not expecting him to be there
but pleasantly suprised that he was. She stands there, her 4 inch pumps
a few inches from either side of his head. "What's this?" she asks."I
just wanted to say I'm sorry Ma'am. Please forgive me." "Why don't you
plant a kiss on the very tip of each of my shoes, then look up at me
and say what you have to say." He struggles for balance as he carefully
kisses the tip of each shoe, then comes up to his knees. Looking up at
her he can see that in one hand she is holding a largish butt plug and
a coil of rope. In her other hand is a white jar with blue and red
printing on it. He recognises it immediatley as a jar of icy hot. His
voice cracks as he pleads, and now that he's seen the jar in her hand,
he starts to shake.
She looks down at him on his knees, all in pink and pleading. He looks
as if he is about to cry and she can see him tremble. This in turn
makes her knees weak. She starts to toss the jar in the air and catch
it, over and over. "I don't know.......I was really looking forward to
watching you scream and cry when i stuffed this plug up your
ass......Then again I should probably take it easy on your ass.
Especially considering our gentleman friend called. He's in town and
wants you there tomorrow. Hmm......." Her tossing that jar up and down
makes him nervous and he shakes even more as he pleads. She can feel
herself growing flush with excitement. Setting the icy-hot and the plug
on the end table, she grabs a chair and sets it down in front of him.
Then taking one end of the rope and passing it through the front ring
on the collar, she then takes both ends and threads them beneath the
seat of the chair and over the back. Looping the end of the rope around
one hand, she sits on the edge of the chair, hikes up her skirt and
spreads her legs. Pulling down on the rope, he's pulled towards her
sex. She stops a few inches short and can feel his breath on her sex.
She squirms a bit as he kneels there, looking up at her. "Now just so
you know, I still kinda got my heart set on plugging you with the icy-
hot, then sitting back and watching you cry, and trust me, they all
cry." She pulls down on the rope and buries his face in her sex."Then
again, I want you in decent shape for tomorrow. Hmmmm.... I'll tell you
what. If you do a good enough job, I'll substitute 40 strokes with the
cane instead. If you do a really good job it'll be 10." She leans back
as he works his tongue. "And just so you have something to look forward
to, we'll take care of it as soon as you return." She pulls hard on the
rope as her first orgasm washes over her. An hour and several orgasm's
later, just before her last, she wraps a hand around the back of his
head and pulls herself upright. Grinding his face into her crotch she
tips her head down towards him. "Just to give you something to think
about, I'm not gonna tell you how you did, and to make sure you think
about it, when you get back here the first thing you're going to do
when you get inside is kneel in this exact same spot and remind me. If
you don't you're getting both the plug and the 80 strokes." She pulls
him even tighter as she orgasms one more time, then lets go of the rope
and pushes him off her. His jaw and tongue are cramped and sore, his
face smeared with her sex.
She smiles down at him for a moment, then checks her watch. "Well, It's
time for you to head off to bed. I want you to get a full 8 hrs of
sleep. Go undress and hang up your things for tomorrow. I'm assuming
you still have the keys. Then take a shower, clean yourself inside and
out. there's an enema bag under the sink. Then it's off to bed for
you." She motions for him to turn around and she unclips his wrists
from one another.. He rises unsteadily on the heels and walks back to
his room, feeling thoroughly used. Once in his room he undoes the
padlocks and strips his clothing off, careful to replace each item back
into the garment bag. Stepping into the shower, he tries to clear his
mind, but can't seem to get past the fact that she wants him to remind
her to punish him. He shakes his head and reaches for the soap, then he
remembers she had said clean inside and out. Reaching under the sink he
removes the bag and fills it from the shower head. Then kneeling in the
shower he lets the bag empty into him before turning the shower off and
hurrying to the toilet. Fifteen minutes later he's back in the shower
soaping up. He can't help but linger on his chest and crotch. They feel
so foreign, and he wonders what it will take to get him back to normal
again when this is all over. He steps out of the shower and towels off,
then tossing the towel over one shoulder he casually steps out of the
bathroom and into his room.
He's startled to see her sitting on the edge of the bed and pulls the
towel down around him trying to cover himself. She waves her hand in
the air, as if brushing him off. "C'mon now, no need to be modest." She
holds up a corset in her other hand. "I just came in to drop this off
and tuck you in. Come over here and turn around." She slipped a plain
fabric corset around him, explaining that this was his "sleeping
corset" and that this was to be worn to bed every night as part of his
corset training. Once finished she told him to lay in bed, face up and
to spread his arms and legs. Reaching behind the headboard she brings
out a buckle strap and secures one wrist then the other. He looks up at
her confused. Next she brings out a pair of braces. Each one consists
of two rods roughly 18" long joined together by a wooden dowel on one
end and another about 6" further down. She slips his foot between the
dowels so that one rests on the top of his foot just behind his toes
and the other rests underneath, in the arch of his foot. She then
rotates the brace so it's in line with his leg, forcing his foot into a
pointed position. The open end then gets strapped in place just below
the knee, holding his feet in the pointed position. On the front dowel
of each is a eyebolt, she uses these to attach a clip and pull each leg
tight. She explains to him that these are to help him develop a higher
arch, which will ultimatley make it easier to wear the extreme heels
that are required of him. What she doesn't mention is that in time this
will make anything with less than a 3" heel uncomfortable.
Once finished she pulls the covers up to his chin and wishes him a good
night, telling him not to worry about the alarm. She would be in to
wake him in the morning. And with that she turns off the light and
closes the door behind her. He's tired... too tired to think about
anything really and despite his present position he quickly falls
to be continued...
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